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Continue the discussion by responding to your classmates posts, providing them with additional insights, perspectives, and critical thoughts on factors that influence student retention.  

Respond 2 classmates discussion

below is 2 classmates discussions and the discussion you did for this assignment

speak in first person. Speak as you are talking to each classmate directly

Research PaperProposal, Draft, And Final With Cover Letter (10-15 Double Spaced Pages, APA Format):

  Forthisassignment,youarebeingaskedtoenteranacademicconversationanddevelopapositionon anissuerelatedto leadership,education,and/orjustice.Youareexpectedtowriteawell-conceived essaythattakesapositiononanissueofsomeimportance.Thismeansyoullneedtomakewell-reasonedclaimsandprovideampleevidencetosupportthem,basedonyourresearchinthiscourseand beyondit. Pleaseidentifyajournalwhereyoucouldsubmityourpaperforpublication.Besuretolookatsample articlesfromthejournalandadheretoallsubmissionguidelines.Rememberthatresearchcantake manyforms(i.e.,ananalysisofexistingdata,anarrativeinquiry thatusesstoryasresearch,aprogram review,apolicyanalysis,etc.),andyoushouldidentifyandplanyourapproachtoyourpaper accordingly. Yourfinalpaperalsoneedstoincludeacoverletterthatdoesthefollowing:1)describeshowyour paperhasevolved;2)presents detailsabouthowyouverevisedyourpaperandhighlightshowyou respondedtosuggestionsandquestionsonyourdraft;3)includes aself-assessmentandagradefor yourselfinthecourse. Finally,

2-3 Pages DUE TOMORROW! Must Cite References…

Literature Review on Minority Boys whose dropped out of school and went into continuation schools

Theoretical Framework for your research: And theory/theories USED.


Theories that inform your study

Writing your literature review

To do for next time:

o Draft of Literature Review

Discussion Post Due In 36 Hours

This discussion should be in MLA format, 400 words at least, and 4 paragraphs:


Instructions: Write a response on the following topic: Describe a teacher, staff member, or administrator who have encouraged you to complete a course, finish school, or go to college; how did that encouragement help you reach your goal?

You are required to develop at least 400 words on this topic which should include four paragraphs- develop an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph. 

ATD Competencies Memo


Access the .

Analyze the Instructional Design Competency - choose three competencies that you feel are vital for any organization's growth or success.

Write a 350- to 525-word memo to your boss, or to management at an organization you are familiar with, as to why your selections should be addressed in the company's new instructional training plan.

Refer to the Writing a Business Memo tutorial, in the , to help prepare your memo.

Submit your assignment.

Project 5


Project: Final Project

Walden University envisions a distinctively different 21st-century learning community where knowledge is judged worthy to the degree that it can be applied by its graduates to the immediate solutions of critical societal challenges, thereby advancing the greater global good.

Walden Universitys vision

What is your vision for social change? What outcomes would you like to see regarding the social issue on which you have focused during this course? What might you be able to contribute to the realization of those outcomes? This Assignment provides an opportunity for synthesizing the information you have researched and the ideas you have formulated regarding your social issue. It also provides an opportunity for peer review and collective comments in Week 6.

To prepare for this Project:

  • Review the Final Project section of the Course Project Overview and Guideli



Cultural Diversity in International Negotiation

Cultural diversity can create challenging circumstances for international negotiators. Not only is it important to understand specific cultural factors that differ among delegations, but it is also important to evaluate how the factors of one culture interact with the factors of the other. 

For the first paragraph of your posting, discuss the advantages and dangers of creativity in the international negotiation process.

For the second paragraph of your posting, select any one of the following bullet points and address all elements of your chosen bullet point. Select a different bullet point section than what your classmates have already posted so that we can engage several discussions on relevant topics. If all the bulle

Paper Due Tomorrow!!!

Mini Research Paper

Write your paper on one of the three following topic areas:

How do issues such as time management, procrastination, academic strategies, locus of control, willingness to ask for help, learning style, etc. impact learning? (Choose 1 or 2)

How do online courses and/or the use of technology impact the learning experience? How does Growth Mindset affect learning?


APA Style (6th edition)
5 pages (including title and reference page)
double-spaced, 12- point font, Times New Roman 1" margins
No abstract


three are required
at least one should be peer-reviewed


Draft due on 2/6 at 4:00PM CST. Include a draft of the introduction, topic/central question, and reference page including at least two references.

Week 7 Writing


This week, your assignment has two parts: Part 1 is to develop an outline of headings; Part 2 is to complete the Synthesis Matrix.

Part 1.

Develop an annotated outline for the Signature Assignment based on the description of three levels in this weeks introduction:

  1.  A framework of headings
  2.  The inclusion of supporting citations
  3.  The inclusion of supporting paraphrased comments

While this outline may still change for the final paper, the time you spend developing this outline with the supporting research will be rewarded by making the writing of the paper predictable and in line with APA style and formatting requirements. Include an APA-style title page before the outline and a complete references section following the outline. 

Length: 2-3 pages, not including title and reference pages

References: Include a minimum of 8 scholarly resources

Part 2.



  • eek 5 Discussion  Opera and Society
    Please respond to each of the following questions, using sources under the Explore heading and the textbook as the basis of your response:

1. Using the text as a source and/or the web links listed below, choose an opera by Verdi, or Wagner, or Puccini, give a brief description of the plot and characters.   What changes would you make to the plot or characters or storyline to update this opera make it more interesting? 

Opera and Society

  • Chapter 30, Wagner and Verdi; (pp. 1133-1134), Puccini; review the Week 5 Music Folder
  • Huizenga article and audio selections at
  • Wagner video of a stage production (Tristan und Isold