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Archive for the ‘Social Science’
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Mass incarceration and the prison industrial complex

Choose an ethical issue to write about. You may choose from the list below, or, with approval from the instructor, select a different socially-relevant topic. It is recommended that you choose a topic that you are familiar with or that you have some interest in exploring further. For the purposes of this paper, your topic should pertain to a current area of interest in the news and/or government policy forums. Possible Issues Corporate executive compensation Corporate contributions to political campaigns Human trafficking Mass incarceration and the prison industrial complex The media and their responsibilities Domestic surveillance Whistleblowing in government or in a business Religion in the workplace Ethical problems of gambling Progressive taxation rates Immigration reform in the U.S. and/or abroad Women’s equality In your paper, you will apply ethical theories and perspectives to the issue that you select. You do not have to use all six, but you should apply at least two ethical

Reflection Document

Cultural competency begins with an understanding of self. This assignment is intended to allow you an opportunity to reflect upon your own worldview. Our opinions are influenced by input from familial, religious, educational, and a multitude of other sources. For this project, consider primarily the familial component and write a 4–5-page assessment of your own familial culture. The paper must address similarities and differences between your own culture and other major cultural groups to be studied in the course. Our upbringing is often the source of our personal biases and prejudices; therefore, you should pay particular attention to sources of personal bias and prejudice toward people of other cultures. Jesus told us to “love your neighbor as yourself.”  Yet, intercultural differences frequently give rise to misunderstandings and conflict. You must also investigate ways to minimize the impact of their cultural biases when providing public health services to others. No referen

Social Class System

write an 8–10 page academic paper on a topic, approved by the instructor, relevant to the course subject matter. The paper must strictly follow the format provided in the assignment, cover all aspects/sections listed, adhere to proper grammar, word usage and sentence structure principles, provide clear and cohesive articulation of the relevant principles and concepts, include critical analysis and objective conclusions, and follow APA style format. At least 5 external (other than the required text) sources must be cited and referenced, three of which must be peer-reviewed articles from academic journals. The title page, abstract, table of contents, reference section and any ancillary pages are not included in the 8 – 10 page count. The paper must be written in 12-point Times New Roman font, double spaced with one inch margins

Behavioral Document

  Topic: Behavioral Determinants Non Hispanic or Latin A 400 words document, although this assignment has no requirement to access or research literature, consultation with sources beyond the texts may prove beneficial. AMA Style Behavior patterns tend to distinguish one cultural group from every other group. These cultural differences make each new country we visit a little different from the all the others. Cultural behaviors are those behaviors that everyone in a particular group of people has in common with each other. They also set the group apart from every other group. However, because of universal behavior, not everything about people in a new culture is going to be different; some of what is already known about human behavior will apply in a host country. For example, different cultural groups employ different utensils to take a meal, but all people chew their food. The use of a fork as opposed to cho

Cultural Anthropology

  The Country is Tonga       Since the Tower of Babel, people have been naturally suspicious of others who are different from themselves. Language, in fact, continues to be a critical element of culture. For this assignment, you will choose a geographic cultural group from a selection of offerings. In the preparation of the paper, assume it is to be presented to the Liberty Health Mission Board considering funding a health initiative to the chosen cultural group. The board consists of highly educated health professionals but needs solid background information on the culture before committing funds. You will research the chosen culture and identify culturally related health barriers and risks.       In other words, identify and evaluate culturally determined limitations, beliefs and practices which 1) hinder the group from adapting better health practices or which 2) actually create a risk to the health of the population. Your

Foundations of Mythology

600 word paper covering:   How is the word myth used popularly? For example, what does the statement, "It's a myth" mean? How is the word myth used in the academic context? Write a definition for "Myth" in your own words. What are the most common mythological themes across different cultures? Why do myths from different cultures around the world address such similar or universal themes? Do we see the same themes in today's myths? Think about how myths explain the unknown and the tribulations of mankind.   APA Guideline with citations

SOC 300 Assignment 1 The Effects of War and Peace on Foreign Aid

SOC 300 Assignment 1 The Effects of War and Peace on Foreign Aid Assignment 1: The Effects of War and Peace on Foreign Aid Due Week 4 and worth 200 points Use the Internet to research one (1) developing nation of your choice. Your research should include an examination of the effects that war and peace have on the distribution of foreign aid, as well as the material covered by the Webtext and lectures in Weeks 1 through 3. Write a three to four (3-4) page research paper in which you: Assess the positive and negative effects that peace and war, respectively, have on the distribution of foreign aid in the developing country that you have selected. Support your response with concrete examples of each of the results that you have cited. Analyze the specific actions that the leadership of the selected country has taken, through the use of its foreign aid from donor nations and international lending institutions, to relieve the severe problems caused by warfare. Discuss whether or not t

ETH 321 Week 5 Discrimination and Employment Laws

Read the "Sidebar 20.6" in Ch. 20 of the text.  

Write paper of 700- to 1,050-words in which you analyze the sexual harassment issues presented in scenario.

  • Analyze each of the elements of this case: the applicable defenses and the basis for the court's ruling.
  • Analyze the possible liability in this case if the sexual harasser(s) were an independent contractor versus an employee.

Cite to at least three peer-reviewed sources.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

Liestening Skills

Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Student Listening Inventory.   Write a 650-900-word paper discussing the following:
  • Analyze your results for the Student Listening Inventory.
  • What do you do well?
  • What can you improve on?
  • What changes can you make in your behavior to become a better listener?
What results do you expect to get from this change? Support your essay by connecting to the Beebe and Masterson reading material and citing in APA form. Remember, the Center for Writing Excellence has a helpful guide for citing and can be found here: https://ecampus.phoenix.edu/classroom/ic/cwe/TutorialsAndGuides.aspx

criminal justice discussion questions.

400 words. Leadership in Contemporary Criminal Justice Environments Are out-groups always negative? Are there positive aspects to out-groups? Give some examples. Here is the definition from textbook: "In the criminal justice field, out-groups have traditionally been composed of anyone who was not a white, heterosexual male. The expansion of the field to include people of color, gender differences, and alternative voices has enriched the criminal justice field and made it more relevant and responsive to the communities it serves"     400 words. A criminal defendant who claims legal insanity as an excuse for an offense is often highly scrutinized, especially in the case of a violent crime. There are currently four tests to determine legal insanity: 1) M’Naghten, 2) irresistible impulse, 3) Durham product, and 4) American Law Institute, Model Penal Code standard. Which of these four tests do you thin