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Archive for the ‘Human Resource Management’
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Module4 CT


Option #2: Leadership and Management for Decision Making and Development

Is there really a need for widespread leadership in an organization, or can there be a much larger number of managers and still get the job done? If a company utilizes very few leaders as opposed to managers, could an agile, effective decision-making process be developed? Could a talent pool be developed, managed, and nurtured to the level a company would desire to be successful? Evaluate and support your responses to these questions in a well-written paper.

Your paper should be:

  1. Three to four pages in length (not including cover and reference pages).
  2. Formatted according to the .

Module4 Portfolio


Option #1: Strategy 4: Talent Pool

For this Module 4 Milestone assignment, create a framework for the people, assets, information, and time factors that are needed to create a desired labor pool. Provide the theoretical foundation and decision making that underpins the talent pool process.

This Milestone assignment should be no more than two pages in length (not including cover and reference pages), so focus on being clear and concise. Your Milestone should be formatted according to the  and supported by a minimum of two academic sources.

Buisness Question 2 Paragraghs


Organizations must find the best candidate for a job among a pool of many applicants. Which basic selection criterion do you feel is the most critical in hiring? Give a rationale for your decision along with examples:

  • Education and experience.
  • Skills and abilities.
  • Personal characteristics.
  • Hiring for fit.

Add source



Read how to enable Solver (and the Analysis Tool Pack). 

  • Microsoft. (2018). . Retrieved from https://support.office.com/en-us/article/load-the-solver-add-in-in-excel-612926fc-d53b-46b4-872c-e24772f078ca?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US

Complete the example (not the practice problem at the end).

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology. (2013). . Excel Techniques. Retrieved from https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/sloan-school-of-management/15-053-optimization-methods-in-management-science-spring-2013/tutorials/MIT15_053S13_tut03.pdf

Submit your Excel file with the worked solution. 

DQ 5

The value of negotiation in labor management relations is such that both parties bargain in good faith and are able to come to agreement on all mandatory collective bargaining items. It is important to understand details of this process to avoid an impasse. A strike or lockout might occur if there is an impasse. An impasse can have costly consequences for the union, management, and consumers.

With your fellow classmates, discuss the following:

  • What is good faith bargaining?
  • What items are mandatory and illegal in the collective bargaining process?
  • If labor and management come to an impasse over employee benefits and a strike occurs, what strategies would you recommend to break the impasse? Provide an example using a real-life case.

300 Words – APA – 1 Scholarly Reference – Due Tomorrow @ 9PM EST

Based on your review and analysis of the The Invisible Sponsors case study (Kerzner, 2017, pp. 451-452), address the following key discussion topic elements:

  • Describe the role and responsibilities of the project sponsor in the subject organization. Why did this affect the project schedule development?

  • The project manager needs direction from the project sponsor concerning whether to base the schedule on best time, least cost, or least risk. Why is this important for developing the project schedule?

  • Which project organizing or initiating documents, or artifacts, would typically provide an answer to the project managers question? Explain.

Week 4 Discussion


Supporting Lecture:

Review the following lecture:

  • Managing Change

Discussion Questions

Before beginning work on this discussion forum, please review the link , the expanded grading rubric for the forum below, and any specific instructions for this topic.

Before the end of the week, begin commenting on at least two of your classmates responses. You can ask technical questions or respond generally to the overall experience. Be objective, clear, and concise. Always use constructive language, even in criticism, to work toward the goal of positive progress. Submit your responses in the Discussion Area.


Force Field Theory Analysis

Lewin's force field analysis is a tool for distinguishing factors or forces that influence an individual towards or away from a desired outcome (or change). The forces that aid in making decisions that will make change more acceptable can be analyzed. F

Unit IV Essay & Unit V Case Study

 Phase 2: Unit VIII Final Project

 Submit an APA style, 600-900 word (two- to three-page) excerpt explaining which aspects of organizational design and redesign apply to your organization. Include how three to five strategies apply to and address your proposed change at your organization. Be sure to include the concept of self as an instrument to identify how to leverage ones leadership talents to serve as an instrument for change. Cite ideas from Chapter 4 and other sources as applicable to your elected plan. Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below. 

 Unit V Case Study Read the case study titled Vineet Nayar Transforms HCL on pages 119-122 in your textbook. Explain how the strategies for including people in the change process included employee ideas and talents. Conclude with a closing reflection paragraph and answer the following: How do these actions inform your thou

Unit IV Discussion Board Question & Unit V Discussion Board Question

 Review Chapter 4 and think about your ideas for the Unit VIII Final Project. Briefly share with classmates your general idea. Then, comment and cite concepts from Units I-III that connect to your ideas for your Unit VIII Final Project. Be sure to include Chapter 4 topics such as building commitment and collaborationhow might these apply? 

 Review Chapter 5, and describe two strategies for including people in change processes. Share a related personal experience wherein a strategy was or was not applied. How could it have helped? Or how did it help? Cite idea(s) from Chapter 5. 



Below are some of the OD concepts and theories we have discussed so far:

  • Planned change theories
  • OD diagnostic processes
  • OD interventions
  • Change management
  • Internal and external consultants

Your Task:

Choose an organizational development concept or theory from our readings and discussions.  In a five to seven page paper, build out the theory by applying it to an organization of your choice.

  • Be thorough as you apply the concept or theory to your organization.
  • Be sure to clearly identify the organization problem or issue and work through the chosen theory as you apply it to the organization.
  • You are expected to incorporate at least one of the following course objectives in your short paper:
    1. Evaluate definitions, theories, and models of corporate culture
    2. Identify the roles and relationships corpor