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Archive for the ‘Business Finance – Management’
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Week 3 Discussion Forum


Week 3 Discussion Forum

Class begins on Monday and ends on Sunday at 11:55PM of each week.

Your first/ initial entry into the discussion MUST be made by Thursday in order to receive credit for the week. This way you can read, learn, and comment on each other's posts before the assignment is due.

If you have any questions or need further clarification please feel free to contact me via e-mail at: 

In the event that you email me and I don't reply within 24 hours, it is most likely because I didn't get your email. Please check the address and email me again. If for some reason you have to email me any documents, please be kind and write me a note too and don't just send your document making the assumption that I will read it. Don't forget the old axiom, people do business with peop

PM – 3


Answer the following questions based upon the Kloppenborg text and Exhibits presented in the chapter. The length of the paper should be enough pages to properly and fully answer all the exercise questions. As this is an exercise no other sources (except the source describing the project) need to be utilized. The assignment is due by Sunday evening at 11:59 p.m. EST. 

Find a story in your local newspaper or other media/web outlet about a project that is about to start. For that project, answer each of the following questions and justify your answers:

1. Briefly provide an overview of the project (answer the basics who, what, where, when and why). Also, provide the source for the information discovered.

2. Using the ideas in Exhibit 13.2, speculate on what activities, supplies, or services could be contracted out.

3. Create a request for information (RFI) for one portion of the project work that could be contracted out.

4. Using ideas fr

Strategic Planning


Choose one public corporation in an industry with which you are familiar. Research the company on its own website, the public filings on the Securities and Exchange Commission , the University's , the , and any other sources you can find. The annual report will often provide insights that can help address some of these questions.


Write a four page paper in which you do the following:

  • Assess how globalization and technology changes have impacted the corporation you researched.
  • Apply the industrial organization model and the resource-based model to determine how your corporation could earn above-average returns.
  • Assess how the vision statement and mission statement of the corporation influence its overall success.  
  • Evaluate how each category of stakeholder impacts the overall success of this corporation.

Editorial Essay


Choose an editorial article (An editorial is an article that presents the writer's opinion on an issue supported with facts) Wall Street Journal or the New York Times. Choose an editorial that addresses a business issue that interests you.



Write an essay describing the following:

  1. Citation of the article and a brief summary of its contents
  2. What are the premise(s) in the article?
  3. What evidence is presented? Is it credible?
  4. Can you independently verify the evidence presented?
  5. How are counterarguments addressed?
  6. Does the writer represent a particular interest? 
  7. How is language used to develop the argument?
  8. Do you detect any erro

Case Study Analysis One, Case Study Analysis One , Scholarly paper

This question will be three assignments in one, please review carefully before accepting this assignment:


1. First Assignment: Case Study Analysis one:


Read: Cash and Corporate Control (Faleye, 2004).

The purpose of this article review is for you to learn to seek out information and to write an evaluative and critical review of a journal article.  Your review must be submitted as a Word document. Use your name in the filename, along with the assignment name. For example: Smith,Fred.ArticleReview1.

Your written review will be approximately 3-4 double-spaced narrative pages, plus a title page (with Running head), page numbers, and in keeping with APA guidelines.  An abstract is NOT required for the article review.

It is important for you to learn how to write about another author's work, which is different from regurgitating what the author wrote. Your review should not read as though you are the author

The role of artificial intelligence in the renewable energy sector


9000 - 10000 words







Lab 3


The goal of this assignment is to examine food available at fast food establishments and examine dietary practices of the everyday consumer while reviewing key nutritional components.

Fast Food Menu Creation Overview

For this assignment, you have been asked to explore the nutritional value of menu items at a local fast food restaurant. Using the available menu items, plan two meals: the healthiest meal possible and the unhealthiest meal possible. Both meals should include an entre, a side, a beverage, and dessert.


  1. Describe the healthy meal that you have created from the fast food restaurant using the nutritional value of menu items.
    1. Name the restaurant and then write a nutritional analysis of the meal you have created. (Explain all of the nutrients found in the meal, like carbs, protein, fat, and some essential vitamins and minerals.)



 Critically evaluate your learning teams work of Part 1, outlining the strengths and weaknesses/limitations of the frameworks and ideas used in the group part. Please assess the people management strategy through your reflections. You may either use other literature to strengthen your case or apply the ideas to your own/other organizations not discussed in Part 1. The length of Part 2 is approximately 1000 words, including the (academic) referencing and other appendices.

617 Paper


Every entrepreneur should have an action plan for the disposition of their business in the event of an unforeseen tragedy. Your business may grow in market value long before it shows a positive cash flow. There are many types of possible estate planning mechanisms which can be used by the startup 

entrepreneur to allow for the disposition of their estate, including their business assets, in the event of their untimely death. Estate plans can be changed as the situation changes or as the business becomes more profitable and beneficiary designations need to be adjusted. 

For this assignment, you first make a checklist of all of the marketable assets of your business. This is the list that you would use to decide the disposition of assets if you were making an estate plan or will. Do not include your intended beneficiaries for each of the assets in your assignment. Rather, after each asset, include your best estimate of its market value and

Performance Management System

Identifying or predicting positive and negative outcomes at Network Solutions, Inc. may be aided by the information on page 22 of the text where the author identifies the characteristics of an ideal performance management system (PMS). For this discussion, read "Case Study 1-2: Performance Management at Network Solutions, Inc." in your textbook. What do you think will be some of the advantages or positive outcomes resulting from the implementation of the system? What do you anticipate will be some of the disadvantages or negative outcomes? Why?

Be sure to support your statements with logic and argument, citing any sources referenced. Post your initial response early, and check back often to continue the discussion. Be sure to respond to your peers posts as well.