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Archive for the ‘Applied Sciences’
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662- Assign 1

Please write Assignment like a Research Paper and not like a report. Use the APA format.

Answer these questions:

5. List all the forms of pay you receive from work. Compare your list to someone elses list. (If you actually speak to someone, the person must be cited. This is what you would have in the paper: (First Initial. Last Name, personal communication, Month day, year). This would NOT be on the reference page. Explain any differences.

QUESTIONS for The Role of Labor Costs in Retail Electronics: Page 30: (must present support aka references to show validate your statements, ideas, beliefs, etc.).
1. Thinking back to our discussion in the chapter section, Caveat EmptorBe An Informed Consumer, evaluate whether the replacement of highly paid workers with lower-paid workers did or did not cause Circuit City to perform so poorly. How confident are you in your evaluation? Why?
2. Do you believe that the compensation c

Unit 10

Assignment Details

View an . Be sure to adjust your audio settings.

Unit Outcomes addressed in this Assignment:

  • Measure and assess your cardiorespiratory endurance.
  • Design an appropriate cardiorespiratory exercise program.

Course Outcomes assessed/addressed in this Assignment:

EF205-5: Evaluate current strategies used in aerobic and anaerobic training.

GEL-2.02: Interpret data as they apply to a discipline specific situation.


Your Assignment will be a 12- to 15-slide PowerPoint presentation in which you specifically design a personalized exercise program using your fitness and wellness knowledge. You will determine your current fitness levels and employ the FITT principle to plan an effective long-term exercise program. Please include key points and graphics on your slides, a

662- Discussion Board

Please answer each question separately. Each question must be 250-300  words each. Please be plagiarism free and also make sure sources are cited APA.  

1. Does the organization you work for have a policy about employees discussion their compensation? If so, what is it? If not, do employees generally share information formally or informally about their pay rate?

2. What does the Total Rewards package at your organization consist of? Are employees generally happy with it? Why or why not?

Review This Weeks Learning Resources On How Laws And Policies Are Developed. Review The Interactive Media Public Health Policy Process.

  • Review this weeks Learning Resources on how laws and policies are developed.
  • Review the interactive media Public Health Policy Process.
  • Research your federal and state legislative processes. For those of you who reside outside the United States, focus on your local and territorial legislative process.
  • Select a law addressing a public health issue that was passed in your state. For those of you who reside outside the United States, select a law passed at the local or territorial level. Think about the process of how your selected law was passed.
  • Consider the potential impact of your selected law on future national laws.
  • Identify your federal and state representatives. For those of you who reside outside the U.S., identify your local and territorial officials.

Post a comprehensive response to the following:<


This week we will be continuing our discussion of human evolution. Choose a trait that humans have that you are interested in and find a primary research paper (published within the last ten years) that traces it back in a phylogeny to a particular date (or tree location). Explain why the trait is beneficial (or not). Please be certain to give the full citation and DOI (if available). And please read through all the entries before submitting yours, so that you pick a novel article that has not yet been discussed!

For example, I chose the evolution of the appendix, which is shared by other mammal species besides us. In fact it has evolved independently 32 times! (Once in hominoids, so before the Orangutan-Gorilla split in our lineage). And what is interesting about this is that the appendix may indeed have a function - as a microbial refuge for the fauna that have evolved inside of our intestinal tracts! So, when a bad event (e.g. food poi

Introduction To Sciences


Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 300500 words that respond to the following questions with your research. This will be the foundation for future discussions with your classmates. To maximize your learning, select peers who selected topics different from the one you have chosen. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Science in the News

Now that you have been learning about science, you may have noticed news articles or online videos on various scientific topics. Science is all around you.

Select a news article on a scientific discovery or achievement. This could be the discovery of a new planet or star, a new medical treatment, new findings concerning climate change, or countless other possibilities. If you are not sure where to find a news article, try looking on the home page of a favorite news source, or use a search engine to look for a specific

53/3 Assgn

Competing needs arise within any organization as employees seek to meet their targets and leaders seek to meet company goals. As a leader, successful management of these goals requires establishing priorities and allocating resources accordingly.

Within a healthcare setting, the needs of the workforce, resources, and patients are often in conflict. Mandatory overtime, implementation of staffing ratios, use of unlicensed assisting personnel, and employer reductions of education benefits are examples of practices that might lead to conflicting needs in practice.

Leaders can contribute to both the problem and the solution through policies, action, and inaction. In this Assignment, you will further develop the white paper you began work on in Module 1 by addressing competing needs within your organization.

To Prepare:

  • Review the national healthcare issue/stressor you examined in your Assignment for Module 1, and review the analysis of

This Is A 2 Part Work So Please Read Carefully….. PLEASE READ IT!!!!!!!!!!!



In this unit, you have been learning about marketing procedures in healthcare organizations. This assignment will give you an opportunity to reflect on what you have learned and offer your own thoughts about the unit material.

Your reflection paper should cover the following topics:

  • Do you believe that creating and implementing a marketing plan for a healthcare organization is important? Why, or why not?
  • Think about your own healthcare facility or one in your community. What do you think would be an effective marketing message for the healthcare facility's target market?
  • Thinking about that same facility, what are two marketing vehicles that may be appropriate for it?
  • Do you believe that this unit has helped you learn more about marketing procedures in healthcare organizations? Why, or why not?

Your reflection paper should consist of at least one page with no APA formatting re

Discussing The Bulleted Pointers Below


Create an initial post discussing the bulleted pointers below. You will need to cite at least one academic reference in APA or IEEE style:

List of advanced materials used in making microprocessor chips (in addition to single-crystal, high-purity silicon): Interconnects, ohmic contacts, diffusion barrier metals, oxides and other insulators, doped films, organic insulating films, resist materials, bonding wires and leads, high thermal conductivity pastes, chip packaging materials such as nanocomposite insulators with high thermal conductivity, etc.

Methods of making at least two of these materials from their starting precursors, with attention to the specifications of material quality, uniformity, consistent production, and their final incorporation in the chip, highlighting their final dimensions. (When selecting the two materials, you should take care that others in the class havent selected the same. This will promote diverse nanomaterials issu

Research Manuscript

My research will be on Human error management in flight operation, through proper team performance training techniques and system approaches where individuals work together as a team to mitigate accidents and incidents.

Instructor comment

Just make sure your research it is not too top-level and has a rigorous methodology.

Your task is to develop an integrated design for examining or investigating an issue or problem involving human factors in the aviation/aerospace industry as it might apply in a human-centric environment, model, simulation, work situation, or other application for use that would apply in industry, research, or operational environment. The purpose of this design is to demonstrate that you comprehend, understand, and can integrate the key elements of the Learning Outcomes for this course. Note, you can find the Learning Outcomes in the course syllabus. Hopefully, the topic will be inspired