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Archive for the ‘Information Systems’
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Matrix Organization/Worker Motivation


  • What is a matrix organization? What advantages and disadvantages are associated with this type of organization?
  • What is a cross-functional, self-managed team? Who would serve on such teams? Why do cross-functional, self-managed teams often lead to networking?
  • Describe and compare the basic contributions of Maslow and Herzberg to the understanding of worker motivation
  • Compare the assumptions Theory X makes about employees with those of Theory Y. How do these different assumptions influence management styles?
  • Describe the steps involved in the marketing process

Requirements for FINAL EXAM

1) APA FORMAT(header footer, page margins, page numbers,running head etc)




5) Main body-- 4 pages

6) conclusion paragraph 

7) references citations are mandatory 30 marks for citations &nbs

Management Information Systems

 Discussion Questions 

1. Visit the NetMotion Web site (www.netmotionwireless.com) and access and read other Mobility XE success stories. Discuss the patterns that can be observed in the benefits that Mobility XE users have realized via its deployment and use. 

2. Do some Internet research on the security implications of HIPPA requirements for hospital networks. Discuss the major types of security mechanisms that must be in place to ensure hospital compliance with HIPPA requirements. 

3. Do some Internet research on the use of VLANs in hospitals. Summarize the benefits of using VLANs in hospitals and identify examples of how St. Lukes could further enhance its wireless network by implementing VLANs. 

Information System Infrastructure

 Selectatopicfromthefollowinglistonwhichyouwouldliketoconductanin-depthinvestigation.Theresearch paperisvaluedat100points: 

Informationsystemsinfrastructure:evolutionand trends 

Strategic importance ofcloud computing in business organizations

  Big data andits business impacts 

Managerial issues of a networked organization 

Emerging enterprise network applications 

Mobile computing and its business implications 



10-12pages in length 

APA formatted 

Minimum six(6) sources at least two (2)frompeerreviewed journals 

Includeanabstract,introduction, and conclusion 

Week 8 Discussion

Remember to review the syllabus expectations for initial discussion posts and peer replies.

Discuss the following: 

1. Compare blockchain to traditional browser server (B/S) and client server (C/S) frameworks used for human resource information management systems. You are required to cite this weeks assigned readings in your paper. You may also cite prior week's reading assignments and external sources if you wish.

This week's reading assignment url:- 

1. Wang, X., Hui Zhang, L. F., Lyu, C., & Yue You, L.W. (2017). Human resource information management model based on Blockchain technology. IEEE Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering, 168-173. DOI: 10.1109/SOSE.2017.34

Use the following headings to organize your paper: Introduction, Question 1, Conclusion, References.

Submit your paper as a Word attachment in the discussion forum. I provide feedback wit

CSU ORG 300 Applying Leadership Principles

My Power to Influence Presentation

1. Read the article found here (https://search-proquest-com.csuglobal.idm.oclc.org/docview/1503674025?rfr_id=info%3Axri%2Fsid%3Aprimo.).

2.Create an APA-formatted presentation by using PowerPoint  presentation software. Please include the following:

a.  Discuss three sources of personal power from the article (expertise, attractiveness, etc.) which you find most effective in your workplace or other areas of your life.

b.  Share at least one example of how your use of each personal power source influences others. Do you find your audiences to be receptive to your approaches? 

c.  Are there any sources that you feel could use some improvement?

Your presentation should adhere to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA.

2500 Words Paper On Topic: Search Engine Optimization

 2500 paper writing

Topic: Search Engine Optimization

Please follow the guidelines and answer the questions as indicated.

Focus on topic: Search engine optimization, title page, table of contents, abstract, introduction, problem statement, research goal,  Relevance and significance, its advantages, disadvantages, recommendation, conclusion, include cover page, references pages, charts/figures, etc. 

Determine at least TWO questions that you will focus on in the research solution (Introduction--> Research Questions)

1. Writing the Research 

Topic Selection:

  • Once the main topic is selected, be sure to narrow the research focus
  • Find a problem that you will focus on (Introduction-->Problem Statement)
  • De


In the last week of class, we are going to complete a reflection activity. This discussion topic is to be reflective and will be using your own words and not a compilation of direct citations from other papers or sources. You can use citations in your posts, but this discussion exercise should be about what you have learned through your viewpoint and not a re-hash of any particular article, topic, or the book. Items to include in the initial thread:

  • Interesting Assignments - What were some of the more interesting assignments to you?
  • Interesting Readings - What reading or readings did you find the most interesting and why?
  • Interesting ReadingsPerspective - How has this course changed your perspective?
  • Course Feedback - What topics or activities would you add to the course, or should we focus on some areas more than others? 


Discussion 1:

What is the weakest link in the security of an IT infrastructure?  What are some of the strategies for reducing the risks?

Discussion 2:

Explain in your own words why businesses must have an Internet and IoT marketing strategy

Useful Textbook: 'Fundamentals of Information Systems Security, 3e (Kim/Solomon) 

ISBN: 9781284116458' and each discussion should only be limited to 250-300 words.

Discussion 2

 You recently swapped out the wired mouse and keyboard attached to your desktop system with Bluetooth-enabled input devices. The keyboard worked well until you also paired a Bluetooth printer with your desktop. What are some probable causes for the keyboard disconnection and how would you go about fixing the problem? 

Information Systems Business And Beyond


Review the section on the definitions of maturity stages and dimension variables in the CEO Technology Best Practices Arc.  Define each of the maturity stages and performance dimensions.  What are the key concepts from each section? 

(Information Technology and Organizational Learning)

The above submission should be one -page in length and adhere to APA formatting standards.

**Remember the APA cover page and the references (if required) do not count towards the page length**

300to 350 words

No plagiarism

References Required