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Archive for the ‘Human Resource Management’
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HM 1.2

Defining the strategic approach to employee training and development allows organizations to align training and development to overall organizational success. Organizations may provide minimal training for job-specific skills or they may opt for a wide range of training and development opportunities to foster human talent development and ties to succession planning.

Research the purposes and approaches to strategic training and development decisions, and address the following:

  1. Define the strategic nature of employee training and development.
  2. What criteria might an organization use to determine a strategy regarding employee training and development?
  3. Explain the difference between a small family-owned business and a multinational company in their approach to strategic training and development for employees.
  4. Analyze the relationship between training and development, succession planning, and organizational success.
  5. Why is m

Article Critique

Read the article Key Trends in Workforce Management and New Challenges for HR. located in the Business Source Complete database of the CSU Online Library by clicking the link below:

Moschetto, M. (2013). . Employment Relations Today, 40(4), 713. Retrieved from https://libraryresources.columbiasouthern.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=93926433&site=ehost-live&scope=site 

After reviewing the article, write a critique that addresses and offers your opinion in the following areas:

  • What are the key findings regarding compliance with laws and regulations as a component of workforce management?
  • How does the employer-employee relationship factor into legal compliance with workforce management laws?
  • Reflecting on the unit reading and lesson, does this article consider the various employer-employee relationships as it discusses workforce management? Can the authors

Managing Staff Data

Assignment Details

The purpose of this assignment is to give you a better understanding of how personnel data are managed. You will compose a 1,2001,500-word report that discusses the type of documentation kept in your employee file, what legislation governs how long your files are kept, and how they are grouped together.

Your research will be based on information garnered from the following source of information:

  • Your current workplace. You will need to contact the HR office or your immediate supervisor for this assignment. If you are currently unemployed, you can contact a previous employer.
  • If neither of these is an option, you can contact a company that you are familiar with in your local market and request this type of information from the HR office.
    • Note: Another excellent source of information is your local Small Business Organization, which can be located at their Web site: .

HRMN Question


This week we're focused on group  communication. Think of a problem encountered in the past by a group of  which you are or were a member. Begin your analysis by defining the  group. What type of group was it? At what stage of development was the  group? And then share your thoughts about how the group communicated to  solve the problem.

Use the Seven-Step Framework  we learned about this week and identify which step(s) the group  utilized in their resolution efforts. Do you think that if the group  followed the full seven-step framework, resolution would have been  quicker or less contentious? Develop and post your analysis and then  share thoughtful comments on two classmate's ideas. 

Me Too

Double spaced. Include bibliography with sources sited in the body of the paper 15-18 pages. Include abstract 

Discuss the Me too movement that has been going on and the importance of recording keeping in the work place. Compare the light that has been shined on this movement now than back then. 



1) Briefly name four of the key assumptions that shape current mainstream economic theory, the foundation for the conservative and liberal policy perspectives on economies (see VOTE textbook chapter 4). (2)

2) In the broad overview version we have seen, what role for government would a conservative position for this role allow? Briefly address two of the factors we have identified, and discuss why they are important under the conservative perspective. (3)

3) Briefly explain two of the examples of positive and desirable characteristics of capitalist systems put forward by their supporters. (4)

4) Given the assumptions about scarcity and about individuals, their role in economies, and the functioning of markets, why are markets good solution tools for problems from the conservative / liberal perspective? Where can we find an example for a difference between these two perspectives? (4)

5) Briefly name three of the key assumptions that shape the

Assignment 4

I must have ORIGINAL work with up to date REFERENCES only...

Assignment 4: Compensation PlanDue Week 8 and worth 200 pointsSelect a company for which you would like to work, and determine the necessary components to an attractive compensation plan.Write a five to seven (5-7) page paper in which you:Briefly describe your dream job with an organization for which you would like to work.Create a rewards and compensation package for this position that would attract skilled workers, yet control costs at the same time.Create a benefits package for this position that is competitive, yet advantageous to the company.Speculate on how the negotiating and collective bargaining of this specific position would contribute to the achievement of organizational goals. Provide a rationale for your response.Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia does not qualify as an academic resource.Your assignment m

Human Resource Management 6200


In 2004, Marianne Bertrand and Sendhil Mullainathan conducted an experiment in which they sent fake resumes out to hundreds of real open job postings. These resumes were identical except for one controlhalf the fictional applicants names were African American-sounding and half were White-sounding. They found that the white names got 50 percent more callbacks for interviews across all industries and job types, suggesting the presence of racial bias or subconscious attitude formation and stereotyping. Over a decade later, employment discrimination, police bias toward certain groups, and discriminatory housing or financial policies are still at the forefront of current affairs.

For this Discussion, you examine an experience with racial or ethnic bias that you or someone you know has had. As a human and social services professional, drawing awareness to these experiences and your reactions to them may help you begin the process of bringing ethical decision-making

Human Resource Management 6200


Ethical dilemmas are situations that involve conflicting moral or ethical choices. To truly meet the criteria for an ethical dilemma, there must first be a choice. If applicable laws say that client records must be kept in a password-protected location on your computer, there is no choice or moral decision involved. The action needed is very clear cut. Secondly, in order to be an ethical dilemma, the two available options must be in direct conflict or contradiction to one another, such that choosing one would result in the violation of the other. Human and social service professionals confront ethical dilemmas regularly. In these situations, professionals must think critically and consult with colleagues and ethical codes in order to minimize ethical impact.

In the media entitled Is It an Ethical Dilemma? in this weeks Learning Resources, there are two human and social services professionals discussing professional issues they are each havi

Human Resource Management 6100


Quantitative and qualitative research are the foundations of scientific research studies. Quantitative social science research tries to understand social science by creating quantifiable evidence, like numbers and statistics, analyzed over many different instances to show reliability and validity. You can remember this easily by thinking quantitative = quantity; quantity = numbers. Qualitative research tries to understand social science by exploring the totality of a situation, like through observing behavior and monitoring communications, then analyzing them to comprehend the why and how of the behavior. You can remember this easily by thinking qualitative = quality; quality = character. These are very simplistic and generalized definitions that apply to a broad range of sciences, but they are useful as a starting point for this Discussion.

In this Discussion, you analyze the differences between qualitative and quantitative research and conceptualize your ow