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Archive for the ‘psychology’
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Assisted Dying

Topic: Assisted Dying (400 - 600 words) There are many people who have disagreements with Canada’s new legislation regarding assisted deaths. Some think it allows too much (that is, they believe it should be made harder or even impossible for a healthcare provider to assist death) which others believe it doesn’t go far enough (that is, they believe it overly limits who can ask for an assisted death).Your task is to take one of these two positions (i.e., either it goes too far or does not go far enough), and present an argument that is well-structured, convincing, and efficiently written to support your claims. You should reference scientific research and use compelling logic to justify your stance. Do not try to take on too much in this assignment -- focus on one small, specific issue related to this debate.

CRJS 4102 500 Words Minimum, Discussion Question

Discuss topic of heredity and crime.  What does the research show?  What are some of the weaknesses of the research in this area? 2.      Discuss the topic of chromosomes, genes, and crime.  What does the research show? What are some of the weaknesses of the research in this area?  Please fill free to use the Internet to find more information on this topic. 3.      Please discuss the concept of evolution and crime.  Be sure to discuss Lombroso’s theory of Atavism.  What does the research show?  What are some of the weaknesses of the research in this area? 4.      Please discuss attachment theory and family interventions used to reduce delinquent behavior. 5.      Please discuss the how the following social variables may be predictors of criminal behavior: school, neighborhood, work, and leisure. Your initial post should be over 500 words

CRJS 4102 Assignment. Serious inquires only

Review the article, "Offender Risk Assessment." Focus on the specific risk assessment tests that are frequently used to predict crime and violence. Think about the strengths and limitations of these tools to predict criminal behavior and classify different types of criminals.
  • Select two standardized assessment tests that are used to predict criminal behavior and classify criminals. Reflect on the similarities and differences between these two risk assessments tools, as well as on their strengths and limitations.
The assignment (2–3 pages):
  • Compare and contrast the two standardized assessments you selected.
  • Explain at least one strength and one limitation of each assessment in terms of the accuracy with which each predicts criminal behavior and classifies criminals.
  • Explain at least one insight you had or conclusion you drew about assessing the dangerousness of criminals as a result of completing this assignment.<

Emotional Disorders

Psychological disorders of childhood and adolescence are organized into various categories. One of these categories is emotional disorders. This category includes mood-related, depressive, and anxiety-related disorders. Using the module readings, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research emotional disorders. Review the four cases related to emotional disorders Then, complete the following:
  • Analyze the cases described in the provided document carefully, with a focus on the symptoms demonstrated by each child or adolescent.
  • Select two cases from the list in the document.
  • Identify which emotional disorder is the most likely diagnosis for each case you have selected. The list of possible disorders is below:
    • Major depressive disorder
    • Bipolar disorder
    • Generalized anxiety disorder
    • Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
    • Separation anxiety di

Case Study of Behavioral Disorders

In this assignment, you will analyze a fictional scenario and identify the possible disorders involved. All the information needed for this assignment can be found in the textbook. Review the following vignettes:

Behavioral Disorder—Male Vignette

Joe, a thirteen-year-old Asian-American boy, is enrolled in ninth grade at a public high school located in the inner city of a large metropolitan area. Since kindergarten, his teachers have reported increasing levels of concern about his behavior. In elementary school, he was described by his teachers as immature and argumentative with authority figures. In middle school, his behavior escalated to include verbal and physical aggression toward classmates.

Recent reports indicate that he disrupts the classroom often by arguing with his teacher, talking excessively and loudly, and disobey

Physical Development Activities

This week we begin working on elements that will become part of your final assignment: a Community Child Development Center Proposal.  If you have not already done so, go to the week five assignment tab and thoroughly review the instructions for creating the proposal.  This week, you will be creating three activities that will become part of the Infant Room, the Toddler Room, and the Middle/Late Childhood Room of your center. Prior to beginning this assignment, read Modules 4 and 5, the Oswalt article, and watch the two assigned videos on physical development: 


Discussion 1: Relationship Between Purpose of Study and Data Analysis Techniques   In order to make decisions about the value of any research study for practice, it is important to understand the general processes involved in analyzing research data. By now, you have examined enough research studies to be aware that there are some common ways that data are reported and summarized in research studies. For example, the sample is often described by numbers of participants and by certain characteristics of those participants that help us determine how representative the sample is of a population. The information about the sample is commonly reported in tables and graphs, making use of frequency distributions, measures of central tendency, and dispersion. Information about the variables (or concepts) of interest when quantified are also reported in similar manner.   Although the actual data analysis takes place after data have been collected, from the initial

Ethics as they relate to criminal profiling

Final Project -  Criminal Profiling and how ethics apply to this profession using the code of ethics and specialty guidelines for forensic psychologists by the american psychological associaion. Final Project Guidelines The Final Project is due by Day 3 of Week 11. A superior Final Project demonstrates breadth and depth of knowledge and critical thinking appropriate for graduate-level scholarship. The paper must follow APA Publication Manual guidelines and be free of typographical, spelling, and grammatical errors. The paper should be 10–15 pages, not counting the title page, abstract, or references. Please note that quantity does not always correspond to quality, and a well-written Final Project th

Week 3:Attribution, Reactance, and Equity Theory

Complete 2 (of the 3) chapter ending exercises (on Attribution, Reactance, and/or Equity Theory) on your own (do not post your answers!).  Then, title your post accordingly (Attribution, Reactance, or Equity Theory, or a combination), writing up what you have learned about yourself that is novel from these exercises. Note; you do not need to write up what you learned from both of your personal excercises, although you may. You may choose to share from only one, or both

Clinical Psychology help

Need a very detailed 700 word Professional Interview and Response paper   Provide at least 3 peer-reviewed sources and an Introduction and conclusion.