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Examining Strategies to Work Toward Consensus

350-400 words

Question: Reflect on the reading below about common obstacles to assessment. Using and citing the readings, how might you summarize some effective strategies for resolving those obstacles? How might a renewed understanding of assessment help faculty, staff, or administrators to become involved in assessment efforts and work toward consensus?


Some of the common obstacles to assessment include framing credible and legitimate processes, balancing credibility with salience, engaging stakeholders, connecting science with decision making, consensus building and characterizing uncertainty. The assessment process faces obstacles to be perceived as legitimate and credible. Trust comes from the shared beliefs and values held by the scientific community. The values and beliefs shared by scientists may not be known by the policymakers. It may difficult to let everyone who is affected by a decision voice their opinions. The assessmen

Action Research Proposal Introduction and Literature Review [WLO: 1, 2][CLO: 5]



Action Research Proposal Introduction and Literature Review

[WLO: 1, 2][CLO: 5]

Last week you evaluated scholarly, peer-reviewed research to inform your own action research proposal. As we discussed last week, knowing what has been successful or unsuccessful in addressing the same or similar issues in early childhood education should inform how you approach your area of focus in designing your intervention and instruments.

The purpose of this weeks assignment is to synthesize the information you have on your topic to make informed decisions for your own intervention and instruments. This week, as noted in the content expectations below, you will generate the first two sections of your Introduction and the Literature Review. You have already begun your work on your introduction in Week One and have begun your work in exploring the literature in Week Two. Informed by your Week One and Week Two assignments and inst

Legislation Affecting Early Childhood Education


As an early childhood education professional, there will be many times that you will need to refer to Websites for information and research. In Module 01 you started an Early Childhood Education Resource Guide. This guide will serve as a helpful tool to support your work in the early childhood field. In this module you will create a new reference sheet for your guide.

For this assignment:

  1. Update your reference sheet to add at least five (5) Websites or other sources of information about legislation affecting early childhood education or resources that would help in understanding the legislative process.
  2. Provide a 1-2 sentence description of each source.

Legislative Process Infographic


An infographic is a way to present information quickly and clearly through the use of a visual representation. You can certainly search the Internet for examples of infographics or feel free to view these examples found on the Rasmussen College Website:

For this assignment, create a 1-page infographic of the federal legislative process: How a bill becomes a law. Your infographic should use a professional tone appropriate for early childhood educators and, at a minimum, include:

  1. How legislation is introduced
  2. Committee Action
  3. Floor Action
  4. Presidential Action

The document can be created using a variety of Microsoft tools including: Word, PowerPoint, or Publisher. (If you would like to use a different tool, please discuss it with your instructor before proceeding.)

1 of 2

*keep each question and reference separate 


After 9/11, the position of National Director of Intelligence (NDI) was created to bring organization to the multitude of intelligence agencies.  Today there remain at least 17 intelligence agencies in US government.  Why do we still have so many? 500 words 2 references 

Congress has been given oversight of the US Intelligence Community.  The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence has 21 members.  The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence has 15 members.  There is a belief in some quarters that 36 members of Congress are too many to entrust with sensitive intelligence data given the congressional propensity for leaks to the media.  This has resulted in certain intelligence issues being disclosed only to the Gang of Eight, which is composed of committee leadership and House and Senate leaders.  This excludes 32 of the 36 commi

3 week

 Analyze the models of school organizations and explain how they have helped to form your understanding and concepts of what a school is. Choose the model of school organization that has influenced your image of schools the most and explain why.

Think of how you would like schools to be organized and determine your top three priorities regarding the subject. Determine the support needed to establish these three priorities.

Needs Assessments


Community health assessments are used by health planners to identify, and prioritize health problems within a given community. To prioritize health programs and their development, a needs assessment is used. There are four types of needs that should be considered in a needs assessment. Although there is no single way to conduct a needs assessment, the basic steps to conducting a needs assessment can be identified.

Using the Internet, research about needs assessments and the types of health needs in your community. Based on your research, create a 4- to 5-page Microsoft Word document that:

  • Describes the four types of needs and compares them. Explains the interaction of the four types and the role of each type of need in the community assessment process.
  • Selects one of the four needs and provides an example of how this need can be applied to a health issue in y

Early childhood product


a Work Product that is divided in to two parts. In Part I, you will describe the NAEYC Early Childhood Program Standards and Accreditation Criteria (Document #3) and NAEYC Engaging Diverse Families Project Program Self-Assessment Checklist (Document #4), and explain how these tools can be used in assessment, and in the case of the Accreditation Criteria, to support program quality.

In order to complete Part II, in which you evaluate an early childhood program, you will need to arrange a visit to a NAEYC-accredited program and interview the director. The Walden University Letter (Document #1) is a letter you can provide to the director explaining the purpose of your visit. You can find a list of accredited programs in your community .

Explain that you are learning about program standards and practices supporting families and how to evaluate early childhood programs. Share the NAEYC Early Childhood Program Standards and Accreditation Criteria Overview (Documen

assignment 2


Analyzing international negotiation can provide important insights for being effective global leaders. Multi-cultural negotiating skills are increasingly necessary to effectively manage multinational network organizations. Multi-cultural skills are increasingly necessary for effectively leading domestic organizations as well.

For the first paragraph of your posting, discuss how international negotiation might help international leaders acquire the knowledge and skill necessary in todays global business environment.

For the second paragraph of your posting, select any one of the following bullet points and address all elements of your chosen bullet point. Select a different bullet point section than what your classmates have already posted so that we can engage several discussions on relevant topics. If all

Response a peer


***** Respond in a paragraph following the established guidelines. The answer must be of a substantial nature and with quotes present in the textbook. Agree or disagree is not appropriate. 

***** Only use this book and specific pages.   Represent the quotes (author, year, and page) when reflecting the content in your paragraph.

Source of reference: textbook Chapter 2, PAGES 37-41



Grisel Cabrera

       2.  How is cognitive strategy instruction used to teach academic, cognitive, or social skills?

Cognitive instruction is a concept that comes from the work of Bandura on social learning theory and cognitive behavior modification from Harris and Meichenbaun. (Bos and Vaughn, 2006). It comes from the assumption that cognitive behavior can be changed as observable behavior does. Cognitive strategy instruction (CSI) is a systematic method that is u