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Archive for the ‘Government’
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W4 D1 Kramer Response


Not so long ago, President Trump was considering shutting down the US border with Mexico.  This was in response to an increased number of immigrants flooding the border from Central America.  Although this would certainly stop people from coming across, this would also stop any commercial traffic and trade from Mexico.  The US and Mexico would both suffer significant losses of revenue if this occurred. Closing the entire U.S. border with Mexico would also put the brakes on more than $1.6 billion worth of goods that cross back and forth every day, including 50 million pounds of fresh Mexican produce that now fills 100 warehouses in Nogales, Ariz. "We don't just trade with each other. We're making things together," said Kristin Dziczek, vice president of the Center for Automotive Research in Michigan. "Mexico is a source of 37 percent of all imported auto parts to the U.S. Every vehicle has Mexican parts in it" (Horsley, 2019).  People w

W4 D2 Kramer Response


Process Analysis:

Issue Identification:  Because of the increasing instances of active shooters, terrorists and more frequent and intense natural disasters, hospitals must prepare for these situations ahead of time to be more effective and to mitigate casualties when the situations arise.  

Mitigation Strategy:  Many major hospitals around the country are participating in disaster drills where the staff simulates a disaster.  This allows for training exercises in areas like triage, transport, communication, evacuation, and other emergency response protocols.  The existing evidence suggests that hospital disaster drills are effective in allowing hospital employees to become familiar with disaster procedures, identify problems in different components of response (e.g., incident command, communications, triage, patient flow, materials and resources, and security) and provide the opportunity to apply lessons le


Part I: Identify "three" "specific" research topics and examine their viability as a capstone project or paper. Be comprehensive and detailed.

The capstone study program does not require primary research although it is an option (pending your faculty advisors approval). In the case of primary research with human subjects which is to be published, the APUS/AMU Institutional Review Board (IRB) located at:

IRB must approve your research plan prior to beginning any such research. As the Capstone is only four months in length, this option is highly discouraged. Four months is not truly commensurate with primary research for publication which traditionally requires a longer period of time for a successful study.
Part II: Considering your three prospective research topics, "thoroughly" discuss a preliminary research plan

Short Answers

there are four questions for this test, and for first two questions, they would be short answers questions, about one short paragraph, and for the last two questions, it would be  mini-essay, and for these four questions, the amount of time to answer them is about 65 minutes. and there are some background information below and also the questions.  and please give these to me in 7 hours.  

Q1: question on globalization (phases and processes)

           read: lecture 1-3 

Q2: FDI and GVCs  (Cost and beneifts)

          read: lecture 4, Global Value chains 

Q3: Globalization  and India's LPG policy 

          read: Lecture 5 , and liberalisation in  India 

Q4: Globalization and SSA 




PCE Procreative Technology

The desire to have children at an appropriate time is very important to us as Christians. As technology has aided in this process, it has also introduced a number of ethical quagmires. This section must include the following:

1. A statement concerning a general view of procreative technology in light of the moral objections often raised (see reading).

2. An affirmation of the moral safeguards necessary to limit technology (what standards or limitations are necessary)

3. Your position on birth control in general and the particular methods you consider acceptable and unacceptable.

4. Your view on artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, and surrogacy parenting.

Embryo Project Encyclopedia)


Response Paper 4: by Nathalie Antonios and Christina Raup (Embryo Project Encyclopedia)

Read the case summary and address the following questions:

1. What 2 principles are in conflict in this case? Support your answer.

2. What are some red flags you see in how the trial came about and the persons involved?

3. Do you think forced sterilization of those deemed genetically inferior is an appropriate way to deal with the disease?

Questions to consider:

1. How much do you think the decision to treat Carrie as feebleminded was based on a moral evaluation of her unwed pregnancy (and her mothers moral background)? Do you think this raises questions about the other 60,000 institutionalized patients who were sterilized between 1927 and 1974?

2. The court argued that forced sterilization as necessary for the public good was similar to forced vaccinatio

Washingtons Farewell

an in-depth look at the U.S. Constitution and whether todays generations are applying the principles embedded in the Constitution in an appropriate manner.  A sneak-peek is that judges sometimes ignore the constitution and reinterpret and rewrite it at will, resulting in a recipe for tyranny.  It is the duty of our generation to protect the constitution as written, to ensure we preserve our freedom to future generations. 

Your grade on the Washingtons Farwell Address Analysis assignment can be maximized by: APA STYLE

  1. Following the format guidelines found in the Course Style Guidelines (You will see some minor differences between that document and the assignment instructions. either format is acceptable)
  2. Meeting the levels of achievement described in the Rubric for the assignment.


Washingtons Farewell Address Analysis Instructions

For this assignment, you will analyze the major poi



After reading the chapter and watching the video below, discuss lobbying, whether you think it (lobbying) is "shady business" or a legitimate means of supporting worthwhile government initiatives.

Important Note: You should create an initial thread of at least 50 words and respond to at least two threads created by classmates. Your initial response ONLY should contain supporting data and the sources of your data (using MLA "in-text" and "Work Cited" citation formatting. See highlighted Example below video). Responses to peers should be thoughtful, substantive, and a minimum of 25 words, but does not require a source citation. This assignment and the opportunity to respond will not be available/visible after the due date.

Discussion Board

The Texas Legislature only meets for 140 days every other year. Since it meets for such a short time, when the legislative session begins there is a lot to follow. Tell me what you know about what happened during the 86th Legislative session. Who were the major power players? What were the big agenda items? Do you think they were addressing the right issues? What did you like that was passed this session? Use the links below (and any other source you like) to answer these questions. 




Bolton Book

 The topic for this assignment is the Bolton book or Bolton revelation. 

Please compare and contrast the controversial issue listed above using the five media sources listed below. The purpose is to compare and contrast what and how five different popular media sources report on the same issue.  The complete/incomplete score helps faculty track activity only.   Citation support other than these five sources is not mandatory. This assignment is to be written from your perspective and opinion after comparing the sources. If you have a constructive response you would like to add, this is acceptable. Incivility is not acceptable.
