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Archive for the ‘Business & Finance’
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Jesse Parker sells for Mid-East Metals. He has been calling on Richmond Distributors for close to two years. Over the course of 15 calls, he has sold nothing to date. During an early call, Parker had Richmonds engineers in to look over and test the quality of his products. The tests and the engineers responses were positive. He thinks that he is extremely close to getting an order. Parker knows that Richmond is happy with its present supplier, but he is aware that they have received some late deliveries. Terry Kitchel, Richmonds senior buyer, has given every indication that he likes Parkers products and Parker. 


During Parkers most recent call, Kitchel told him that hed need a couple of weeks to go over Parkers proposal. Kitchel really didnt have any major objections during the presentation. Parker knows his price, quality, an

Investment Risk Management


Risk management negligence within the financial services industry contributed to one of the most significant economic crisis in the recent history of the U.S. During this time, Lehman Brothers, a global financial services company, filed for bankruptcy protection. This created the largest bankruptcy ever within the financial services industry. In order to complete this assignment, you will need to search the Internet and Strayer databases for information related to Lehman Brothers bankruptcy, the financial risk factors that contributed to the failure, and managements responsibility for the failure.

Write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you:

  1. Based on the information you research related to Lehman Brothers, assess the factors that contributed to the financial failure of the firm, indicating how management failed to manage the risk related to each factor. Make a recommendation for how firms should manage these types of risks in the future

Chapter 22 Discussion


A good way to introduce the idea that unemployment brings benefits is to think about the unemployment of things rather than people. Look around and notice all the unemployed automobiles in the parking lots/stations. Notice the unemployed class rooms early in the morning and late at night. Notice the unemployed seats in Starbucks at peak lecture times. Look around the city and notice all the unemployed automobiles in the car sales lots. Try to make a reservation at any of the hotels in the city and notice that you can almost always get a roomhence, lots of unemployed hotel rooms. 

Does all of this unemployment bring benefits? Do the same ideas apply to unemployed people?

Discussion Forum On Chapter Readings

Required Textbook:

Arun, J. S., Cuomo, J., & Gaur, N. (2019). Blockchain for Business. New York: Pearson Addison-Wesley. 


1. What are the benefits and challenges associated with public and private blockchain and which has the most potential for application in human resource management? 

2. How can blockchain technology improve employee safety and security? 

You are required to cite this weeks assigned readings in your paper.

Berke, A. (2017, March 7). How safe are Blockchains? IT depends. Harvard Business Review, 51-60.

Patel, R., Sethia, A., & Patil, S. (2018, September). Blockchain: Future of decentralized systems. 2018 International Conference on Computing Power and Communication Technology. 369-374.

Use the following headings t

Business Expansion And Sustainability


Assignment 2: Business Expansion and Sustainability

Due Week 10 and worth 280 points

In order to complete this assignment, refer to the scenario that you chose in Assignment 1.

Note: You may create and / or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of these assignments.

Using the scenario from Assignment 1, write a six to seven (6-7) page paper in which you: (I am attaching Assignment 1)


1. Identify three (3) job requirements (e.g., needed certifications, previous work experience, external influences, etc.) that could apply to your chosen scenario. Determine two (2) ways these requirements could impact staffing at your organization. Next, suggest one (1) strategy that you could utilize to ensure that all applicants meet the identified job requirements for your organization. Justify your

06 Written Assignment – Time For Reflection!


As this class draws to an end, you covered a vast amount of material  pertaining to business law. From the classifications of law, contract  formation, illegal agreements and various types of property, to business  ethics, you gained further insight into how businesses should operate.

For your final assignment, you will be creating a brochure that  informs an audience as to all of the amazing topics that you covered. In  your brochure you will need to include:

  1. A definition of Business Law and why one should study it.
  2. The difference between Business Law and Business Ethics.
  3. A list of topics covered with a brief description for each one.  Remember this is a brochure so there will not be a ton of space. You  want to hit the highlights from each week.
  4. A section on emergi

Discussion 6


Often times we hear of or see unethical acts related to business, but  due to the fact that they are not illegal, there is no penalty for the  harmful act.

For this week's discussion, describe an unethical business act that  should become illegal. Why should this act become illegal? What would be  the penalties for someone who violates this new business law?


Complete a speech based on the provided article paragraphs and three statistical tables


The purpose of the research is to identify the smartphone brand that is most popular among a group of people and what makes that phone the most preferred one. A total of 147 respondents participated in the survey. Out of these, 63.4% were female and 35.2% were male. The remaining 1.4% preferred not to disclose their gender. Majority of the participants (69%) are aged between 20 and 29 years. 15.5% are aged between 30 and 39 while 9.2% are above 45 years of age. The remaining 6.3% are aged between 10 and 19 years. 39.4% of the participants said that they are Latino, 26.1% were White, and 12% were Asian. The remaining percentage was shared among African Americans, Arab, and people with origin in the Middle East.

The sampling method used for this survey is non-probability sampling, specifically convenience sampling. Here, a group of sma


Discussion: Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 500 words.

After reading this week's lesson notes and reading, please develop an argument that responds to each of the following questions:

(a) Do you think IGOs create a convergence of state interests?
(b) Do you think IGO membership results in socialization?
(b) Do IOs more generally help foster accountability among states?

Your answers should not regurgitate the conclusions of these articles, but rather critique them. Feel free to disagree with the authors if you find reason. For example, consider these questions in your answer: what assumptions undergird the arguments of these authors? To what degree are the authors' conclusions generalizable across different issue areas, types of countries, or types of IOs?

Note: your in-text citations for works with two authors should look like this: (Grant and Keohane 2005, page). 

Lesson 2: | IO Independence and Autono

American Companies Moving Jobs Overseas

Read the following directions and post an answer of at least two paragraphs (a minimum of 500 words). Be sure to use standard English in your answers, with appropriate punctuation (refer to the grading rubric).  I am looking for evidence that you have read the response as well as what your opinion is on the topic. After you compose your response you will upload your posting using this tool. Once the deadline for the discussion topic is closed you will no longer have access to this tool.


Attached are two articles that deal with how American companies continue to Preview the documentand/or Preview the documentin order to remain competitive.  Please read the articles that examine the ever changing nature of the US and world economy.

Discussion questions:

1) How ca