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Archive for the ‘psychology’
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ADHD in children and maternal stress

Hi, thanks for writing the literature review section. I still have some troubles as the School changes my chair and now I have to change the method of collecting data from qualitative into quasi experiment. I will uplaod the entire paper if you dont mind to take a look at what they are asking me to change. I would like you to help me write these sections. I am investigating the phenomen of maternal stress during the first trimester and the appearnce of ADHD in children around age 5. I will conduct the study at the local clinic. they will provide me with children at age 5 already diagnosed by the clinic with this disorder. All I have to do is to give the survey questions to their mothers to fill it out. They want a nomial scale 1-7 to measure the following: exposure to stress, intensity, frequecny of the exposure to stress, duration, first tiemester of the mother and the Child's ADHD disorder. Please create a survey questions that tackle these themes ( I created open ended questionas an

Critical Analysis of Digit Ratio and Spatial Cognitive Ability

The task for this Research Report is to analyse the data provided. You will then need to write a research report on these data. The research project was designed so that the following topics • Measuring & Describing Variables & Validity, • Samples, Populations & The Normal Distribution (z-tests) • The Central Limit Theorem & Hypothesis Testing • Experimental Design & Analysis • Correlational Research Methods & Correlation Analysis are relevant to analysing the data. Documents required for this task (DATA plus articles) are attached.

Critical Movie REVIEW

Assignment ( 11 ) Watch a movie (in theatre, DVD, or video) or television program portraying a family and critically evaluate the family dynamic. You should include the following components in your analysis:          Briefly describe the plot.          Describe the lead characters. Include a description of the values that each character places on the family.          Using at least one of the models presented in the text, describe and evaluate the family dynamics portrayed in the movie or television program. Be specific about the model you are using.          Describe any cultural issues or aspects portrayed in the family.

six different thinking skills

There always seems to be a lot of public discussion about how to improve people’s “thinking” skills – and recently , “21st Century Skills” has become a popular term to contrast them to a bunch of facts to be memorized (presumably back in the “old” 20th Century). However, different people seem to have different ideas about what thinking skills are important. From the material covered in this course, propose at least six different kinds of thinking skills (you will find them under several sections of the course) that you think are important. Specifically: 1. Describe the six different kinds of thinking skills 2. Give at least two examples illustrating each type of thinking skill 3. For each type of thinking skill, describe why you think it is particularly important to master 4. Reference at least two different studies from the course about each thinking skill 5. Describe how you think people would best learn to master each type of thinking skill, citing material from

Scientific Merit Paper

This research paper is based on an article that my professor already approved. I will upload the details of the paper and the article.

case study

Psychiatric Diagnosis

For this assignment, students will investigate and propose a psychiatric diagnosis based on the case study from the Gorenstein and Comer (2015) textbook Case Studies in Abnormal Psychology, chosen in the Week One “Initial Call” discussion. This paper will include an in-depth overview of the disorder(s) within the diagnosis, treatment options for the diagnosis, and a sound rationale that explains why this diagnosis was made. Note that the diagnosis may include more than one psychiatric disorder. The paper must present a thorough overview of each disorder within the diagnosis. Assume the audience has no prior knowledge of the disorder(s) within the diagnosis, and provide relevant and easy to understand explanations of each for the readers. When writing the paper, it is critical to convey all the necessary information in a straightforward manner using non-technical language. (Reference the Professional Voice and Writing resource provided by the Ashford Writing Center for assistance.)

Scientific Merit Paper

This research paper is based on an article that my professor already approved. I will upload the details of the paper and the article.

Personality Assessment

Write a 750-1,000-word essay using the theories of Jung and Gardner to describe your top three strengths and how these will help you be a better student. Review any of the readings and/or videos listed for this week to support your ideas. Remember, you need to use at least three to four sources. Describe the theories of Jung and Gardner. Using the theories of Jung and Gardner, identify your top three strengths. Select two other participants and identify/assess their top three strengths, based on results from the Jung Typology Test. These participants need to be individuals whose behavior you are familiar with. The participants can be family, friends, and/or co-workers. Using your results and the results of the two participants, describe your top three strengths and how they are similar or different from the two participants. Discuss why the similarities and differences are important to know and understand. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guid


There are supposed to be 12 questions altogether but I only have 2 available right now. ---Please upload Questions 1 and 2 so I can access the next 2 questions and send them through to you . ---Please reference each question separately and put the references for each at end of each question instead of in a reference list at the end. ---Please upload each 2 questions as a draft until I have given you all 12. ---Please note each answer will be about 120-130 words but as long as the question is answered accurately you can stick to lower word count These are the first 2 questions. Once you upload these, I will provide next 2 questions. Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: What makes a child one who misbehaves vs. one who has an emotional/behavioral disorder? Given the information in the class lesson, list some factors that distinguish normal children misbehaving with children who have a serious problem. (100 words). Cross-Cultural Communication: In at least 200 words and using your own wor