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Archive for the ‘Research’
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T he portfolio assessment

portfolio assessment Order type: Research Paper Need peer reviewed journal articles as sources-- no abstract-- bibliography -- or table of contents needed Discuss the purpose of portfolio assessment and how they can be used in training and education. ?Discuss how portfolio assessments might be used in corporate training, higher education, and K?12. ?Discuss how portfolios would be used during student presence in a program that lasts several years. PLACE AN ORDER TODAY &  GET 15% DISCOUNT (CODE G A C 15 )  

Education and its variables

Education Order type: Research Paper Base on the last order, particularly talk about the education and the variables. PLACE AN ORDER TODAY & GET 15 % DIS COUNT (CODE G A C 15 )

The Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal Communication Type of document: Research Paper Give examples that relate Cto dealing with clients/coworkers in a hospital setting: like discharging a surgical patient, euthanasia, and so on. PLACE AN ORDER TODAY & GET 15 % DISCOUNT (CODE G A C 15)  

Oil reservoir heterogeneity

Oil reservoir heterogeneity Order type: Research Paper Write one academic page based on the topic above PLACE AN ORDER TODAY & GET 15 % DISCOUNT (CODE G A C 15 )  

Planning Negotiations-Research Paper

Details: ** INSTRUCTIONS: Using the same negotiation scenario as in the attached Research Paper entitled, “BUS340 Pre-negotiation Objectives and Negotiation Plan.Felecia Samuel” (I WILL PROVIDE THE PREVIOUS RESEARCH PAPER THAT WAS DONE AS PART TWO OF THIS ASSIGNMENT). ** FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Using that scenario, you are now to write a four (4) page paper that addresses: 1. Determine how you would rehearse the negotiation plan. 2. Prepare an agenda for the negotiation session. 3. Determine the tactic(s) you will use and explain why you chose the ones you did. 4. Anticipate challenges you will encounter and explain what measures you will take to counteract them. The format of the report is to be as follows: o Typed, double spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one inch margins on all sides, APA format. o Use headers for each of the subjects being covered, followed by your response. o Include at least three (3) references (no more than three years old) from material outside th

Research Methods-Coursework

Order Description Part A (1) Quantitative Analysis -    For the auction you have been assigned, quantitatively describe the auction results using the tools you have learnt in the Research Methods unit -    Analyse and interpret your findings. (2) Qualitative Analysis Part B -    Consider how a qualitative analysis might enable you to contextualise the auction you have been assigned and its results -    Provide a brief research plan of the qualitative methods you would use to further your understanding of these auction results and why they were achieved. Select at least one other auction (of your choice) to compare with your assigned auction and complete the following: (3) Comparative Analysis - - - - Compete Sections 1 and 2 on the subsequent auction(s) as with your first auction Analyse and discuss the auctions in relation to each other Consider how your findings have changed in the light of the comparative analysis Justify your choices throughout

Capitalism, Environmentalism, and Responsibility-Research papewr

Application 1: Analysis and Synthesis of Prior Research Use APA format and prepare an academic paper of 7-9 pages. This analysis will be an open-ended introduction to explaining how Capitalism, Environmentalism, and Responsibility can be modeled and implemented in organizational settings. Your goal is to persuade your discussants that the approach(es) you have analyzed and synthesized are a sound means for becoming a socially conscious leader. You should acknowledge that there are other models, or means to study leaders and their use of social consciousness, but you should strive to be as persuasive as possible that the specific concepts you have reviewed are exciting research avenues and that they are potentially breakthrough areas in the understanding of how socially conscious leadership contributes to organizational effectiveness in a systems context. You may also consider how the system itself contributes to the inability of a leader to act in a way that furthers the application of

Education- Research Paper

Order Description base on the last order, particularly talk about the education and the variables. format plz include: abstract, introduction, body, data analysis( data sources, definition of variables, data manipulation), estimated regression model( regression model, hypothesis test), conclusion. plz give me the raw data and descriptive statistic, regression result which are not include in the 10 pages. Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW

Negative Temperature Coefficients (NTC)-Research paper

Many types of sensors have a nonlinear response. This limits both the range and accuracy of measurement. Analogue circuits can be used to compensate for the nonlinearity of the sensor. These circuits can be complex and inadequate to cope in many situations. There are a number of software techniques that can be used to compensate, more effectively, for the nonlinearities of sensors. These can rely on developing an accurate model for the sensor. In this task you are required to explore different software based techniques to compensate for the nonlinearities of a negative temperature coefficient (NTC) resistor sensor and select one appropriate technique and justify your choice. A good literature review is required. Demonstrate your solution using LabView and/or Matlab by fully building a hardware prototype which incorporates an NTC temperature sensor. You are required to evaluate, in detail, the improved accuracy of the sensor. You need to submit a written report detailing the following

Semiotics (advertising) – Research paper

The process of writing this paper should lead the writer to look deeply into an ad and by extension, come to a better understanding of advertising as a social and discursive practice. You are urged to use a print ad but if you want to analyze a television ad, you must provide a link to the ad. You can use magazine ads or find TV ads on YouTube. Please attach print ads to your papers or provide a URL. This analysis should demonstrate an understanding of the Marx, Williamson and Goldman readings and apply some of their ideas and concerns to your own analysis. Your task is to demonstrate that you have done the readings carefully, that you understand (or are attempting to understand) the author’s central arguments and major points, and, most importantly, that you can apply those ideas and critical approaches to your own analysis of an ad. These short essays should be in formal prose and include a bibliography or works cited page. You are not required to do outside research.Your best str