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Archive for the ‘psychology’
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Unit 9 Journal Prompt

Having learned about the most common types of documents professionals write in their careers, discuss what you think you will you be writing on the job when you are a professional in your career field--what TYPES of documents and on what kinds of subjects. Use the following questions to help you write your response: Why are writing and research skills important to your career success? What might you need to do to make sure you understand writing expectations in your field and how can you make sure your documents follow formatting expectations and are effectively written? Feel free to research more information on writing in your field of study.

Views on Diversity

Views on Diversity

Pablo believes that diversity is the most important issue in our culture, and that it is greatly underemphasized. On the other hand, Ralph rarely thinks of diversity, except when it is mentioned in the workplace. Monica is sensitized to multicultural issues because her parents are immigrants who still struggle with discrimination after being here for 20 years. To obtain a cross-section of what people think about diversity, conduct five-minute interviews with three individuals you don't know well, and assess their views on diversity. You have been provided an Informed Consent document for the respondents to sign along with verbally consenting to participate in this assignment. This is to enable that the respondents demonstrate a clear

Assignment 3: Views on Diversity

Pablo believes that diversity is the most important issue in our culture, and that it is greatly underemphasized. On the other hand, Ralph rarely thinks of diversity, except when it is mentioned in the workplace. Monica is sensitized to multicultural issues because her parents are immigrants who still struggle with discrimination after being here for 20 years. To obtain a cross-section of what people think about diversity, conduct five-minute interviews with three individuals you don't know well, and assess their views on diversity. You have been provided an Informed Consent document for the respondents to sign along with verbally consenting to participate in this assignment. This is to enable that the respondents demonstrate a clear understanding of the meaning and purpose of this assignment. While

PSY 335 Week 2 Assignment Descriptive Research Methods Worksheet

Descriptive Research Methods Worksheet   Watch the "Nonexperimental Research Methods in Psychology" video located in this week's Electronic Reserve Readings. http:/ /fod.infobase.com/p_ViewVideo.aspx?xtid=40124   Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Descriptive Methods Worksheet. Make sure to answer the questions comprehensively. Be sure to cite the source.   Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.   Descriptive Research Methods Worksheet   Please list 5 research methods that you have reviewed from the book or video in the chart below. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages a researcher should consider when determining which methods to use.  
Research Methods Advantages Disadvantages

Assignment 2: LASA 1: Development Throughout the Lifespan

Erikson and Freud are two of the few theorists who have developed a lifespan approach to development. Freud’s approach to development was psychosexual while Erikson’s was psychosocial. Even though Freud’s theory is better known, Erikson’s theory remains a leading and very much applied model in personality and developmental psychology today. When considering these two stage-oriented theories, you can directly compare the majority of their stages. These are matched in the following table:
Approximate Age Freud's Stages of Psychosexual Development Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial development
Infancy (Birth to 1 year) Oral stage Trust versus mistrust
Early childhood (1–3 years) Anal stage Autonomy versus doubt
Preschool (3–6 years) Phallic stage Initiative vers

PSY301 Assignment 2 Community Prevention Program

After hearing that a neighbor’s child, Jeremy, age seven, was sexually assaulted in the local park, the parents of Cherry Hill township decide that their community needs a program to prevent sexual abuse of their children in the future. 1.      Prepare a presentation for the parents, providing pertinent information they might like to include in a Sexual Assault Prevention program aimed at the children in their community. 2.      Suggest the psycho educational and supportive approaches that can be effectively used at the community level, such as in community centers, schools, and social service agencies, to provide this information to the children. 3.      Address issues of gender, diversity, and ethics in your presentation.   Submit your PowerPoint presentation to the W2: Assignment 2 Drop box. Your response should be at least 5 - 6 slides and include speaker notes for each slide. In addition, make sure you have included a title slide and a reference slide

Complete two recording instruments

For this assignment, complete a Frequency Data Sheet and a Duration Data Sheet using datasets provided for you via graphs. You will use the recording forms (that is, Frequency Data Form, Duration Data Form, Interval and Time Sampling Data Form, and Behavior Frequency Record and Graph) you reviewed earlier. These forms are provided again in the Resources, along with samples of the completed forms. Frequency Data Sheet Locate Figure 2-2 on page 28 of your Miltenberger text. Convert or transfer the data presented in the A-B graph to your Frequency Data Sheet, as if it were the original source used to create that graph. That is, you are working backwards by recreating the sheet that would have been used to generate this graph. Be sure to indicate if an individual date is recording baseline or treatment data by typing a B or a T on each line respectively. You may alternatively choose to leave a line date row blank to show that change in phase. However, please still make a notation about th

ADHD in children and maternal stress

Hi, thanks for writing the literature review section. I still have some troubles as the School changes my chair and now I have to change the method of collecting data from qualitative into quasi experiment. I will uplaod the entire paper if you dont mind to take a look at what they are asking me to change. I would like you to help me write these sections. I am investigating the phenomen of maternal stress during the first trimester and the appearnce of ADHD in children around age 5. I will conduct the study at the local clinic. they will provide me with children at age 5 already diagnosed by the clinic with this disorder. All I have to do is to give the survey questions to their mothers to fill it out. They want a nomial scale 1-7 to measure the following: exposure to stress, intensity, frequecny of the exposure to stress, duration, first tiemester of the mother and the Child's ADHD disorder. Please create a survey questions that tackle these themes ( I created open ended questionas an

Critical Analysis of Digit Ratio and Spatial Cognitive Ability

The task for this Research Report is to analyse the data provided. You will then need to write a research report on these data. The research project was designed so that the following topics • Measuring & Describing Variables & Validity, • Samples, Populations & The Normal Distribution (z-tests) • The Central Limit Theorem & Hypothesis Testing • Experimental Design & Analysis • Correlational Research Methods & Correlation Analysis are relevant to analysing the data. Documents required for this task (DATA plus articles) are attached. These can be also be accessed via: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8GpxO9yeoS1Mlpzd1RBd1UzRzQ Hi, Thank you for your email. I've attached a link to the google drive where the documents relevant to the task. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0

Research and Critique an Experimental Study

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, be sure to have read all the required resources for the week. Find an experimental research study on the topic chosen in Week One for your Final Research Proposal. You may choose to include an experimental study which was included in the literature review you used in the Week One assignment by searching the reference list for experimental research studies on the topic. However, it is also acceptable to find and include an experimental research study on the topic that is not included in that literature review. Identify the specific experimental research design used in the study. Summarize the main points of the experimental research study including information on the hypothesis, sampling strategy, research design, statistical analysis, results, and conclusion(s). Evaluate the published experimental research study focusing on and identifying the specific threats to validity that apply to the chosen study. Explain whether or not these threats