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Archive for the ‘sociology’
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social stratificationsocial stratification

What is “social stratification” and how is it a social problem? What are the impacts of social stratification? Provide 2 specific examples with support related to the larger society and then provide at least 2 examples of how social stratification has tangibly impacted your life for better or worse. What would happen if all the wealth in the US was redistributed in the world? Who would oppose or support this notion? Why? Be specific. If it were possible, what would be the short and long term impact? Explain.

illegal immigration

take a pro illeagal immigration stance try to write in the style of the uploaded paper as much as you can.

Social Work and Human Services

(1) A completed practice-level logic model outline (table) from the Week 7 Assignment handout (2) A completed program logic model outline (table) in the Week 7 Assignment Handout (3) 2 paragraphs that elaborate on your practice-level logic model outline. Describe the activities that would take place in the support group sessions that would address needs and lead to improved outcomes (4) 2–3 paragraphs that elaborate on your program-level logic model and address the following: *Decisions that would need to be made about characteristics of *group membership *Group activities *Short- and long-term outcomes *Ways to measure the outcomes

Social inequality in Australia

1. Select an area of personal interest relevant to social inequality in Australia and: i) Identify the key features of such disadvantage; ii) Try to explain the changes (improvements/falling behind) or lack of change, over a decade or longer in this particular area of inequality; iii) Outline the prospects for improvement in the future, through realistic policy proposals. Some possible topic areas are: * Health (access to health care, patterns of illness, treatment outcomes, etc.); * Education (socio-economic differences in ‘arrivals’ and ‘departures’ [pre-school, leaving school]; gender differences; ethnic disadvantage, etc.); * Housing (Is there a ‘housing crisis’? Is there a problem of ‘homelessness’?); Does it ‘matter’ where you live, in terms of reputation ,for getting a job? The quality of services [education/medical, etc.. * Welfare & the Underclass — the reproduction of Disadvantage or the introduction of a ‘Basics Card’ , etc etc. * Controll

Scoping and Environmental Problem (CASE STUDY)

NOTE**** "WRITER CAN PICK UP A CASE STUDY HIMSELF, WHATEVER HE/SHE FEEL EASY TO WRITE ABOUT" *)This is the criteria to pick up the case study- Aim: to produce a succinct problem statement summarising your chosen problem and its context. The specific local environmental problem is open to your choosing, but it is important that you think local, choosing an issue that is small-scale and manageable. For example, focusing on littering behaviour in a local park is more manageable than illegal dumping in an entire suburb! Also keep in mind that the focus of the assignment is the relationship between humans and the environment, so choose a problem that has clear links to human behaviour/psychology. For example, you could consider how the poor design of a particular specific place impacts the people who use it (such as a shared office, doctor’s waiting room etc.) or you could look at how humans impact a specific setting through their poor behaviour (such as littering). *)i am attaching al

Critically assess the risk and benefits of biobanks for societies

This essay has to be written on a base of a case study, the word documents that are attached, concepts needs to be included in the essay as it is one of the most important requirements. The writer has to read carefully all the documents that I am attaching with this order, to be able to write to meet the criteria which has been mentioned in the attached files. It has to be written in proper English language and to a First Class level, it must make a complete sense, and flow well. In text citations has to be done well, reference list has to be done well and all references used must be no older than 2012, so this means I DONT want to see a references from 2011or 2010 or 1980 please. I also have uploaded a model of an essay that is an ideal model for the teacher. Please, the essay that you will be writing should be in that level and must be written in the same style or better.

No Irish need apply

Go to: http://tigger.uic.edu/%7Erjensen/no-irish.htm about the “No Irish need apply” signs. What is the main thesis of this article? On what basis does the author make his claims? Does this challenge the textbook author’s claims? Evaluate his arguments

21st Century Doll Study Proposal

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION Purpose of the Study Background Statement of the Problem Theoretical Framework Research Questions Hypotheses CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE (citations from scholarly sources) Sub-Topics CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY Research Design - (Descriptive, Explanatory, or Exploratory Research), (Qualitative or Quantitative Research), (Survey, Interview, focus group, etc.) Population and Sample (Quota, Convenience, Purposive, etc.) Restate the Research Questions Hypotheses Statistical analysis procedures to be used

How much life insurance do you need

How much life insurance do you need? (Base your calculations on the assumption that you have graduated from college and have a ‘real’ job.) Specify the details of your situation (married, kids, etc). Calculate the amount of life insurance you should have using the human life value approach. Calculate the amount of life insurance you should have using the needs approach. What do YOU think is the correct amount of life insurance? Find a life insurance policy that fits your How much coverage? What is the premium? What type of insurance is best for you? Use GOOGLE to find policies and receive quotes. please do the same format the i will upload it, but by own words please so just follow the instructions that i will uploaded as an examples. and answer all the questions. thank you..

Florence Kelley

2-page document in which you highlight the important contributions of the individual you selected. Your document should Outline the individual’s path to working in the social work field. Describe the most important contribution(s) of the individual to the field. Explain how the study of this individual would inform your practice as a social worker. Adhere to APA conventions.