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Archive for the ‘English’
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Discourse Analysis And Text

 ---Cohesion, coherence, intentionality, acceptability, informativity, situationality, and intertextuality are the Seven Standards of Textuality. Choose one of the previous standards;  1. Explain it in your own words 2. Give an example that displays this standard or shows the lack of it with your explanation.

Introduction To Semantics

-- A. Suggest a set of prototype features for one of the following conceptual categories: (p. 68) (2 points) draw up a list of possible members, including some marginal cases and ask another person to assign GOE ratings. Consider to what extent the ratings can be accounted for in terms of your suggested features. the conceptual category is FRUIT  B. Assign the following categories to superordinate, basic, or subordinate level and provide an explanation for your answers. p.69 (3 points) CAR - CROCKERY - TEASPOON

can you finish this homework thru 5 hours from now


1. Complete the prewriting for the progress report:

  • Prewriting prepares you to write and helps you organize your ideas.
  • You may print the lesson and jot notes for yourself on the paper, or you may write notes on your own.
  • You do not have to submit prewriting for any points, but don't skip this important step!

2. Complete a draft of the progress report:

  • Remember to use the memo format style in typing this progress report.
  • This report should be two or more pages when you are completed.
  • The draft will be much shorter than your final report.
  • Follow a logical structure: introduction, what is finished, what is underway, what is left to do, and a conclusion.
  • Use specifics such as dates, proper names, numbers, costs, etc.
  • Include one or more visuals may such as pictures, graphs, charts, tables, etc


 Theorist of Choice
The text, Sociology: Beyond Common Sense, describes many individuals who have contributed to our current view of sociology, including:

Auguste Comte
Emile Durkheim
Karl Marx
Max Webber
Harriet Martineau
Jane Addams
W.E.B. Dubois
Erving Goffman
George Herbert Mead
Robert Merton
From the list provided, identify one theorist whose work regarding society you found most interesting. Using the knowledge you have gained thus far in this course, write a paper that describes the theory or work aligned to the chosen theorist and provide three reasons why you chose this theorist. Use scholarly resources to support your thesis.

The paper must be three to four pages in length (excluding the title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style Ashford Writing Center Essay (Links to an external site.). You must use at least two scholarly resources (at least one of which must be found in the Ashford Librar

3 Pages

Major: English


Topic: racism still a major problem in America society today

You need to talk about racism between white and black. Need to compare.

Just write 3-4 body paragraphs, DO NOT write the introduction and the conclusion.

Talk about how racism affects school, healthcare, prison system and police office. (Or you can talk about from other situations)

Need to find sources online.

Every paragraph needs at least one source.

One source must from a published book.

One source must from a credible and appropriate website.

Need works cited page.

3 pages

Unit VII

  1. Unit VIII Project

Implementation Plan: Part 3

For the final assignment of this course, you will continue your work with the company you used in Unit IV and Unit VI. For the Unit VIII Project, you will complete the final components of your implementation plan.

For Part 3, you will focus on the following points:

  •  internal and external issues,
  •  competition ,
  •  future outlook for the organization, and
  •  implementation of tools for measuring business success.
    Much of the information you will need to complete this segment can be found in the case study in the textbook. However, you are welcome to conduct further research as needed. For the future of the organization, you may be creative and add your own insight on where you see the company going.
    Your project must be a minimum of three full pages in length, not including the title and reference page. Make certain to

Unit VI

Unit VI Scholarly Activity

Junctionville Memo

Junctionville was struggling; small factories in this community in the southeast United States were closing as their jobs moved to low-wage Asian countries. Some residents moved away to seek work, which resulted in a 10% population decline and the closing of some local retailers.

Then, several years later, Junctionville was selected as the location of a major automotive assembly plant that was being moved from the high-cost, industrial Midwest to the lower cost, nonunion Southeast. The plant is up and operating, and Junctionville is growing again. New subdivisions and businesses are springing up to support the increasing population.

Recently, Junctionville and two other nearby communities were contacted by representatives for MeggaMart, who want to open a new supercenter store. MeggaMart is a large, global chain that sells groceries and every household, yard, and garage item imaginable at low prices. You are


Companies are adopting lean practices, including inventory management, to improve their operations. Do you think these principles would help manage your household? Which do you think would be the most helpful?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.


Imagine that you work for a company in a small town in the Midwest where it is the dominant employer. You just found out that your company is considering moving its production facilities to a small town in the South where costs are lower. Many other businesses in the Midwest town, such as restaurants, banks, service stations, and grocery stores, will be negatively affected. Do you think the company has a social responsibility to take this into account with its relocation decision? Explain your reasoning.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

Lifen Geo Half Pg Due 2 Hours


Class: GEO276 (Geography of the global economy)

Question: Compare and contrast the main features of agriculture in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa before globalization. Identify the main features of agriculture in the periphery under globalization.

1 page double space

Requirement: dont need research, just use own language, better use simple language.

Better use this required text: Knox, P., Agnew, J., and McCarthy, L. (2014) The Geography of the World Economy. London: Hodder Education (KAM)