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Archive for the ‘Biology’
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Human Sexuality

Participate in an experience from the options listed below.

 Write 2-page paper, double-spaced, about your experience. How does it relate to this class? What did you learn? How did it make you feel?

Include proof (tickets, photos, paperwork, screenshot, etc.)

1. Watch a sex documentary not shown for class 

2. Draw and label the male and female reproductive tracts and genitalia(no written essay needed, just drawings, but they need to be textbook-worthy, not a doodle)

3. Listen to The Birth Hour podcast

4. Follow stopcensoringmotherhood on Instagram

5. Follow thebadassbreastfeeder and/or normalizeandcelebrate on Instagram

6. Complete Safe Zone Ally training 

7. Watch a movie with an LGBT+ storyline

8. Visit a sex shop

9. Visit the Womens Resource Center

10. Attend the Vagina Monologues (February)

11. Attend an art exhibition with a sexuality theme

12. Attend a seminar on sexuality

Nodal signaling pathway and congenital heart defects

Primary manuscript analysis assignment: each GRADUATE student will be required to select a primary article studying a signal transduction pathway from a top-tier journal and provide an in-depth analysis of the article. The analysis must include the following components:
1. The complete article reference (Authors, Journal, Volume, Page numbers)
2. A two paragraph description providing the issue being addressed in the article, why it is an important topic, what is generally known about the topic to date (include 4-5 key references), and what question(s) the authors hoped to answer.
3. A list of each technique used  in the article that includes technique name, general purpose of the technique, theory behind the technique, and what the authors found using the technique.
Also include a list of controls used for each experiment and for what each is controlling.
4. A list of conclusions made by the authors from each figure.
5. The overall conclusion of the authors.


In order to insure that the topic of your final paper is appropriate and that you are making progress on it, a prospectus will be due 03/10/20. 

In this short (1-2 pages) prospectus, you should describe the ethical issue or case you plan to research and explain why you think it is an appropriate topic for ethical analysis.

Here is what I want to see specifically on the prospectus:

An explanation of your Topic and Scope; Your proposed Thesis Statement; and Your proposed 3 Mini-Theses

If this makes no sense to you see these directions: Preview the document

The prospectus will be graded check or zeroit is really just a chance to make sure you are on the same page with the person who will be grading your final paper.


Participate in an experience from the options listed below.

 Write 2-page paper, double-spaced, about your experience. How does it relate to this class? What did you learn? How did it make you feel?

Include proof (tickets, photos, paperwork, screenshot, etc.)

1. Watch a sex documentary not shown for class 

2. Draw and label the male and female reproductive tracts and genitalia(no written essay needed, just drawings, but they need to be textbook-worthy, not a doodle)

3. Listen to The Birth Hour podcast

4. Follow stopcensoringmotherhood on Instagram

5. Follow thebadassbreastfeeder and/or normalizeandcelebrate on Instagram

6. Complete Safe Zone Ally training 

7. Watch a movie with an LGBT+ storyline

8. Visit a sex shop

9. Visit the Womens Resource Center

10. Attend the Vagina Monologues (February)

11. Attend an art exhibition with a sexuality theme

12. Attend a seminar on

Improving Outcomes: A Public Health Intervention

Improving Outcomes: A Public Health Intervention


The young adults at a small college are reluctant to receive a flu vaccineeven when there is a serious strain circulating in the community. The public health department warns that this flu strain has led to pneumonia, bronchitis, and in some cases, death.


During the H1N1 outbreak a few years ago, student behaviors toward vaccines were studied. These studies found that many factors affected a student's decision to be immunized against the outbreak, including:

  • Parental training.
  • Contact with peers and health professionals.
  • Whether they lived on or off campus.
  • Social and cultural influences.

Female students were determined to be more likely to get a vaccination, as were those who worked in nursing homes, hospitals, and schools. Cost was not a factor because the vaccines are almost always provided fre

The Flint Water Crisis

The Flint Water Crisis

For this discussion, answer the two questions posed in the Unit 9 introduction:

  • Why did it take so long to discover what was going on with the Flint water supply?
  • Who do you think was responsible for what happened in Flint and why?  

Remember to include the aspects of the social-environmental theory in your analysis of these two questions and use proper citations in your reply. 

Interview With A Public Health Professional Overview

Interview With a Public Health Professional


This is a two-part assignment:

  1. In Part One, you will interview a practicing public health professional using an Appreciative Inquiry approach to gain a better understanding of past and present challenges and opportunities in the field of public health.
  2. In Part Two, you will create a 23 page interview summary, including ideas that might have arisen as a result of the interview.

Before meeting with your interviewee, review the Guiding Questions (linked in Resources) to ensure that your interview will address all of the assignment criteria. Consider reviewing other linked Resources, such as the Public Health Timeline, as well.

Part One: Interview

Use the interview questions linked in Resources to discover what inspired your interviewee to enter the field of public health, what keeps him or her up at night, and his or her hopes and dreams for the profession.

Need My Week 3 Project Done Asap Phe3050 Public Health Policy


Tobacco use is the primary cause of mortality in the United States today. Tobacco use is responsible for cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, and heart disease and has caused the deaths of nearly half a million people per year. Tobacco control, prevention, and treatment are compelling and urgent public health issues. The development of tobacco control laws have been passed by a number of states.

Write a comprehensive overview of the health effects, politics, and regulatory control of tobacco use control efforts. Your paper should be based on the following points:

  • What are the factors (biological, environmental, economic, and political) that contribute to tobacco addiction? What are the medical consequences (morbidity and mortality) for tobacco users?
  • What is the public health impact (epidemiological and economic) of tobacco use and secondhand smoke expos

Questions And Answer

 1. Why is HDL considered the good cholesterol?

2. Explain the role inflammation has in the development of atherosclerosis 

3. A 53-year-old male with a history of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) presents to the ER with complains of sharp retro sternal chest pain that worsens with deep breathing. Diagnosis reveals Pleural friction rub and acute pericarditis.

A. What does a physician Assistant recognized as the result of the pleural friction rub?

4. An adolescent with complain of swollen lymph nodes, abdominal pain, temp 102F, and arthralgias for about 2 weeks, at the ER was given Tamiflu but the Tamiflu seems not to work and complain of high pitched onset, sore throat with reddened, cervical lymphadenopathy and tonsils 3+ without exudate.  Rapid strep was positive. The Patient was diagnosed with acute rheumatic hear disease 

A. Explain how positive strep test has cause the patients symptoms.

5. A 76-year-old obese patie

The ASI Article Mentions About The Superiority Of Smart Beta Strategies. Please Explain Why These They Are Better Than Those Strategies In Relation To Simple CAPM.


1.The ASI article mentions about the superiority of Smart Beta Strategies. Please explain why these they are better than those strategies in relation to simple CAPM.

2.The ASI article mentions that Smart-beta-ESG strategies would provide better investment performance. Do you agree to it? Why or why not?

3.Suppose that you are interested in replicating this Smart-beta-ESG strategy. Please suggest how you construct a portfolio with identified securities (including funds) and their portfolio weights. These securities must be tradable in international stock exchanges (such as those in HK, USA, Europe and Japan). Your solution should be supported with empirical evidence.