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Archive for the ‘Business Finance – Economics’
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Supply Demand Case Study


Case Study: Chapter 2 

Please address the following case study relating to supply and demand in a fictitious national market for chicken eggs. This case study relates to Chapter 2 of the textbook and the lecture on Demand, Supply, and Market Equilibrium. 

Note: The lecture is decomposed into four sections that correspond to a section of the case study and related pages of the book. The lecture section and book pages are indicated with each section of the case study. 

Please submit your work as a single Word document. When I request calculations, you can write them by hand and incorporate a photograph into the document or you can type up the calculations in the document. Similarly, you can create any tables by hand, in Word, or other ways, but your tables should be clear. The document should be approximately 2-4 pages (counting each side of the paper as a page) in length. Please indicate in some way which p



Week 2 Discussion Board Options Menu: Forum

Chapter 3 discusses methods to assess the quality of simulations. You learned about three different views of simulation quality.

Suppose you lead a task force that is developing a simulation to provide strategic planning recommendations for property use zoning for a county of 750,000 residents. The zoning board and county commissioners want a simulation that

Week 2 Research Paper: Blockchain


Week 2 Research Paper: Blockchain

Industry experts believe blockchain is a technology that has the potential to affect the business of most IT professionals in the next five years. Pick an industry you feel will be most affected by blockchain and how blockchain may be used in that industry. As an IT manager, how would you embrace blockchain? For instance, how would training occur for your team, what strategies might you use, what security methods may you recommend be used?

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.

Follow APA6 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.


case study 1


Case Study 1

Read the attached article:


A case study analysis requires you to investigate a problem, examine the alternative solutions, and propose the most effective solution using supporting evidence.  Your submission should be no more than 2 pages and needs to adhere to APA formatting for spacing and citations.  Include a title page, your case study (1-2 pages), and reference page.  For guidance on APA formatt

A MacroEconomics Perspective (1,000-1,200 words) in essay format

Lester Scholl's administrative assistant calls you on Monday afternoon to set up a conference call between you and the chairman tomorrow morning to discuss the board's reaction to your list and to discuss your next task. You call the number she gave you, and Lester joins the call shortly after.

"I'm pleased with your work," he says. The board was impressed with your list of factors. Your ranking made sense because your explanations were well-written. I suspect they read everything you sent because it was concise and clear. Good job."

"Thanks," you say, and you feel relieved that your first assignment was well-received.

"Your list provided the basis for a good conversation about the manufacturing operations," he says. "We want to know more about the economy of both countries to further inform our decision-making process."

"That makes sense," you say. "The United States and South Korea hold many distinct economic fact


Need 500 words -- with references 


1. Review the three articles about Inflation that are found below this. 

2. Locate two JOURNAL articles which discuss this topic further. You need to focus on the Abstract, Introduction, Results, and Conclusion. For our purposes, you are not expected to fully understand the Data and Methodology.  

3. Summarize these journal articles. Please use your own words. No copy-and-paste. Cite your sources.

Case Study: Generic Drug Pricing


Using the New York Times article, "Defiant, Generic Drug Maker Continues to Raise Prices," conduct further research on the pricing strategies of generic drug manufacturers. In 7501,000 words, analyze the pricing strategies and discuss the following:

  1. Discuss the pricing decisions of generic drug manufacturers.
  2. Evaluate the impact competitors and additional economic factors have on the results of the generic drug pricing strategies. What factors contribute to the advantages and disadvantages of various pricing strategies?
  3. Discuss the social and financial implications of generic drug pricing decisions for various groups of stakeholders. What would be the socially optimum pricing strategy for the United States? What would be the socially optimum pricing strategy globally?

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Styl

ECO 202 Module 1 discussion


Prices serve a rationing function. When quantity demanded exceeds quantity supplied, prices rise to alleviate the shortage. When quantity supplied exceeds quantity demanded, prices fall to alleviate the surplus. However, when prices are inflexible, shortages and surpluses persist. Other rationing mechanisms must develop.

  • Using demand and supply analysis, describe a specific situation where a shortage occurred. Why were prices unable to adjust in this market?
  • Combining what you learned from your readings as well as from the video clip, what other rationing functions could develop to alleviate the shortage?