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900 Words 4 Hrs

Read this article to write an essay,i will give u my 3 opinions, to talk about that.and also 3 of  citation must from the link I sent

(Topic sentence) Students can get rid off the limited of vocational school as soon as (1) they find their own interests, (2) accept all knowledge they get in classes and (3) fill up basic knowledges they did not have.


How Does Family Impact Teens With Depressive Disorder?


1. Abstract

2. Introduction


-Background Information

-Problem Statement

-Research Question


-Thesis Statement

3. Literature Review ( at least 5 references for that part)

4. Methods

5. Results

6. Discussion

7. Limitations and Implications

8. Conclusion

9. References (25 minimum for the paper from 2015 up to date).

The paper has to be submitted to turn it to avoid plagiarism.

Literature Review

 Summary of assignment   Task: The multiple-source essay asks you to synthesize the arguments of at least 10 sources    Length: 2000-3000 words   Format: APA   Sources: a total of at least 10 sources, all of which should be from scholarly journals or credible trade journals. You should find your sources through library searches. o If you cite sources from websites or popular journals, these sources should be in addition to the 10 sources you have cited from scholarly or trade journals.   Topic: Social Media and College Students. It is recommended that you focus on or expand on the essay that you wrote for Social Media and College Students. You will continue with the topic you have selected and will conduct additional searches in the library databases, hopefully focus the topic more, and determine the 10 or more sources to use in this essay.   Integration of Sources: At least eight sources must be cited in

Write An Paper On The Story ” A Jury Of Her Peers” By Susan Glaspell

Assignment: In 750-1000 words, discuss why the men in "A jury of her peers" fail in their tasks where the women succeed. 

1. Use direct quotes, paraphrases, and summaries from "A jury of her peers"

2. Do not use other sources

3. Do not use "I think" or "I feel" in the essay. Stats facts

4. Provide clear thesis statement

5. Original title for essay

6. MLA form 12 font, times new roman

7. All direct quotes and paraphrasing need MLA in text citations


Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 10 from the course text and the report  and the articles  and . Emerging trends have defined and affected the future of HRM in terms of competencies, demographics, and practices. Some of the emerging trends in HRM include globalization, generational diversity, skills gap, sustainability, technology, social media, big data, and legislation.

Select one of the emerging trends above and discuss the effect on

  • managers and HR professionals (functions and practices),
  • talent acquisition (recruiting, developing, and retaining employees), and
  • performance management (training and development).

Your initial post must be a minimum of 300 words. Cite at least one scholarly source to support your response.

Guided Response: Respond to at least two of your classmates posts by Day 7. Respond to at least one peer that selected an emerging

Unit #6 Discussion

Unit #6 Discussion Forum

No unread replies.No replies.

Discuss with your classmates the following question:

  • Read the article 'Calls for Civility' - Strachan and Wolf
  1. Then, discuss and debate the questions raised by the authors on page 50.
  2. Each student will create one discussion and respond to at least three classmates' posts.

"Post" a substantive post (about two or three paragraphs) and then "Respond" to at least three (3) of your colleagues' Posts.

Week 2 Discussion And Response

For this week's discussion, what journal articles have you been able to find that help with your topic research? Post your comments and respond to two other student comments by the end of the week.

Response 1:

The journal articles that I have been able to find that have helped with my research, are articles that relate to how different projects have used the phases of the construction process in different ways. The journal articles have focused on value engineering and cost effective ways to plan out a project in the front end. The articles talk about research in the planning stages of construction and making sure everyone understands the communication pipe line for a project. This eliminates any confusion in the future for everyone on the project team. The main articles I have found have to do with the medical field and building hospitals. Hospitals have so many details in the project and may be difficult to build because of the circumstances. The articles have pu

Informative Report – Draft


Informative Report - Draft

I chose toaster

Choose a familiar household appliance (such as a vacuum, toaster, or hair dryer).

Write a 2 page mechanism description (written in your own words) telling an audience of fifth graders in a science class how the appliance works.

The document must include:
  • Headings.
  • At least one graphic.
  • A logical spatial order.
  • Citation(s) of any source(s) and graphic(s) if taken from a source.
In your document, you should:
  • Ensure the document is clear and brief.
  • Exercise logic in your design, including placement of headers and graphics.
  • Use appropriate language for the audience and purpose.
  • Follow the steps identified in the textbook.
    • Make sure to include a summary for your informative report. You may wish to refer

Homework, Help


Watch one of the following links ________________________________________________________________________

Choice 1

Que Pasa USA

Choice 2

All in the Family

  Archie bunker The Jeffersons move to the Neighborhood

If the link does not work you have this two choices:

Choice 3

Outsourced Touched by an Anglo

Choice 4

Interview with Eddie Huang

Intercultural Communication Chapter 3

Instructions- You can treat the choices provided as your main points (chose 2 of main point 1 and main point 2)Make sure to relate definitions such as the ones below, and write about how the videos and links provided in chapter 3.

1-What are cultural values?

2-What is culture shock?

3-What is a co-culture?

4-What is code switching?


Annotated Bibliography



If you are unfamiliar with how to create an Annotated Bibliography, be sure to review the Annotated Bibliography section on the library website. . Any further questions can be answered in this week's Live Classroom with your instructor portion of the module, which will focus on how to create an annotated bibliography.

With your proposal and any other research that you conduct, you will need to find resources to support your topic and then reference them in order to give credit where credit is due. Annotated bibliographies are typically used for academic research papers, but they can also be useful tools for professional reports and proposals. In an annotated bibliography, each reference includes an additional summary that describes the content and explains why the source is useful. In your summary explain why the source is included in the bibliography. As you summarize each source, make sure you identify the main idea that will be highlighted. Co