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Archive for the ‘Education’
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Barriers To Healthcare For Women And Minorities

Barriers to Healthcare for Women and Minorities

Poverty and lack of education are two big barriers to healthcare for women and minorities. Low levels of education are associated with low life expectancies and high mortality rates. People living in poverty often lack education about when, why, and where to access healthcare. There have been various legislative activities in the US to improve public health.

On the basis of your understanding of the access to healthcare facilities and impacts of barriers to healthcare access, answer the following questions:

  • Explain at least three public health campaigns targeting access to healthcare for women and/or minorities. Describe at least two aspects of their advertising strategies that have addressed income and education.
  • Abortion has been the subject of numerous legislative activities in the United States. How have various leg

4 Peer Responses – Due In 6 Hours


Respond to four (4) of your classmates postings.

Rosies Post:

The Institutional Review Board (IRB) purpose is to assure, both in advance and by periodic reviewing that appropriate steps are taken to protect the rights and welfare of the human participating as subjects in the research. (US Food and Drug Administration Institutional Review)  The IRB has a responsibility to approve or disapprove all activity that is obtained and that is given enough information to provide notified consent. All research activities involving human subjects must be reviewed and receive a written, unconditional approval from the IRB before performing research. The IRB seeks to protect researchers as well from adverse consequences of research with human subjects so that they comply with federal regulations and guidelines.

Researchers should avoid exposing participants to physical or mental danger. If the potential for such distr

2 Peer Responses – Due In 4 Hours


Guided Response: Respond in a substantive way to at least two of your peers. Choose at least one point from your peers response that impacted your thinking on this subject, and explain why and how that particular comment resonated with you or caused you to think in a different way. Compare the implications for human personality development identified by your peers to those you identified, and suggest alternative conclusions where appropriate. Challenge ideas with which you disagree, and support your arguments.

Ashleys Post:

Looking at the research that was performed on the rats in The Great Rat Mother Switcheroo (Webster, 2013) displayed motherly love by grooming the rats affectionately, which affected the rats on a genetic process level called epigenetics.  The pups were interchanged among the high-licking and low-licking mothers throughout this experiment.  The pups that belonged to the

Exercised And (2) Peer Responses Due In 6hrs





The Research Project

Identify a generic organization (e.g., manufacturing plant, hospital, educational institution). You will use this same organization in your Week 5 Final Project. Assume that you are part of a research team examining work groups in the organization to determine factors that enhance or inhibit group productivity. Identify what factors you would examine in your research and provide a rationale for your choice.

Guided Response: Respond to at least two of your classmates posts using source citations from the course text and at least two other scholarly sources, one of which can be a course video.  Provide constructive peer review feedback.

Davids Post:

Organization: Manufacturing plant

I have almost no experience with manufacturing, but I think p

Paper Organization

organize these weekly journal articles into a coherent paper. Please note, these were written good and just need to be organized into paragraphs in a paper (No need to add anything). please add attached bibliographies (just the resources part) to the references at the end of the paper.

High Stakes Testing

Resources: Local or state testing programs, regulations, and handbooks; 

Research the requirements for any high-stakes testing and the practices for ethics violations and misadministration.

Create an infographic of the expectations for high-stakes testing.

Effective Questioning

In order to engage students in mathematics instruction, teachers use a variety of questioning strategies. It is crucial to have a variety of questioning strategies along with solutions to potential roadblocks that can occur during instruction.

Part 1: Questioning Strategies Template

For this assignment, select a K-8 grade level and a state standard in the area of algebra, and develop aligned learning objectives. Examine a variety of questioning strategies that foster innovation and problem solving in order to complete the Math Questioning Strategies template. The questions you create should connect concepts, procedures, and applications from algebra, activating prior knowledge for the lesson, and encourage exploration and problem solving.

The Math Questioning Strategies template includes:

  • Math standard in the area of algebra, grade level, and learning objectives.
  • Five probing questions that are directly aligned to the ma

Unit 7 Assignment

AS Description: 

(A literature review) usually has an organizational pattern and combines both summary and synthesis. A summary is a recap of the important information of the source, but a synthesis is a re-organization, or a reshuffling, of that information. It might give a new interpretation of old material or combine new with old interpretations. Or it might trace the intellectual progression of the field, including major debates. And depending on the situation, the literature review may evaluate the sources and advise the reader on the most pertinent or relevant. (UNC at Chapel Hill Writing Center)

The literature review establishes the major themes within your field that your (hypothetical) research project grows from. Using the resources youve found so far, the literature review for your research paper takes the individual resources and, through synthesis, identifies for your reader the common themes that can be identified between those re

Discussion 7

What resources have you found to date that help to explain some aspect of your research topic? Briefly summarize the key points from two-three of the resources you have found so far. How do these resources help you set up the foundation of what your research project will aim to do?

The Purpose Of QRIS

 The Purpose of QRIS

The Purpose of QRIS. 1st Post Due by Day 3. Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) is designed to increase program quality by bridging the gap between the minimum standards set by each states child care licensing standards and the high standards that reflect research-based best practices. For this discussion, you will research your states regulations and compare them to the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Accreditation Standards. View this four-minute video on , which provides an overview of the NAEYC Accreditation benefits, to further familiarize yourself with the accreditation process before drafting your discussion post.

In your initial post,

  • Compare your states licensing regulations to the NAEYC Accreditation Standards in the following categories for a preschool-age classroom of four-year old children: (a) child to