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Peer Review


Unit 7: Peer Review

22 unread replies.22 replies.

We will use this discussion area to facilitate peer review of one essay you have selected for your portfolio. Before you get started, please read the assignment for the portfolio, and note the amended due dates for this unit's activities on the Unit Seven unit homepage. This unit's peer review will be focused on what composition researchers call "lower-order concerns"that is, word choice, sentence variety, sentence-level grammar, documentation formatting, punctuation, and overall "correctness."

Assessment: See the Grading and Assessment content item under Course Information.

A NOTE ABOUT BALANCE: So that everyone benefits as much as possible from this process, respond to an essay that has not been read yet or that has only one response before adding a th

Writing Assignment Due 2/27


First, for your final writing assignment, discuss how women and/or other marginalized peoples can engage in acts of resistance as it relates to sexuality. This is a very open ended prompt to intentionally allow for critical and creative thinking, but please note that you must explicitly engage with course materials. You must cite from the text.


Then, choose one topic or issue that you learned about this semester and discuss why/how it had the biggest effect on either your knowledge, your self/identity, your relationships or your sense of advocacy/justice. Try to tie in the text/materials (from any module).

Reading materials:  







Edit before you submit and see the syllabus for other writing assignment expectations. The document

Writing Portfolio


Unit 7: Writing Portfolio

  • Due Sunday by 11:59pm
  • Points 200
  • Submitting a file upload
  • File Types doc, docx, and pdf
  • Available Feb 24 at 12am - Mar 8 at 11:59pm 14 days

Our attention in Unit 7 shifts to preparation for the final portfolio, which is due at the end of this unit. Your portfolio should be submitted no later than 11:59 p.m. CT on Sunday. The portfolio counts as 20% of your overall grade in the course.

Final Portfolio Guidelines

Required Components: 

  • A reflective essay (about 4 full pages, double-spaced)
  • Your two best essays from this class, each with further revision
  • Artifacts of your writing process

Length: Your reflective essay must be between 800-1200 words. Your

Assignment Eng2


Think about all of the stories we've read for this class so far. 

  • "A&P"
  • "The Man Who Was Almost a Man"
  • "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?"
  • "The Lottery"
  • "The Storm"
  • "Everyday Use"
  • "The Things They Carried"
  • "This is What it Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona"
  • "A Worn Path"

For this journal entry, write about two of these stories that either (a) share a theme, which means that both stories essentially make the same point in their own ways or (b) share a topic, but have differing themes, which means they make different points about the same topic. For example, if there are two stories about growing up that seem to make the same point, that would be option (a); if there were two stories that each made a different point about growing up, that would be option (b). 

The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People BOOK- Habit 1 & 2


yo can read the habit 1 and 2 from the book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People'

or you can find the information about this chapter of the book on internet.


Be Proactive!  What does this mean to you?  How are you currently proactive?  How are you showing initiative in your growth?   Examples of your proactive language?  What's your plan to expand your Circle of Influence?  What are you doing now, after reading this chapter to improve? Your Application Suggestions?

Begin with the End in Mind! What did Oliver Wendal Holmes mean?  What does End in Mind mean to you? What is your Personal Mission Statement?  No need to write it out here but give me your top 3 Statements.  What is your Center?

Target is ~350 words, so be concise.

Industrial Topic

In the chapters we've covered so far, the concept of convergence and the reshaping of the media as we know it has been evident. Please select one industry from the topics of BooksNewspapersMagazines and Film, and write a 4 paragraph essay showcasing, using both your opinion and some research, an example of how the reshaping of the media has affected the industry you selected. Use one specific media outlet for the industry selected as your example, and provide some statistics as well as your own forecast of how you think what is happening is positively or negatively affecting the industry itself. Feel free to add a chart, article, video, or podcast if you wish to help support your position. As this essay will be somewhat subjective, have fun with it, but remember to use proper spelling, grammar and punctuation and to cite your source(s) used at the end. Goo

Religious Study Essay

 Describe the process of legal change in two of the three religions (Catholicism, Protestantism, and Islam) by drawing on two specific instances of change in laws (one example per religion). Compare the two processes. Based on your comparison, make an argument for why law changes when it does and what explains the differences in the process of legal change between the religions.

Compose a response paper to the following question.  Your response paper should be a minimum of 3 full pages and no longer than 5.  It should be double-spaced, use a 12-point font, and have 1-inch margins all around. Read the question carefully; make sure you answer all of the different components that make it up.  Go back and carefully re-read the sources in order to answer the question.  Strive for clarity and precision. Make sure you cite your sources correctly when you either quote a text, or reference or paraphrase a

Child Development Need This Friday February 28, 2019 By 12pm PACIFIC TIME ZONE!


Answer the following questions.

Q1. Based on your reading of Kelly-Vance and Ryalls' (2014) article entitled "Best Practices in Play Assignment and Intervention" (PDF FILE BELOW) , discuss three approaches to play assessment. Also, according to the article, does best practice involve facilitated or non-facilitated play? Discuss the rationale behind your response to this question. Must be 120 WORDS (exactly) 

Q2. Define the meaning of the clean plate club. Discuss its usefulness in addressing childhood overweight and obesity. (NOT ON PDF FILE) 1 Paragraph 

INFANT Child Development Need This Done Tomorrow Wednesday February 26, 2019 By 12pm PACIFIC TIME ZONE!

In this discussion, you will share your "culture" with classmates.  Instead of writing paragraphs to accomplish this task, we are going to make some digital art.

In a separate document, make a list of all the things that make up or describe your culture.  There are lots of reflective ideas in this week's readings (PDF FILE BELOW) to help you get started. A truly effective list will have 25 or more different descriptors... Think about all of the things that are obvious about you and then think about what's below the surface. What elements of your culture can we not see by looking at you?

This weeks reading pages:

Cultures and Identity Development: Getting Infants and Toddlers Off to a Great Start, by Carol Brunson Day, pages 2-12

Prejudice, Bias, and Inequity in the Lives of Infants and Toddlers, by Louise Derman-Sparks, pages 13-24

Answer Questions On A Film (Crimes And Misdemeanors) And A Book (Lament For A Son)


Lament for a Son:

  1. Do you consider human suffering to be evil? Explain your point of view.
  2. Criticize or defend: If God loves us, he must hate and himself suffer from human suffering.
  3. Is death per se an evil? That is, is each and every death an evil. What does Wolterstorff suggest? What do you think?
  4. The death of a child
  5. The death of a parent of a young child
  6. The death of a very old person who seems ready to die.
  7. Wolterstorff: Does Wolterstorff grow from his suffering? Explain. 
    1. Does Job grow from his suffereing. Explain in detail. 
    2. How about the Woody Allen character in Crimes and Misdemeanors?
    3. How about Dr. Judah Rosenthal?
  8. Explain the terms and give examples:
    1. Theodicy
    2. Atheist
    3. Theist
    4. Agnostic
    5. Anthropomorphism
    6. I