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Succession Planning Project Overview

Using the material learned in your degree program, the information in this course, and additional research, develop a comprehensive succession plan for a real organization. The organization can be based anywhere in the world. If you select an international organization, keep in mind the global and cultural factors. You may also use your current organization as the basis of the succession plan, if the organization is of sufficient size to justify a meaningful project paper. It is recommended that you seek permission for your organizational choice early in Week 1.

Assume the role of chairman of the board (or similar position) of this organization. You have recently received the resignation of the CEO (or similar position), a highly successful and charismatic leader who has held this post for the past twelve years. (The real-life company should have a

800 Word Worldview Reflection Paper



****My degree is Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies behavioral sciences and Government***** I plan to earn my masters degree in Human Services so I can be a counselor for people with Mental health and substance abuse issues. ****

Interdisciplinarity and Worldview Reflection Instructions. **Also use a Bible Ref**

****Prompt: In 300 words, explain what interdisciplinarity is and reflect on how it impacts your worldview*****. And, in ****another 250 words, reflect on and explain the personal impact of the single most helpful lesson you learned from Covey this subterm.******** 

****In two sections of 250 words each, reflect on what you have learned in this course, how your perspectives have changed, how you now view your degree, and how you plan to use or think about your interdisciplinary degre

Proposal For New Technology


Assuming that your organization has already made a significant commitment to integrating technology into teaching and learning, take this opportunity to propose the adoption and implementation of a new technology. By new we mean a technology that will be new to you and/or your school/classroom.

Using Proposal for New Technology as your title, write a position paper.The paper should not be more than 6 pages (double spaced, 12 pt. font) in length including your Title page and References list.The purpose of this paper is to state what you believe to be the instructional benefits of the proposed technology for students and to support your beliefs with resources you locate in NSU's Electronic Library and other research.Be sure to follow the APA guidelines for citations in your paper and for full citations of resources in the References list.

Week 2 Assignment Loving Support Essay


It is a truism that a loving, supportive home environment pays dividends in a childs development. The same is likely true in a school setting; students who believe that their teachers and the school care about them will likely have a closer connection to the school and have more positive feelings about the school.

In a two- to five-page paper (not including the title and reference pages) use the (specifically pages 9-18) as well as three additional scholarly sources (not including your textbook), cited and referenced in APA style, to describe the idea of a loving, supportive school environment through addressing the following: 

Describe a loving, supportive school environment from the point of view of both student and teacher. 

Describe the parental role in helping to create a loving, supportive school environment.

Describe the benefits of this environment to the students academic, physical, and social developme

Week 2 Journal



Using the Journal tab, respond to the following prompt:

View the and develop a 10-point checklist of what works for parent involvement.

Carefully review the for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your journal entries.

See full work attached

Week 2 Discussion 2 Counseling Roles


List and explain the factors that play an important role if and how counselors become involved in school, school-community, and overall partnerships. Research indicates certain misperceptions counselors have about their role- why may this be?

See full work attached

Week 2 Discussion 1 Parent Roles


In Chapter Three Hjalmarson points to assumptions we make about students and the role their parents play in the educational enterprise.  What are some of these assumptions?  What assumptions do you have about students in a school you work at or a K-12 school you have attended? Indicate how some of these assumptions that educators make can unwittingly become self-fulfilling prophecies. 

Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Reference the for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.

See full work attached

2,100-Word Research Proposal That Includes An Abstract, Introduction, Literature Review, Rationale, Methodology, Significance/Conclusion, And Refe


Research Proposal Instructions

Create a 2,100-word research proposal that includes an abstract, introduction, literature review, rationale, methodology, significance/conclusion, and references (the last of which not counting towards the word count).**** Reuse previous assignments in this assignment, but those assignments should be modified and updated as per instructor feedback.

Prompt: In 2,100 words, create a research proposal for your research topic that includes an abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, rationale, conclusion, and references (the last of which not counting towards the word count) in that order. 


1. You may use first person, but not second person. Only use first person when absolutely necessary to talk about the fact that you are proposing research. Some sections like the literature review should not have any at all, but you will

EDU Week 7

Evaluation and Instructional Objectives Select a single evaluation type that you believe would be ideal for your project. Describe the audience and the intended outcome of the evaluation. Provide at least one (1) example for your project. (Note: Be sure to include the title of your project and a brief description to provide your classmates with context for their responses.)


Disability Law Brochure


Disability Law BrochureDescription: Understanding the laws and regulations for providing services to students with disabilities is critical for working in the B-2, PreK SPED, and K-3 settings. Sharing information and resources with educators, parents, community members, and other stakeholders is often the responsibility of the teacher.Directions: You will design a brochure that includes the following sections:

Purpose of the brochure 

Overview of IDEA and its components 

Overview of Section 504 and ADA 

Resources at federal, state and local levels minimum of two at each levelThe brochure should be prepared using Microsoft Publisher or a similar software program.