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Archive for the ‘Education’
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Journal Reflection

Complete the weekly journal assignment for Week 6.

Title your tab and entry "Weekly Journal Reflection."

Reflect on your Weeks 1-5 journal entries.

Write a 350- to 525-word response to the following questions:

  1. How has your understanding of community-based education and lifelong learning changed during the course?
  2. What are your plans for gaining additional expertise?
  3. How prepared are you for working in the community-based education areas that were covered in this course?

Save your responses.

The Future of Community-Based Services and Education Presentation

Resource: Research Tutorials located on the University Library page. View tutorials on how to perform a search for peer-reviewed articles.

Develop a 7- to 10-slide (15- to 20-minute) visual presentation, video, or podcast on the outlook of community-based services and education up to 15 years from now using a tool from the Technology Resource Library, located on the site. Your presentation must include the following:

  • Key considerations in anticipated changes
  • Possible funding scenarios, if appropriate
  • The influences of diversity and the law (and any other factors you believe are important) on the outcome

Cite at least three peer-reviewed sources according to APA guidelines.


 Read Chapter 2 and watch Week 3 Lectures. Choose a contemporary moral issue in our society (course materials) and apply the ethical principle of Utilitarianism to approve this moral issue. You must pick a moral issue that you strongly support and apply the utilitarian claims (course materials) to back up your arguments. The paper must be done in MLA format with a minimum of 500 words (quotes are not included in the word count). You must use at least 3 sources from LIRN (code 24439) in our library. This assignment is due on January 26th before 11:59 pm. You must apply Bentham/Mill's "Principle of Utility" for 50 points and Bentham's Felicific Calculus for 50 points. Both are under course materials.

Legal Case Summary

Legal Case Summary

For this assignment, you will write a summary of a judicial decision. The goal of this assignment is to support you in the practice of reading a legal document and communicating your understanding of the decision. 

Please use the following template which highlights the elements that should be included in a case summary. The key is to systematically arrange related parts of the decision that are often scattered throughout the written judgement, assimilating the information, and making it manageable.

After reading , use the following template to answer the guiding questions for each section.

Legal Case Summary Template

Nature of the Case (Facts): Who are the parties to the lawsuit, and what is their dispute? In your own words, only include the few important facts necessary to understand the case (e.g., the time of day a defendan

Challenging Your Thinking

Challenging Your Thinking

1.  Research to find out if overweight children are likely to become overweight adults.   Report your findings in a two (2) page summary.

2.  Make a list of task that a preschool child could do in the home (10 task).  Make a list of tasks school age children could do (10 task).

3.  Discuss ways family members might slow down a child's speech development.  One page in length.

Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment

Many laws are in place to protect student information. For this discussion begin by reading Chapter 7, next review the Model Notification of Rights Document Under the PPRA on the  website, and read the scenario below. Answer the discussion question at the end of the scenario using the following chart to determine which legal issue you will focus on when providing your response:

Students Last Name              Legal Issues

Begins with A-H          Childrens Safety & Personal Records

Begins with I-P                        Familys Rights

Begins with Q-Z                     &n

Summary Paper #2


Summary Paper #2

For this weeks summary paper, you are to choose one of the links below.  Read the article or watch the video, and then write a 2-3 page paper.  Three fourths of your paper should be a summary of the video or article.  The remaining fourth of your paper should be a discussion of how the article of video relates to the assigned textbook readings.  Your paper should include:

  • Your Name
  • The date
  • Which article of video you chose to summarize.

Be sure that you use spellcheck and that your paper is grammatically correct.  And be sure to read the Summary Paper Grading Rubric, posted in the Content tab of the course for information on how your paper will be graded.


Mitosis, Meiosis and Inheritance


Genetic Recombination


DNA Transcription



Discussion Responses

1.)  In chapter 4 I read about the different ways of learning. I actually fall into many categories. I learn by reading, visually, and by working alone. I find that doing all the things previously listed I learn very well. I read and highlight, take notes, make pictures (depending on what it pertains to, mainly math when it comes to the visual part). I definitely do prefer working alone (I don't like the distractions). The characteristics of the type of learning that suggests that it fits for me is reflective learning. I tend to gather as much information as possible doing a lot of research before I commit to something (in other words before I make my final decision or make up my mind). The classroom environment that I feel works best for me is by visually seeing what the teacher is trying to teach, for example: things written on the chalk board or white board, posters around the room, and independent work. In addition, to hands on (actually doing the work to help me learn or t

Assignment 1a


Assignment 1: Project Analysis and Instructional Objectives

Due Week 4 and worth 125 points

In Week 1, you identified a need, such as new equipment, expanding curriculum, change in procedures, and so forth, that you want to address through the instructional curriculum you will create for your class project. You also provided a rationale concerning why the problem or need exists, outlined a goal for the project, and proposed instructional strategies. Each week is a building block as we move through the stages for planning instructional design to address the identified need. The purpose of this assignment is to document the planning process. Use the Internet to locate information that you believe will assist you with your project.

Write a two to four (2-4) page paper in which you:

1. Develop a needs analysis for the identified need.

2. Determine the learner characteristics for the identified need.

3. Create a mini

Research of Educational Change


Research of Educational Change

One aspect of professional development that educators can participate in is that of educational conferences. While you may at some point have participated in an educational conference as an attendee, you have the opportunity in this assignment to think as a presenter! This assignment will also provide you the opportunity to create or revise your Curriculum Vitae (CV) and cover letter.

In this assignment, you will take your discussion presentation you prepared for the staff meeting and convert it into a poster that you could use at an academic conference. As well, often when submitting a poster proposal you include a CV and cover letter that highlight your experience and research interests. If you created a CV and cover letter for a course in your program sequence, you may take this opportunity to revise and update those artifacts.

Historically, a conference poster session involves use of a large poster-board style docum