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Archive for the ‘High School’
Warning: Use of undefined constant woothemes - assumed 'woothemes' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/admin/web/qualityessayresearch.com/public_html/wp-content/themes/cushy/archive.php on line 47

R studio

Project Notes I submission deadline    17th May 2020
First milestone session    23th/24th May 2020
Project Notes II submission deadline    1st June 2020
Second milestone session    6th/7th June 2020
Project Notes III submission deadline    22th June 2020
Third milestone session    27th/28th June 2020

R Homework

The vector `problem.1.data` contains numeric data.

Construct a stipchart of the values in `problem.1.data`. Do you see any evidence of any outliers?


Repair this outlier.

* First, report the location of the outlier.

* Next, convert the value to `NA`.

* Finally, display the value of the vector at this location, and show that it has the value `NA`.


Construct a stripchart of the repaired version of `problem.1.data`. Do you see any indication of a -9 being used to represent a missing value?


It's not best practice to represent a missing value using the value -9, so we need to repair this.

* First, report the location of the element with -9.

* Next, convert the value to `NA`.

* Finally, display the value of the vector at this location, and show that it has the value `NA`.


Construct a stripch

R Programing Homework

Construct a stipchart of the values in `problem.1.data`. Do you see any evidence of any outliers?
Repair this outlier.
    First, report the location of the outlier.
    Next, convert the value to `NA`.
    Finally, display the value of the vector at this location, and show that it has the value `NA`.
Construct a stripchart of the repaired version of `problem.1.data`. Do you see any indication of a -9 being used to represent a missing value?
Directly display all the levels of this factor variable.

Maze traversal

- I would like you to add the A* algorithm to this program, having the process visualised
  each step of the way, like the maze generation already included is.

- i already have a node class and maze generation

- No plagiarism

payment by card?

R studio

Project Notes I submission deadline    17th May 2020
First milestone session    23th/24th May 2020
Project Notes II submission deadline    1st June 2020
Second milestone session    6th/7th June 2020
Project Notes III submission deadline    22th June 2020
Third milestone session    27th/28th June 2020

Final Report Submission
Final Presentation Submission
    6th July 2020
9th July 2020

R studio

Event    Deadline Date
Capstone Project guidelines released
Project summaries released    29th April 2020
1st May 2020
Selection of projects by the learner    3rd May 2020
Projects Data Release date   
4th May 2020

Project Notes I submission deadline    17th May 2020
First milestone session    23th/24th May 2020
Project Notes II submission deadline    1st June 2020
Second milestone session    6th/7th June 2020
Project Notes III submission deadline    22th June 2020
Third milestone session    27th/28th June 2020

Create a reaction program

var startScreen = new Text("Welcome to a speed game! Click space to see the rules ", "13pt New Times Roman");
    var rulesPart1 = new Text("The goal of the game is to click on every number from least to " , "11pt New Times Roman");
    var rulesPart2 = new Text("greatest with your mouse. You will have the time it took to" , "11pt New Times Roman");
    var rulesPart3 = new Text("complete the game at the top left corner if you decide that" , "11pt New Times Roman");
    var rulesPart4 = new Text(" you want to beat your previous score, please tap" , "11pt New Times Roman");
    var rulesPart5 = new Text("the F button to start the game" , "11pt New Times Roman");
    var nums = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20];
function start(){
    startScreen.setPosition(getWidth() / 2 - startScreen.getWidth() / 2, getHeight() / 2);

bootleg space invader assignment

Make a bare-bones space-invader game using Javascript and HTML-5. Use the sprites attached, add some fitting sound effects. Be thorough with code documentation, state what the purpose is for each class/section in the code. If possible, write all the code into a single HTML-5 file. Make as few additions as possible. When I say bare-bones, I mean BARE. BONES. Write the code as if you're a high school student who can maybe scrape together a B- on a good test.

Romberg integration code

Write a program that numerically computes the integral of any given continuous function using Romberg integration. You may hardcode the to-be-integrated function in your program, but it should only appear once in your code, so its easy to change to a different function. Likewise for the endpoints of the interval of integration and error tolerance.

You may use any common programming language, such as Python, C/C++, Java.

I've posted the spreadsheet (attached) where I demoed Romberg integration; the output of your program should look like that table. You should also run your program on at least one integral for which you "can't" do analytically to see if it works. (Integral of e^(-x^2/2) over any finite interval is a good one if you can't think of another one you like.

R studio

Capstone Project guidelines released
Project summaries released    29th April 2020
1st May 2020
Selection of projects by the learner    3rd May 2020
Projects Data Release date   
4th May 2020

Project Notes I submission deadline    17th May 2020
First milestone session    23th/24th May 2020
Project Notes II submission deadline    1st June 2020
Second milestone session    6th/7th June 2020
Project Notes III submission deadline    22th June 2020
Third milestone session    27th/28th June 2020

Final Report Submission
Final Presentation Submission
    6th July 2020
9th July 2020
Final Capstone Presentation     11th July 2020