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HLTH400 Unit-5 IP SWOT analysis


Assignment Name: Unit 5 Individual Project

You will be using SWOT analysis to assess your organization and its environment. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors. Opportunities and threats are external factors.


You are to complete the following portions of your strategic plan:

Create a SWOT analysis.
Define a strategic management plan, using SWOT analysis.
Identify the (internal) strengths of the organization structure.
Identify the (internal) weaknesses of the organization structure.
Identify the (external) opportunities.
Identify the (external) threats.
Match the internal and external

Consumer Decision-Making Patterns

Address the following with reflection and integration of your reading of Chapter 8 which deals largely with attitudes and their impact and influence on consumer decisions:

  • Explain the 5 stages of the decision-making process and the degree to which consumers go through each of the 5-stages.
  • Support your explanation with an example of a recent purchase, walking through the process and steps you took.
  • In addition, discuss how a consumers attitude and his/her differences in commitment explain the why of his/her buying decision and yours.
  • Finally, as discussed in Chapter 8, examine the impact of the internet and social media on your buying decisions, providing detailed thought and examples.

The Consumer Decision-Making Patterns paper

2 Peer Review 1 Video Review

Directions For Peer Reviews

  • There are  two peers post

  • Each response post should consist of at least 100 words.

  • Point out what you perceived to be the strengths of the initial posting along with supporting rationale.

  • Identify specific opportunities for improvement with regard to the content in the initial posting. Furthermore, you should provide supporting rationale for your stated position, as well as concrete suggestions and guidance intended to strengthen the effectiveness of the content.

Directions For Viedo Reviews

View the video in chapter 2 titled and provide a few brief comments with respect to its relevancy to this units marketing concepts.




In one or two paragraphs, supported by evidence in your text and from the Globalization video, respond critically to the following: Globalization brings both benefits and costs. Research a business that is global and identify the benefits it derives as well as the costs it incurs. Be sure to specify the business identity and your sources. 

Marketing Management-120


Part 1

Question 1 of 20

The Southwind Camper Co. has as its primary goal to sell 10,000 camper trailers each year. From this type of objective, you can conclude that the company:

A. has a marketing orientation. 

B. does not adhere to the marketing concept. 

C. has determined to satisfy existing customer needs. 

D. wants to use a product development strategy. 

Question 2 of 20

The implementation of the marketing concept in a company should produce company-wide managerial:

A. appreciation of the consumer's role as it is related to the firm's existence, growth, and stability. 

B. effort based on participation and interaction of company officers in establishing corporate and departmental goals. 

C. concern with the effect of new products on the firm's present and future profit position. 

D. attentiveness to all of the above. 

Question 3 of 20


Interview at 3 companies


Pick any 3 firms to research. Based on Internet research on these companies, write a 500750-word research paper proposing at least 3 marketing opportunities that you would strongly suggest that each firm pursue. In your arguments, include the following: Describe your reasoning for identifying them as worthy of pursuing. Categorize each marketing opportunity as low-hanging fruit, home runs, or singles, and discuss why (see definitions in course materials). Discuss the risk in pursuing each opportunity. Without actually trying to determine each project's ROE, which would you most strongly recommend implementing, and why? Explain how the marketing opportunity would reflect upon the firm. Would it have a positive or negative public relations effect on the firm? Would it result in great financial improvements, or only a minor improvement?

international furniture company


You work for an international furniture company. Your company has customers in England, Mexico, Guatemala, and China. How would you evaluate the credit worthiness of firms in these countries? How does the credit risk differ between these countries? Would you sell to a company in these countries without a letter of credit? Explain why or why not. 200 to 300 words

Information System transforming business


Describe three (3) ways in which information system are transforming business. (33 points) 

What is information systems literacy? How does it differ from computer literacy? (34 points) 

List and describe the organizational, management, and technology dimensions of information systems.

MGMT305 Management Information Systems Unit-1 DB


While information systems has one meaning, it can be used in different ways for companies to keep a competitive edge on the marketplace. Compare and Contrast two distinctly different organizations on how they use information systems in their organizations.

Include in your post the following:

  • Research the 4 competitive      strategies and briefly describe them. 
  • From the 4 strategies, pick 2 and      provide an example of a company that uses each strategy. 
    • How do they implement the       strategy? 
    • Provide examples of how the       companies use the strategy, and do not simply write the description. 
    • Appraise the individual and       organizational consequences of the use of information technology and     

Memo to CEO- design of organization


A new CEO has just taken over your organization and would like a brief report on the current state of your organization in order to formulate a strategy for improving its performance. Describe your organization in terms of its design (centralized, decentralized, location, and so on) and functionality in a brief memo of 350 to 500 words.