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Archive for the ‘Education’
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Data Collection Techniques [WLO: 1][CLO: 5]

 Data Collection Techniques [WLO: 1][CLO: 5]

As you have planned your action research so far in this course, you have come to new understandings about your area of focus and the variables you intend to influence through your planned intervention. Now we will shift to learning about data collection techniques that you can use to determine if your proposed intervention has made a difference. Please prepare for this discussion by reading Chapters 4 and 5 in the Mills (2014) textbook and Chapters 7, 8, and 9 in the Sagor (2000) ebook. Then, create a table similar to the one below, and include the following information:

  • State your research question.
  • Determine one qualitative and one quantitative technique you will use to collect the data needed to answer your research question.
  • For each technique, justify why you would use this technique in your study.
  • Cite at least one source you used in determining your data collecti

Critical Friends Forum – Action Research Intervention Planning And Ethical Considerations Draft . [WLO: 5][CLO: 3, 4, 5]

 Critical Friends Forum - Action Research Intervention Planning and Ethical Considerations Draft . [WLO: 5][CLO: 3, 4, 5]

This week we will continue our Critical Friends discussion forums to continue to build towards your Final Action Research Proposal. This discussion forum will provide an outlet for sharing the draft the section of your proposal that you created in Week Four, the Intervention Planning and Ethical Considerations - Action Research Proposal. At this point, you may not have your instructors feedback yet in order to make revisions before sharing with peers, which is fine. The purpose of this Critical Friend Forums is to share your current work to get targeted, meaningful feedback from your peers. If you have any particular area(s) that you are struggling with or need more feedback, please request fo

Education Law Presentation Outline

This week you will create a detailed outline that will serve as the foundation of your assignment in Week 6. In the final week of this course you will use the information and feedback from this outline to create a PowerPoint or video presentation in which you practice creating and delivering a professional development session on educational law. 

Please note that this presentation is not intended to serve as a substitute for legal advice and is covering introductory concepts only. It is not intended to address any actual dispute of cause of action and is not at all reflective of any recent changes to law or consultation of a union representative, administrator, or attorney.

You are encouraged to select a topic of your interest. Possible topics include but are not limited to: 

religious expression in schools, 

student privacy, 

First Amendment rights, 


Social Justice

According to Furman and Gruenewald (2004) social justice is a critical-humanistic role for school leaders. The critical-humanistic role is one that (a) assumes that schools are inherently value laden, (b) engages in an analysis of school structure for inequalities that result from unequal power relationships, and (c) works to overcome these inequalities.

After reading Chapter 8, closely Examine Table 8-1: Equality of Opportunity Matrix. For this discussion, you will

  • Reflect on an educational program or school you have worked at or have yourself attended, and describe where it lies on the quadrant (the name of the school or program is not necessary).
  • Describe the characteristics of the school/program and explain why those characteristics support your placement of the school/program in a particular quadrant.
  • Through the lens of a school leader, discuss the importance of social justice, social capital, and how both relate to equal pr

Cultural Competence Checklist



Evaluate principles of ethics and leadership.


You are a mentor teacher, working with co-teachers at All Kids Childcare and Education. Your program has started a new initiative to help teachers better incorporate and celebrate diversity. You are excited to showcase the strategies a few of the teachers are already using.

However, as the training begins, one teacher comments, "Diversity is not a priority in my classroom. Almost all of the children are from the same ethnic background." You look around to see several other teachers nod in agreement.


First, reflect on your own leadership style as it pertains to this scenario in a reflection paper written in a Word document.

  • Describe the leadership style that fits with your personality and how you can use your leadership style to determine your steps for opening a broader co

Undocumented Students

UndoThe number of undocumented children in the U.S. is increasing in numbers and educational leaders must understand how to support their educational success by addressing their unique challenges. For this discussion, you will focus on the case study In All Fairness in Chapter 8. This case study focuses on the controversy surrounding legal and illegal immigrant families, children and public school attendance, as well as the concept of silent tracking.


If Alejandro came back to the school with a birth certificate (foreign), no social security card, and a letter from the local homeless shelter as proof of residence

  1. How would you explain to the office staff that he should be admitted?
  2. What laws support your actions?
  3. What resource(s) could the school provide to support this family?
  4. What is one resource that you could share with your peers to support best practice

Edu 571 Week 4 Discussion

"Debate It Evaluation Approaches to Determining Graduation Requirements" Please respond to the following:

  • The school board of a large urban school district (70% graduation rate and 50% college entrants) plans to make graduation requirements more stringent (e.g., more courses in science, math, and language) and reduce vocational education and elective courses (music and art). The school board plans to have an expertise-based evaluation before enacting the plan. Take a stand as a stakeholder and argue for or against the board using a participant- or expertise-oriented approach to evaluation. State two (2) reasons and/or benefits of your view.  

"Identifying and Selecting Evaluation Questions and Criteria" Please respond to the following:

  • The board of governors of a public liberal arts university with three colleges: arts and science, business, and education for 5,000 students is considering adding a com

Requirement : Eatch Question Need 120 Words

1.       How would you personally define ethics? 

2.       How does business ethics differ from your personal ethics? 

3.       What is the biggest influence on your personal ethics? Why? 

4.       Do you try to always be ethical? Why or why not? 

5.       Do you think you have a high personal standard? 

6.       Do you know an adult that has lied, cheated, or stolen anything? How might an adult justify this type of behavior?

7.What was unethical in the College Admission Scandal video?
8. Where the three factors of results, rules, and personal character traits followed in this video? Justify your response based on actions in video

Discussion 2

Please read the first three Articles of the US Constitution and react to the questions below.

How is the distribution of power between federal and state level governments a reflection of the beliefs and values of the United States? 

How does the Federal System of government provide a framework for the distribution of power in the United States?

Why does the Constitution divide power between the state and national governments through enumerated, implied, concurrent, reserved, and denied powers?

Thread 1 And Thread 2 (No Plagiarism)

Thread 1

Discuss specific techniques for modifying instructional methods and   materials. How can you ensure you meet the diverse needs of your   students without calling attention to their specific needs?

Thread 2

The anticipatory set is an essential element of lesson planning. What   are the benefits of incorporating this element into your lesson?

(No plagiarism)