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After reading

(attached file) by Lucy Kimbell and "" by George Aye respond to the following prompts. 

1. Pick three ideas from the reading that you caught your attention. For each one:

  • What was the idea in your own words? (Please also provide a short quote and/or page reference)
  • What did you like about the idea? Why did it seem meaningful? or What did you find challenging about it? 

2. What is one thing in the article that you found intriguing and that you'd like to know more about? Why did you find it intriguing? What specifically do you want to know more about it?


First Module: In Discussion 1 you identified the classifications of the Special Population students - classifying students according to the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Federal Law. In addition to these classifications, there are additional ones in the American Disabilities Act. For this module, combine the Carl D. Perkins classifications with the American Disabilities Act classifications and record definitions for each one. Write a 1-page conclusion describing how this information can benefit a CTE teacher. ONE PAGE IS NOT A SHORT PARAGRAPH; IT MUST BE NO MORE THAN ONE INCH TOP AND BOTTOM AND ONE-INCH MARGINS. YOU CAN DOUBLE SPACE.

2nd paper 

Second Module: There are different teaching strategies/pedagogy that teachers use for different student learning styles and students with different abilities and disabilities. Regardless of the students ability to learn, a teacher should use the following resources to develop lesson


    Restricting closeness to numerous elements is mostly a result of huge fear or shame, is related to treating sexuality as a taboo, the enjoy of punishment for displaying it or experiencing sexual violence. Allowing your self to open may additionally require quite a few paintings. If your accomplice or gentleman would no longer determine on the technique of small steps, you could use the assist of a sexologist. The specialist will help decide the causes of modern problems and overcome them. I am conscious that your present day lifestyles isn't always thrilling and therefore it satisfies you to a small volume. I remember that you will be frustrated and believe having intercourse with others as extra enjoyable. However, if, except for sexual troubles, you experience satisfied to your dating, I strongly urge you to strive very gently and gradually to persuade your spouse to trade. They surely are possible. Just discover the proper path. I definitely desire that yo

The Network Restrictions Surrounding The Web Authentication Service Is One Layer Of Defense. Is That Enough? Explain. Group Discussion

 Students will be required to create 1 new thread, and provide substantive comments on at least 3 threads created by other students. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. This assignment should have at least two references. 

Topic:--- The network restrictions surrounding the web authentication service is one layer of defense. Is that enough? Explain. 

 Minimum of 300 words 


If you're looking for a KSX Male Enhancement  extender you don't want to waste your money on one that won't work. Fortunately I've done all the hard work for you.  Here are the top five KSX Male Enhancement  extenders with the best one appearing first. Do KSX Male Enhancement  male enlargement Products Work? Discover the real truth from my personal experience.


Reading Discussion

Often discussions about innovation focus on only a handful of the categories that Prasad has introduced as part of the comprehensive innovation framework. This is also true across the more granular categories presented in the "Ten Types of Innovation" book (https://ebookcentral-proquest-com.ezproxy1.lib.asu.edu/lib/asulib-ebooks/detail.action?docID=1180146)

  • Which of the ten categories do you find most difficult to think of examples for (outside of what's already presented)?  Why do you think that is? How might design thinking help spur innovation in that category?
  • Think of a business or organization that you think has been successful in innovating across multiple components of the Ten Types of Innovation. What is it? What are the components? Why do you think they were successful?

For full credit: Use specific evidence, quotes, or examples from the readings to support your answers. Use specific stories and life experiences of y


Discussion 1: The Influence of Peers

"If Johnny jumps off a cliff are you going to jump, too"? This is a clich used often by parents wanting to convince their children that doing what "everyone else does" is not always a good idea.

For example, binge drinking is an increasing problem on college campuses, often with dire consequences (e.g., alcohol poisoning, unprotected sex, expulsion from school). Given the consequences, one wonders what compels college students to engage in such risky behavior. We know that fitting inbeing accepted by othersis a primary motive for doing what others do. In this case, conforming to ones referent groups norms (i.e., getting drunk is cool) gains ones acceptance to that group (Talbott, Wilkinson, Moore, & Usdan, 2014; Wardell & Read, 2013). Refusal to comply means rejection by the group.

Binge drinking, clearly, is not in the best interest of individual college students, unless you consider the importance of bel

Nail Fungus Causes And Treatments

What is the organism that causes   this unsightly disease? Onychomycosis is caused by dermatophytes in the cooler climes and candida in hot and humid countries. Treatment of toenail fungus is a long drawn out process as the infection lies underneath the nail, which is a hard place to reach. Therefore it normally takes six months to a whole year to cure this fungus effectively.

Your podiatrist will judge if the infection is superficial or deep. For the superficial cases a course with nail lacquer with either amorofine or ciclopirox is effective. The nail paint needs to be applied nightly. This should be done for seven days, then wiped off, and then the whole process is to be repeated.

For a more deep-seated infection the patient needs to take oral anti fungal medicine such medication. The trouble with oral medications such as Lamisil are the side effects. A podiatrist will take blood tests called LFTs before starting this medication. This i

Art 202

Student's will compare and contrast formal elements of design between two Crucifixion scenes: one from the Renaissance and one from the Modern era.

What is a formal analysis? 

"The goal of a formal analysis is to explain how the formal elements of a work of art affect the representation of the subject matter and expressive content. The emphasis should be on analyzing the formal elements not interpreting the artwork. That said, an understanding of the meaning of
the work is the final goal of any formal analysis." (Pokinski, Deborah. Writing a Formal Analysis in Art History. Hamilton.edu, www.hamilton.edu/documents/formal%20analysis%20Art%20History.pdf.) 

Here are a few helpful links to further explain this concept:


This assignment should have NO OUTSIDE RESEARCH. Your 3 page formal analysis should rely on observable truths and demonstrate your understanding of formal elements of desig

Dyna Grow XL (Review 2020) Does It Really Work Or Scam?

   If you use an emergency tablet, you can still get pregnant. There are no data that could confirm the effectiveness of this form of contraception. However, specialists agree that the sooner a tablet is taken, the greater its effectiveness in preventing pregnancy . Both types of tablets - used for 72 or 120 hours, can cause nausea, dizziness and headache, fatigue. Pain may occur - breast pain and stomach ache. Using this form of contraception may alter your menstrual cycle. If you vomit within two hours of taking a '72 hour' tablet, or three hours of taking a pill that can be taken up to 120 hours after intercourse, seek medical advice. As a result of vomiting and the likelihood that the agent has not absorbed into the blood, you may need to take an extra dose. Less than 1% of women using an IUD as a method of emergency contraception become pregnant, while pregnancy is not uncommon after using a contraceptive pill. Emergency contraception is not associated with serio