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Archive for the ‘Education’
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Health Education in Action

Public Health Threat: Measles Outbreak

Background: Nationwide, 667 people have contracted measles in 21 states, according to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. There have been 383 cases so far in your state in 2018.

Your Role: You are a health educator at the state level Department of Health.

Scenario: The potential to have infectious diseases spread is substantial if there are enough people who are not vaccinated. There has been a significant increase in the number of measles cases this year. You have been asked to educate the community about the outbreak as well as means for prevention. The best prevention of measles is vaccination. Vaccinations are available to protect individuals and the measles vaccine is highly effective.

  1. Define and support your target audience, and be sure to specify if there will be more than one targeted audience
  2. Define the specific message you will relay to your audience(s)
  3. Expl

Family Fitness Night


Physical activity is a large part of brain development and learning. Involving the family is just as important. Their involvement creates a bridge between school and home and fosters the establishment of a community.

Create an activity night for families focusing on fitness, movement, and play that targets the development of fine and gross motor skills of young children. As you develop your activities, consider how you will differentiate for those with special needs, physical limitations, or developmental delays.

In the handout for the activity night, write detailed descriptions of three activities/stations for infants and toddlers to be shared with families and volunteers who will facilitate the activities.

Include in the handout:

  • Directions facilitating the activities 
  • Learning objectives or outcomes for the activities
  • The fine and gross motor skills that each activity targets
  • The value of movement and

Clinical Field Experience A: Physical Activity


Physical activity is a component of childrens development that will be incorporated into everyday learning. Educators find creative ways to incorporate more movement and play in the early childhood classrooms.

Allocate at least 4 hours in the field to support this field experience.

Find a birth to Pre-K child care facility and have a discussion with a classroom teacher to gain insights on the following:

  • How much time children are allowed to participate in physical activity
  • How learning objectives are written to address physical activity
  • How lessons are designed to incorporate physical activity

Observe and take note of the types of physical activity in which the children participate. The birth to Pre-K child care facility that you choose is where you will spend all of your field experience hours for this course.

Use any remaining field experience hours to assist the teacher in providing instruction and suppor

week 5 Writing


This week, you will write a well-developed introduction. The purpose of the introduction is to introduce the context of your area of interest (main topic), then two to three related areas (subtopics). These should be supported by one or more selected research resources. Then, you will summarize the points and conclude with a clear thesis that tells the reader what the proposed paper will be about (scope and sequence). This should follow the above suggestions in that it should be three to five paragraphs and supported by at least one scholarly resource.

Length: 1+ pages, not including title and reference pages

References: Include a minimum of 1 scholarly resource 

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral Unive


please respond to the following prompt completely:

1. Many economists argue that early childhood education is a good investment from a societal perspective (chapter 5 of Restoring Opportunity addresses this). In 5-6 sentences, explain one of the arguments that economists make to prove this point.

2. After reading Chapter 5 of Restoring Opportunity, watching the Boston pre-K video, and reading Maria Boni's transcript, what does Boni mean when she says that "kids' work is play"?


Signature Assignment - Create Instructional Materials


For your Signature Assignment, you will design instructional materials for a single-day, single-topic video resource and scripted PDF job aid with graphics. You will develop:

  1. A short instructional video

  2. A job aid for the video, containing screenshots and/or other graphics. This job aid will also serve as the script for the video

  3. An implementation plan (see below for information to be included)

You will also need to include the following information in a separate front-end analysis summary plus a page for references.

  1. What instructional need does this professional development satisfy?

  2. Who are the intended learners? Be specific about the following:
    1. Age
    2. Gender
    3. Primary language 
    4. Formal education background
    5. Size


Assignment: Analyze Twitter Activity and Connection


In this activity, you will circle back with your Twitter activity and discuss political, legal, or ethical considerations as they specifically pertain to assessment and evaluation. By this time, you may have engaged in a fairly substantial conversation about outside influencers and their impact on your field.

If you were unable to make a connection via Twitter, no problem. An alternative would be to research a prominent blogger who may affect your particular situation or field. For example, a state agency may impact how you assess learning (in most fields).

Regardless of whether you made a connection via Twitter or not, you will make connections between readings in the course and activities in which you have participated. All of these activities will influence your writing for this week.

In your reflection, you will detail interactions that you had via Twitter (or the al

EDU 533

  • Select one (1) of the types of learner characteristics. Propose two (2) approaches to achieving instructional objectives that address the properties of this learner characteristic. Support your response with two (2) real-world examples.
  • Create the tasks for the trainer/instructor for your final project. Using the six structures listed in the text, select one (1) and specify how it relates to the responsibilities of the trainer/instructor. Provide a rationale for your response. (Note: Be sure to include the title of your project and a brief description to provide your classmates with context for their responses.)

due mon


Online Success Assignment

Before completing this assignment, be sure to read the articles by Waschull (2005) and Roper (2007) provided in the Module/Week 1 Reading & Study folder. Your assignment must be 34 pages, not including the title page or the reference page, and include the articles on the reference page. This assignment will give you an introductory look at current APA format and research in Psychology and will help you plan for success in this course.

Part 1Create a title page.

1. Create a title page using current APA format, and include the title of your paper, your name, your university affiliation, a running head, and page numbers.

2. Use the following pages of this document as a guide for what the style should look like for the pages of your document.

Part 2Write a 34-page paper that addresses each of the following components.

1. What have you learned about factors related to success in on

Communicating the Purpose and Value of Assessment