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Archive for the ‘Biology’
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Week 2 Issues With Diagnosing Abnormal Behavior


If you are a clinical psychologist diagnosing various mental disorders, how might your diagnosis lead to harmful effects?

Why are reliability and validity important characteristics in assessment and diagnosis?

Pschology Paper


4 Double Spaced assignment.  Need in 12 hours. No Plagiarism. Turnintin report is must. I attached the qualitative research study to be critiqued in this assignment.  Given below is the link.

Article:  Zhang, Y., & Jia, X. (2018). A qualitative study on the grief of people who lose their only child: From the perspective of familism culture. Frontiers in Psychology: Cultural Psychology, 9, 869. doi:  

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the assigned readings and the instructor guidance for the week, read the Ashford Writing Center resource , and view the Ashford University Library tutorial . Your instructor will post an announcement with the reference for the qualitative research study to be critiqued in this assignment. After reading the posted study, use the to compose and organize your assignment.

In your paper,

  • S

Due Tomorrow By 3pm EST


Please read the following brochure ATTACHED.

Perform a quick Internet search, using Google or another major search engine. Select a search term related to health science (for example, high blood pressure, medical marihuana, opioid use, obesity, type 2 diabetes) and see what kind of results you receive. When considering a term to select, think about one or two words rather than phrases. Avoid phrases like which diet will help me lose weight the fastest or top 10 foods to make me healthy.

Write a short essay (at least 250 words), using complete paragraphs and appropriate organization. Avoid incomplete sentences or bulleted lists (except for your search term and how many results were obtained). Check your spelling and grammar before submitting. References are required in APA format.

Please provide the following information (listed in bulleted form):

Can You Complete As Instructed Below

Resource: the

Explore the EEOC website to learn more about the organization.

Click the About the EEOC link and select Newsroom. Select a press release about an employee lawsuit published within the last six months.

Search the Internet to find at least one news item about this lawsuit, preferably from a news source in the state in which the incident occurred.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that includes the following:

  • A description of the compliance issue that led to the lawsuit and its ramifications for the organization
  • A brief summary of the functions of the EEOC in one paragraph
  • The EEOC's role in this lawsuit
  • Whether or not this lawsuit promotes social change; justify your reasoning
  • A comparison of the EEOC press release to the news item. What accounts for the differences?

Human Impact On Climate Change PowerPoint

After learning about several ways in which our everyday actions impact climate change, choose one action to conduct more research on and create a PowerPoint presentation to tell us more! Use the unit material and reliable online resources to gather more information.

There are several ideas with information throughout the unit but there is even more information out in the world! Think about what you do every day, and how the activity uses energy or natural resources. Think about a product you buyhow it was made, what natural resources were used to make it? You can also do a quick google search of everyday activities that effect the environment and start reading some articles for more ideas.

Remember to use reliable sources from the Internet. There is a lot of misinformation out there and finding reliable information can be difficult. The best sources of reference material for your presentation are scientific journals found in the CSU Online Library da

Narrative Essay

  4 pages in length minimumNarrative Essay


Caitlin Yoshiko Kandil: After 50 Years of Asian American 

Paulo Freire: Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Banking Concept of Education.

Beverly Tatum: Why are all the black kids sitting together in the cafeteria? The Complexities 

of Identity.

Russell Jeung: Mountain Movers, Introduction.

Jennifer Ho: Keywords, Identity. 


Tatum explains that all people possess multiple identities which are shaped by and embedded in our social, cultural, and historic contexts. She also notes that our consciousness of these identities and their meanings develop through self-reflection over time. Through Freire, we learned that critical consciousness entails not only the emergence of consciousness but also a critical intervention in reality.

On a parallel track, we

Assignment Help


  • Main
  • Similar Questions

  1. Select a Fortune 500 company or another company you are familiar with. Consider pharmaceuticals, computer hardware, retail, or automotive industries for your selection. If you choose a company that is not in the Fortune 500, ensure that enough financial information and key performance indicator results are available to complete the assignment.

    Imagine your manager has asked you to help with a presentation on the companys financial performance at the companys annual meeting.

    financial information and key performance indicators for the company.

    Create a 10- to 16-slide presentation for investors to assess the companys financial growth and sustainability.

    Identify key performance indicators for the company you selected, including the following:

Discussion Board 5


State in general terms how the listed disorders differ from disorders we previously discussed like CF and Sickle cell anemia. By what mechanisms do these disorders arise? Choose one of the following disorders to focus on. Discuss the mechanisms that lead to the following disorders, the specific conditions that these people experience and the long-term prognosis for those who inherit one of these disorders. While making your comments, you could take the voice of one of the following people:

  • The affected individual
  • A parent of the affected individual
  • A doctor advising the parents after amniocentesis or chorionic villi sampling has shown that their fetus has the disorder.

Possible disorders:

  • Down Syndrome (trisomy 21)
  • Down Syndrome (translocation)
  • Patau Syndrome
  • Edward's Syndrome
  • Kleinfelter Syndro

Discussion Board 4

It is now possible to have human embryos produced via in vitro (test tube) fertilization (IVF) tested for many different genetic diseases such as Huntingtons disease, muscular dystrophy, cystic fibrosis, sickle-cell anemia, a form of Alzheimers disease, and BRCA1 associated cancers among others. Those embryos that have the gene for any of these diseases will be discarded and only those embryos lacking the disease-causing genes will be used for implantation into the potential mother. The technique used to do this is called pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PIGD). It is also possible for sperm/egg donor banks to carry out a fertilization event on paper before it is done in vitro.
This way, prospective parents can reduce the risk of having a child with some genetic disorder. There are also other genetic changes that might be done with PIGD techniques including the choice of embryos with specific gene combinations for eye colo

200 Word Discussion Topic

This is what's on the syllabus pertaining to the Discussion Topics for this class: You will find several topics already started for each weeks Forum. They are labeled according to their corresponding week. These questions are started by the instructor. They are to initiate discussions by starting a string of replies from participants. You are to Reply only to these types of questions. Do not start your own Discussion Topic.

Discussion Topic: The Heart Transplant

The hospital ethics committee was discussing an important and urgent  case. A donor heart had become available, but an extremely rare thing  had happened. Two heart-transplant candidates in the hospital were both  matches for the donor heart. One patient was known to the committee as  Mr. X, the other as Ms. Y.

For someone with heart failure, Mr. X had been on the transplant  waiting list a long time. He had been