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Archive for the ‘English – Article writing’
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Technology in early childhood

Please review the websites provided in this weeks readings and describe the ideas provided on how to use technology in the preschool classroom. Then reflect on three ways you can use technology in your own classroom environment. 

Reading report

The Concise Mastery (pp. 17-63)After completing the assigned readings, write a 300-500 word essay following the description , summary, response and 3 quality sources

Word file only. 

separate it into two section. Section one would be the summary and section two is the response. Reference should also be included. 

Please write the essay in entry-level please!!!

!!!Before the 1/17 11:59!!!

Week 2 Discussion


  • Use the Strayer University Library to locate a source that would be relevant to a research topic of your choice that interests you.
    • Cite the source that you located using SWS formatting.
    • State the topic you researched and the database you used to locate the source.
    • Describe your research process. In other words, how did you conduct your search, what keywords did you use, and so on?
  • Imagine you are now writing a memo and a FAQ that would include information from the source that you located.
    • Briefly, how you would incorporate the source into the memo and the FAQ.
      • How is your use of the source different based on the type of writing you are doing?
    • Briefly explain what your writing process for one of these two would be (either the memo or the FAQ). Refer to your textbook readings.

Communication course mapping


A short video must be viewed. Then mapping is required. Mapping pictures are attached. I can include more mapping picture examples if needed. 

In this video, a prosecuting attorney in New York is bringing charges of murder against individuals who have killed other people while driving under the influence. The attorney argues everyone understands driving while under the influence poses risks for the driver and for other people, including the risk of a fatal accident.

The statutes provide for charges of depraved indifference when ones behavior results in the unintended, but foreseeable death of another human being. Defense attorneys argue, among other things, the laws pertaining to murder were never intended to be applied in this way. The debate was captured by CBSs 60 Minutes in a segment that aired on August 2, 2009.

After reviewing the segment:

  • Map out the reasoning for both sides of this

Seeds of Revolution: The Arab Awakening

Task: Watch the film "Seeds of Revolution: The Arab Awakening (Links to an external site.)" and comment on the key moments in the narrative that help you understand the following:

- April 6th movement
- The role of technology
- The cracks in and the backlash to the movement

Word length: Around 100 words per point

Submission: There is no submission button in this assignment. Please submit your responses in vialogues. 



What different assumptions about the nature and purpose of religion do you see in the conflict over Mount Graham? Consider the perspectives put forward by members of the Western Apache community, and by representatives of the Roman Catholic Church. In your article, be sure to bring the article "Mount Graham: Science and Apache Religion" into conversation with at least one other reading or video from this module. (important at least one )

Read :http://nativeamericannetroots.net/diary/471

watch 1- :https://player.mediaamp.io/p/U8-EDC/qQivF4esrENw/embed/select/media/2zVLQF7ipVpd?form=html

2- https://player.mediaamp.io/p/U8-EDC/qQivF4esrENw/embed/select/media/zomzum7cgIY2?form=html

Grades will be based on:

-Depth of engagement with class materials