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Archive for the ‘Business & Finance – Marketing’
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Marketing Plan for small business (real or fictional)

 Develop a marketing plan for a small business either real or fictional,
With all detailed analysis on, Marketing budget, Strategy, Targeted audience and more..

1.Need one introduction paper with 1 to 2 pages by end of the day today.
2.Need 8 papers writing with all details marketing plan for business by Monday Jan 27th.
3.Business Chosen "Home Depot".
4.Home Depot is the shop for all electronics and hard ware equipment.
5.Minimum 2000 words.
6.Please 0% plagiarism.
7.Please provide Turnit in report. 

Social, Ethical and Legal Implications

Assignment Content

  1. Purpose of Assignment
    The purpose of this assignment is to help students think through the importance of social, legal, and ethical issues that may arise with their product or service and the implications of decisions made within those frameworks. It is designed to help the learners understand ethical and legal issues related to marketing practices. This knowledge helps to prevent such issues when developing the marketing strategies in their marketing plan. The executive overview of the marketing plan is not a summary and conclusion, but an overview of what the plan entails and what it does not address.

    Assignment Steps
    Note: the Social, Ethical, and Legal Implications assignment is part of the total marketing plan as outlined in the grading guide. It is not a separate paper.


    Producing and marketing a product without regard to ethical,

Strategic Marketing Discussion

Dealing with the Competition: The Burger Wars: Dealing with the competition has been compared to the theories of war. Over 20 centuries ago, in the Art of War, Sun Tzu put down the ideas that have guided wars ever since. In one chapter, Sun Tzu discussed how the strengths and weaknesses of our enemy as well as our own should help to make clear the strategies we should use against our competitors. 

McDonalds has had some significant challenges recently. Please do some internet research on the current issues at McDonalds and especially their competitive challenges.

If you were the vice president of marketing for Burger King, and knowing your competitor is McDonalds, how could you use two of the war techniques to win the marketing war against McDonalds?

Strategic Marketing Branding Proposition Discussion

Write a 2 page paper on the question below:

 A brand is everything the customer understands about your offering. It is the image you present in the marketplace, and that is a vital and strategic consideration. Look at the following five levels of meaning.

1. Value: The benefits to price equation.

2. Values: What do you stand for? 

3. Attributes: What is it that you sell? What are the physical attributes?

4. Benefits: What do the attributes do for the consumer? 

5. Personality: Can you describe your offering like a person (fast, sad, dangerous, sociable, etc)? 

Every brand is built on one or more of these five basic foundational elements. You can compose or decompose any brand based upon these five elements. Your assignment is to find two brands that use a different major element of the five basic elements as the primary basis of the brand. Find a brand that relies on value, such as Hyundai, a brand with a perso

Digital Marketing Discussion

Write a one paper page on the following below:

1. Research and select two websites one you would consider possessing good on-site SEO and one not so good on-site SEO (in your opinion).  Discuss and justify your findings based on concepts in the book and other sources.  (You do not need to assess SEO not visible directly on the website).  Provide a link to each website and reference your textbook and any other sources used.  

2. What would be one good keyword phrase that you would target for each of the two websites you identified in 1) above?  Why would these be considered good keyword phrases?

3. For one of the two websites you identified in 1) above, what one example of off-site SEO can be helpful?  What content marketing consideration is being used on the website or that you would recommend for the website? 

Marketing with Social Media, City Data for Atlanta, GA for healthcare

Deliverable Length:  3-4 pagesView objectives for this assignmentMy Work 

Assignment Description

Both social media and the Internet have changed the way that health care organizations market to their target populations. Complete the following:

  • You have been asked by the chief executive officer (CEO) of a local health care organization in your city or town to create a viable social media strategy for the target market. Your strategy should be in the form of a 3-4 page paper, not including title page and reference page.
  • Additionally, he asks that you develop a marketing research tool that will help the organization understand its target market.
  • Use the city data from your Unit 2 Discussion Board assignment to assist you in the creation of the social media strategy.
  • The use of APA Style and at least 3 scholarly references published within the last 5 years is required. 
  • <

Marketing Management-120


Part 1

Question 1 of 20

The Southwind Camper Co. has as its primary goal to sell 10,000 camper trailers each year. From this type of objective, you can conclude that the company:

A. has a marketing orientation. 

B. does not adhere to the marketing concept. 

C. has determined to satisfy existing customer needs. 

D. wants to use a product development strategy. 

Question 2 of 20

The implementation of the marketing concept in a company should produce company-wide managerial:

A. appreciation of the consumer's role as it is related to the firm's existence, growth, and stability. 

B. effort based on participation and interaction of company officers in establishing corporate and departmental goals

Remote Gmail Customer Service & Assistance All The Time


Though Gmail provides incredible features you are bound to run into trouble with one or the other. But you need no to bother at all. Experienced team of is there to sort out your problems with an ease. You can avail support from experts to fix any meanwhile Gmail issues in a quick and easy manner. 

Give me before 10pm on 1/24

Reading article and write a reading notes.

Format: Two-page maximum. single space, block format, justified margins, 10-point font.

APA bibliographic citation of the work as your title 

Your name, course, section number and date at the upper right 

Use the bold subheadings below to segment your narrative

Central theme identify authors main lesson/argument what is the author(s) teaching us.

Critical analysis evaluate the lesson/argument strengths/weaknesses considering pointing to a frame of reference in your own life or your training in the subject. 

Main takeaways so what and now what? How do we best apply the knowledge from this article/book?


Marketing Plan give me before 10pm on 1/24/2020

This is an individual project where you will develop a comprehensive marketing plan for business to consumer, tangible product for an existing Fortune 500 company. We will use Appendix One in our text as our guide for your Marketing Plan.

Each student will provide a two-page, single-spaced, business block format proposal for the company and product/service you will use for your Plan. In the proposal include: a company profile including a brief five-year financial overview and its current marketing situation. Helpful sources for this assignment include: Datamonitor, Hoovers, Mergent, IBIS World from our library databases.


give me before 10pm on 1/24/2020 !!!!