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Archive for the ‘Business & Finance – Marketing’
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social, Ethical and Legal Implications


Assess in a maximum of 550 words the ethical, legal, and social issues affecting  Amazon products or service in two markets: the United States and one international market. Domestic market generally means the market where the company headquarters are located. If you choose a domestic market that is not the U.S., then your other market is required to be the U.S. marketplace. This will be added to the Target Market section of your Marketing Plan.

Include the following:

  • Develop a process to monitor and control marketing performance. This process could be a flowchart but a flowchart is not required (flowcharts do not count towards your word count requirement).

Formulate a maximum 250-word executive summary including at a minimum the following elements to include in your marketing plan:

  • Required executive summary elements:
  • Strategic Objective

Advertising Effectiveness


Respond to the following in a minimum of 350 words: 

Imagine you are the product manager for a new Superbowl television ad. Discuss what you would measure to determine the effectiveness of that advertisement on the day it was shown, a month later, and six months later. (200 words)

What are a few important trends in marketing practices? (150 words)

discussion 3 marketing management


Discuss the notion that firms should stop doing business with customers who constantly generate losses versus the notion that the customer is always right.

Your original response is due by 11:55 pm EST on Wednesday, and then reply to another students post by Sunday at 11:55 pm EST.  The required length for your original posting is 350 words


Locate a recent news article (dated within the last six months) about a  company who employs sustainable development or production methods to  attract consumers (i.e. green marketing plan). Develop an 800-word paper  using APA format presenting the company, its sustainable  development/production method and then analyze whether or not this  marketing plan is a rewarding approach for the organization. 

Week 2


Question 1: A great debate has arisen over the impact of our society on global  climate change. Using academic support explain your position regarding  the extent to which you believe human activity affects the environment?  Identify practices (both good and bad) in businesses.  Provide specific  examples to support your answers.

Question 2: The current marketplace demands better, faster, and cheaper  products. Which sustainable products fulfill consumer demand? Why are  they successful? Why is considering consumer demand important when  building a sustainable product? How may a firm fulfill consumer demand  with sustainable products?


Explore the concept of division of labor. Please make sure to address the following questions:

How important is the division of labor to a capitalist economy?

How does the division of labor lead to more efficient production?

What are some examples of division of labor and specialization from your personal experiences?

Complete this essay in a Microsoft Word document in APA format. Your work will automatically be submitted to Turnitin for plagiarism review. Please note that a minimum of 700 words for your essay is required.  

Interview athletic director

The purpose of this assignment is to learn about a potential career path in the sports business industry by networking with and interviewing an industry professional. As you ask questions, record the interviewee's responses. Answers (outside of name, job title, and time working with an organization) should be at least two to three sentences in length. If your interviewee delivers a terse reply, kindly ask the individual to elaborate.Select five questions from the provided list and develop 10 additional questions of your own to ask your contact during the interview about their job duties, experience, and responsibilities. Consider what questions you might already have about the individual's position, and what information or advice would be helpful to you in your job search.

  1. What is your job title?
  2. How long have you been working in your current position?
  3. What skills, abilities, and personal attributes have helped you to succeed in this role?

Digital Marketing Paper

Write a 2 page paper on the following below:

1. After watching Bryan Phelps Introduction to Google Analytics Expert Session, select any retail-oriented website and analyze how 2 of the analytics concepts (not specific metrics) discussed in that expert session could be used for analytics purposes for that website.  Provide a link to the website.  

2. Discuss 2 specific metrics that could be examined for the website you selected in Part 1 above.  How, and in what way would these metrics help the website operator?  Name one KPI that would be important to this website and indicate why. 

3. From a perspective of better decision making, what 2 sources do you recommend to be used by a digital marketer to generate visits to the site you identified in Part 1 above?  How can attribution be used for this website? 

Strategic Marketing Paper

Write a 3 page paper on the following question below:

In this assignment we look at segmentation and minorities in the United States. To begin, please do some internet research on the California Milk Producers and the Got Milk marketing campaign. Consider the three major minority groups in the USA: Hispanic Americans, African Americans and Asian Americans. For each group, describe the segments in terms of:

- Overall population size (USA & California)

- Demographics like age, education, and income (USA and California)

- What are the media habits of each group (USA only)

- Describe the nature of families for each group (USA only)

After describing each group, choose the first group you would target if you were the California Milk Producers and if the assumed goal is to increase the use of milk in California. Base your targeting on the criteria listed in your book, including accessibility, ability to buy, actionabi

Impulsive Buying decisions in Fashion

  • Write a 6 mins speech (1000 words) on Impulsive Buying Decisions in Fashion. Explain the topic, Introduce, Impulse buying a marketing strategy, How its a marketing tool, Talk about customer behaviour, including the factors and drivers resulting in Impulse buying. How it affects the fashion industry and customer behaviour, impulse buying in the high street market. Focus On consumer behaviour (why between the age of 18-25) Women do more?

  •  For help. Links for consumer behaviour-  YouTube summary http://bit.ly/1jxTQ3Q  Cialdini, R. B. (2001). Harnessing the science of persuasion.  Harvard Business Review, 79(9), 72- 81.  Cialdini, R. B. (2001). The science of persuasion. Scientific American, 284(2), 76-81.  Adam, H. & Galinsky, A. D. (2012) Enclothed Cognition, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Vol. 48 (4), pp. 918-925  Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely http://bit.ly/2A6EaF9  On Thinking Fast &