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Archive for the ‘Education’
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Structure Of Georgia Government

Hide Folder InformationInstructions

Based on your readings this week, please provide a brief (250 word) overview of the Georgia General Assembly and review one piece of legislation currently in front of the assembly. Current legislation can be found at  ,

Discussion Board Forum 2

Topic: Identify and describe a specific conflict you have been involved in this year that relates to your profession. Based on the course content and your research, analyze the appropriateness and effectiveness of your response.

Submit your thread by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday and reply to 2 peers by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday.

Theather Assignment

This project is due Sunday of Week Four and is worth 30 points.

For thisproject, you will attend a live theatrical performance in your area.  You may choose a play or musical performed in a professional regional theater or by a good community theater or opera company.  Please, no school plays.  All choices of performance must be pre-approved by the instructor.  Students must obtain a program as both proof of attendance and source of information about the play.  This program must be scanned and uploaded along with the assignment. Your instructor will be happy to help you find a play in your area.  Musical theater and opera are acceptable. Students with children may attend a professional children's theater production.

After attending the play, write a three-page theater review, in which you critique the performance.  Your critique should contain a

3 Discussion Questions- Theather Arts


  • 1-
  • This discussion question is based on pp. 363-400 of The Essential Theater, 10th ed., by Oscar G. Brockett and Robert J. Ball.
    Topics you should know before answering this question:

    1. The job of a scene designer (pp. 363-373)
    2. Assembly, shifting scenery, set decorations (pp. 374-380)
    3. Technical rehearsals (pp. 380-381)
    4. Costume design and makeup (pp. 385-400)
    What are the skills and background required of a scene designer?  What are the skills and background required of a costume designer?  How are they similar?  What differences are there?

  • This discussion question is based on pp. 405-423 of The Essential Theater, 10th ed., by Oscar G. Brockett and Robert J. Ball.
    Topics you should know before answerin

GEN 499 -5

Prepare: Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read the articles ; ; and ; watch the video ;  and review the General Education Curriculum found in in the Ashford University Catalog. This catalog addresses the core competencies that the general education courses must cover: Ethical Reasoning, Written Communication, Oral and Interpersonal Communication, Information Literacy, Critical Thinking, and Quantitative Reasoning. 

Reflect: Think about the core competencies as previously mentioned, and ponder your time taking general education courses. Reflect on the specific courses not associated with your college major and determine the level of new information you have acquired that relates to the core competencies. You must also think about a potential job you might apply to once you graduate and determine what skills you developed through general education courses that make you qualified for a specific job.

Freakonomics Journal

please refer to this video and watch the black community segment and its access to job opportunities ( minutes 10 to 20) and take a deeper dive answering the questions belowin 1 page maximum




  • What is the question in this segment of the movie?
  • What is the data that was used to answer the question? (how was it obtained?)
  • Did the data answer the question?

Example: In the very first part of the movie is an examination of real estate transactions.

  • The question in this segment is whether real estate agents sell houses the same for themselves as they do for clients
  • The data used was a database of real estate transactions
  • The data seemed to indicate that real estate agents worked differently for themselves than they did for clients. The segment also posited that they made more money when it was their house.

Lesson Plan-Online ( No Plagiarism)

Lesson plan can be in the form of a lesson plan template, Word document, or PowerPoint.

Lesson Plan-Online 


Design a lesson plan on one subject from Topic 1 or 2 provided in the topics list from your instructor. Include the following:

  1. Overview. Write an introduction to the class activity. Include the purpose of the activity and desired outcome.
  2. Objectives. The objectives should be specific and measurable.
  3. Time. How long will the activity take when implemented in the classroom?
  4. Materials. Describe any materials that are needed to conduct the lesson.
  5. Activity. Provide a detailed description of the activity. Write all steps from the instruction of the assessment.

Your lesson plan may be in any form approved by the instru

3 Part Assignment

I  have a 3 part assignment due which would be 3 different papers. Clinical Part A as one paper, Clinical part B as another paper and Clinical part C as another paper and references are to be under each Part and not on the paper as one paper.

4 Different Questions


*this is not a paper just questions keep each separated by references*

1.  One of the goals of ethics instruction/training is to promote in public managers the reasoning skills necessary for ethical leadership, in hope that they can then transfer those skills to their subordinates. Please describe how and what your current organizational leadership does to transfer those skills to the rank and file membership of your organization? 

500 words 3 references Keep Separated 

2.  Please describe how and what your local elected officials are currently doing to "adopt and implement policies" that promote inter-generational fairness?

500 Words 3 references Keep Separated 

3.  The GAO report on information sharing concluded that the current information sharing process is not perceived as effective.  What are its shortcomings?  What improvements can be made to increase its e


You will discuss with your class mates how your field observation is going. you will answer the following:

Practicum Experience is going........

Something I've learned new so far..

something I would like to share with the class that could be useful to them...

Something I would like to change if given the opportunity...

An experience where I have had to enforce the NAEYC Code of ethical conduct or seen enforced.....