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Archive for the ‘Education’
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Capstone Proposal


In effort to help get your mind prepared and focus on selecting a topic/idea for your Proposal, you will have to find an article, white paper, on-demand Webinar, video, podcast or case study around a topic of your choice on a industry's website that is focused on Information Technology/Systems, or related professional domains, (i.e. Data analysis/analytics, Business Analysis, Project Management, Business Architecture, etc..)

Suggested industry resources website:

Once you find your topic/idea, you will have to answer the following questions in your response to this discussion:

Describe why you chose the topic/idea.

Briefly describe the main points of the article, white paper, on-demand Webinar, video, podcast or case study.

What are your thoughts/take ways about the article, white paper, on-demand Webinar, video, podcast, or case study


 describe the importance of servant leadership and positive connections, how high quality connections can be a useful way to foster those connections, and discuss specific ways that each of the pathways can be used in your workplace or team to foster those relationships.  Your paper should be 4-5 pages in length (12-font, double-spaced, and APA formatted).  

Creating Effective Learning Goal Statements

**all verbatim quotes must be enclosed in quotation marks and all summaries (using all your own words) of other author's ideas must include a citation. All verbatim quotes must be enclosed in quotation marks, otherwise it appears that you wrote it yourself. Even if you summarize this process in all your own words, a citation is required** Please remember this as you work on answer. I will dispute answer.


After reading Chapter 4 of your Assessing Student Learning text, use Blooms Taxonomy (linked in the Resources below) develop 35 learning goals that you expect your current or future students (or trainees) to be able to achieve as a result of a learning experience, such as a course, program, activity, or field experience.

First, write a brief paragraph that summarizes the course, program, activity, or experience in which students or trainees will engage in learning. Then, using the structure and wording used for stating


1.   Most of us have experience with in-groups and out-groups. Discuss a time when you were in one or the other and wished you were in the one you were not. In other words, you might have been in the in-group but resented the extra pressure and responsibility, or, conversely, you might have been in the out-group and wished you had more access and input in decisions being made. How did leadership theories manifest in these situations? 

2.  Given servant leaderships antecedent condition of follower receptivity, do you feel like you would enjoy working for a servant leader? How about an authentic leader? Why, or why not? If you have experience working with, or for, an individual who exhibited the behavior of the leadership theories discussed in this unit, please share what that experience was like. 

Please keep the number and also 350 words count.


Teaching Rationale

1. TSW decide one's own rationale for desiring to become a teacher by writing a two and half to three page essay on what events and people influenced the decision and why education is the best career choice.

  • Reflect on experiences and others around you who have influenced your decision to become or to investigate becoming a teacher.
  • 2 1/2 -3 pages in length (title page does not count)
  • Refer to Assignment expectations for further expectations.

APA Format



When reviewing classroom practices and how those practices impact student learning, relate your experiences or beliefs, on how ESL/EFL learning is impacted by the Five Domains of Language:







Use chapters 1 and 2 as references to support your arguments.

REL-Mod 4 Disc.

 Choose one of the following questions, and post 3-4 lines of a response to the Discovery Board by no later than Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT.Discovery Options

  1. Contrast Mark 6:4 and Luke 4:24. Why is the lack of honor by the family eliminated by Luke?
  2. Contrast Mark 14:3-9 and Luke 7:36-50. Is there any Lukan element highlighted by the contrast?

If you are posting your initial response, click the Start a new thread button. If you are responding, click the Reply to Thread button for the thread you wish to respond to.

Grading Rubric for ALL Discussions

  • Accurate use of English including careful documentation (including ability to paraphrase and use quotations).  5 pts 
  • Accurate and complete reflection of material read for assignment.  5 pts 

Behavior Lesson Plan


This week you will develop and implement a mini-behavior lesson plan using the template provided. You will upload a copy of the lesson to the discussion board forum 

For the initial post, you will write a reflection that addresses the following questions: what teaching behaviors were expected in the lesson,  what were the expected behaviors of the learner(s), what actually happened in the lesson, what worked? what did not work? what would you do differently with a similar student or group of students? Why is it important to teach behavior in the same manner that you teach reading or math?

It is important that you cite your points using the textbook and learning resources. You may also use other scholarly literature to support your discussion. Citations and references must be in APA format. See the grading rubric for details. 

Initial Post: You are required to make an initial post to the discussion board prompt

Alignment And Social Change


Post an explanation of the criteria you could use to evaluate alignment between data collection methods and other research components, such as the problem, purpose, research questions, and design. Then, reflecting on the course content, discuss the extent to which your newly acquired research knowledge and skills can support your role as an agent of positive social change. Be specific and provide an example(s).

Be sure to support your Main Issue Post and Response Post with reference to the weeks Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA Style.

Problem Solving Lesson Plan

For this assignment, select a K-8 grade level and state standard in the area of measurement and use the "COE Lesson Plan Template" to design an original lesson plan. Be sure to focus on problem solving in a real-world context (e.g., building a house, measuring for carpet, etc.), and include a media component to enhance the lesson to facilitate conceptual understanding and higher order thinking processes

Use the Class Profile (IEP, ELL)to decide on differentiation strategies to meet the diverse needs of students. 


In 250-500 words, provide a rationale that explains how you will use effective verbal, nonverbal, and media communication techniques to foster students active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the mathematics content area. Explain mathematical instructional strategies that create a real-world context and relevance to students.

Support your findings with three scholarly resources.