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Archive for the ‘Business & Finance’
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Accouting And Finance

Major: accouting and finance.Direction of finance, the thesis also want to write finance, to collect database modeling, the midway to progress with feedback modification, paper modeling data needs to be sorted out to me, a mentor yet at present is to write a proposal submitted, after the redistribution of the teacher, began to big paper, proposa3000 words, I need to first proposal, the topic is cash holding levels, topic yet, 3000 words, to model, don't questionnaire, use database used financial data, to use eviews modeling,Af major according to the direction of finance,    

topic---cash holding levels

You choose the subject and then tell the client

The title yet

The title has not been decided, you need to decide, and inform the customer



Tania Collins has a 2-stock portfolio with a total value of $10,000. $3000 is invested in Stock A with a beta of 0.80 and the remainder is invested in Stock B with a beta of 1.40. What is her portfolio's beta? just the answer Daniel Reynolds has 30% of his stock holdings in stock A with a beta of .70, 20% are in stock B with a beta of .80, and the remainder is in a stock with a beta of 1.10. To the nearest .01, what is the beta on the portfolio? Taggart Inc.'s stock has a 50% of producing a 25% return, a 30% chance of producing a 10% return, and a 20% chance of producing a -25% return. What is the firm's expected rate of return?


You are required to analyze and summarize ONE current events article from newspaper and/or business publications. Your job is to find an article on a TOPIC ASSIGNED related to an owned business, read them carefully, and summarize them, demonstrating your ability to analyze current real-life business situations.

The article must be from a current issue of the Newspaper, Wall Street Journal, Business Journal and/or Business Magazine. Explore the other business databases, such as Business Source Premier and Business Insights Global. The article must have been published within the last 90 days.

You must supply a complete APA citation for each article you summarize. 

Articles from NEWSPAPER may not be more than 3 months old.

Article simply pulled from Google search will NOT be acce

Week 4 Assignment Law220

10th Justice; Takings Clause

As you learned this week, the government can enact the concept of eminent domain and take private property so long as it is for the public use and the owner is justly compensated. This concept is hotly contested and often results in a clash between property owners and the government. Developers and businesses generally like the concept of eminent domain and really attempt to stretch the term public use in order to expand business. In 2005 the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) decided in Kelo v. New London by a narrow margin of 5-4 that city's taking of private property to sell for private development qualified as a "public use" within the meaning of the takings clause.  

In your assignment this week please explain why the court got this correct AND explain why the court was wrong. Lastly, if you were the 10th justice how would you vote and why? 

This link should provide you with details on the case:


Week 4 Assignment

General Education Capstone Week 4 Assignment

How Influencers Shape Your Individuality

Refer to the concepts in Chapter 4 of Becoming a Critical Thinker.  For this assignment, you will write a 3-5 page essay with a focus on your influencers. As we grow and mature, and travel through life, we meet others who influence us along the way.  These influencers shape our individuality.  They help to make us who we are.  Additionally, reflect on the Four Empowering Attitudes in your essay. 

 Make a list of three or four people who have influenced you.

 Explain the specific effect of their influence.  (For example: My mother told me not take to candy from strangers.  Her warnings caused me to be wary of meeting or paying attention to strangers.)  Provide some less obvious influences, too.  

 Indicate how each of these people has effected your individuality (based on Chapter 4 in Becoming a Crit

Organizational Concepts


Organizational Concepts


1  APA writing guidelines

2  Write a 1500-word paper that discusses the following organizational concepts:

  • a. Organizational mission: the organization's mission and purpose, stated in terms of benefits to customers, employees,and society
  • b. Organizational structure: the organization's structure to best support the stated purpose
  • c. Organizational contingency: environmental factors that will create the greatest impact on the organization
  • d. Leadership contingency: the type of leader that this organization will need (style,trait, skills, etc.)
  • Worldview:     
  • e.Discuss how worldview influences this particular organization and its organizational members.

Additional notes: If possible use an actual or

Philosophy Paper


As your final project, you will write an essay in which you present your own Personal Philosophy of Success.  The purpose of this essay is to define the success strategies that you will use for years to come.

This essay is your opportunity to write the script that will keep you on course to a rich, personally meaningful life.

An "A" paper will...

  1. Demonstrate the writer's careful consideration of three or more important success strategies.
  2. Contain extensive support (examples, experiences, evidence, and/or explanation) for each strategy, and
  3. Show a commitment to excellence in preparation, including professional appearance and a command of standard English. 
  4. Length will be a minimum of 500 words. 

Week 5 Discussion

Each week, you will be asked to respond to the prompt or prompts in the discussion forum. Your initial post should be 75-150 words in length, and is due on Sunday. By Tuesday, you should respond to two additional posts from your peers. 

Refer to Chapter 6 of Looking Out, Looking Inand answer the following:

  • Think of a time when you spoke with someone whose speech violated the syntactic rules that you are used to.  
  • Explain the scenario and the situation.  
  • Identify what you thought about that person.  What was your first impression?  
  • How was your impression of that person influenced because he or she did not follow standard linguistic rules?  
  • Think about it in hindsight.  Was this first impression valid?  Why or why not? 

View your discussion . 

Week 4 GU 299

Each week, you will be asked to respond to the prompt or prompts in the discussion forum. Your initial post should be 75-150 words in length, and is due on Sunday. By Tuesday, you should respond to two additional posts from your peers. 

  • A friend came to you last week and told you the following: Ive had it with my boss. Shes always so overly critical. I lost my temper and quit today. I told her what a horrible manager she was and left then and there. Now Im afraid to add that job to my resume and to use her as a reference.
  • Take this brief assessment on Emotional Intelligence: .  
  • Share your score and explain how this may help or hinder you in a work and personal environment. 
  • In light of what you learned about emotions in Chapter 5 of Looking Out Looking In, what should your friend have done instead? 

View your discussion . 
due tonight 


 In eight hundred words or fewer, provide a thorough legal analysis (preferably using the suggested IRAC format) of the legal issue presented related to the  case with format attached.