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Archive for the ‘Literature’
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Literature discussion 3

 identify a character from both a fiction (Zitkala-Sa, Alexie's "Pawn Shop," Wright, or Ellison) and a nonfiction (Tecumseh, Jacobs, or Douglass) piece that we have read this week. First, show how the character is limited in his or her role in society (excluded from the American Dream), and then explain specifically how that character pushes against boundaries imposed by society. 

Ethical Reasoning Framework

Read the case Preview the document 

In one paragraph, analyze this case according to the ethical reasoning framework. (See attached file for details)

Week 2 Case Study (for Hifsa Shakaut)


Write a two page summary (double space) of the salient points from the case (see attached PDF), lessons learned, and correlation to readings/discussions from Week 1 and 2. 

Note: To clarify and reiterate,  you will do a  combine summary of the case study and the readings from this week lesson and last week. You should have already read these chapters but here are the readings:


Lesson 1: 

Chapter 1 (Haddow, Bullock & Coppola, Emergency Management) and Chapter 1 (White, Terrorism and Homeland Security online reading)

Lesson 2: 

Chapter 2 (by Sylves, This is the PDF I attached)

Chapters 2 & 3 (by Haddow Emergency Management online reading)

Audience Analysis

This assignment is designed to help you identify and adapt to the potential audience(s) for your persuasive speech. Your persuasive speech will be graded on how well you adapt your speech to your audience. Although the audience could potentially be anyone, since you are posting it online, its not likely that anyone/everyone would watch it. Those who do not do a thorough analysis will not receive full credit.

online discussion – ethics


Suppose there are 2 people, Ari and Immy. Last Friday night, both Ari and Immy spent 4 hours working in a soup kitchen. But when you ask them, they had very different motives. Ari loves helping people less fortunate and gets a lot of personal satisfaction from serving in this way. In fact, you could say that Ari was doing what he felt like doing. Immy, on the other hand, hates things like soup kitchens, and to make it worse, all of his friends are at a really fun party. But he knows that helping people less fortunate is the right thing to do, so he goes to the soup kitchen despite his feelings.

If you had to choose, who would you say had a more moral motivation - Ari or Immy?

**Write an one-paragraph answering the above question

Music Journal 2

Journal Assignment 2 - 1 Paragraph each about the following (reading, watching, listening). Minimum total of 1 page.  Maximum total of 2 pages.

Due 21 Jan 2020 @ 11:59 pm.

Choose to write about anything from each of these 3 areas you want. The goal is to successfully communicate and convince those grading your writing that you spent the time reading the literature, watching the film, and listening to some of the things on the playlist. Keep in mind the learning outcomes for the course. 



Question 1 

  1. Gutenbergs discovery of      movable type and mechanical printing had no effect on the ability to mass      produce books. 



3 points   

Question 2 

  1. A large book that displays      intricate artwork on the cover and is more expensive than a mass-market      paperback is called a: 









book on CD 



softcover book 

3 points   

Question 3 

  1. Desktop publishing has      done much to decentralize pri

Week 1 Post Discussion (For Hifsa Shaukat)

Identify a past incident (writing it in case study format) and briefly provide details associated with the response or recovery phase or both. Please write about the natural disaster of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico of 2018.

My class for this semester is Disaster, Emergency and Security. I have attached the grade rubric. Please use this as a guide line to get maximum points. Use 12-point font, Ariel, single spaced and in-text citation and reference.

Criminal Justice

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:   As  crime and criminality evolve, so must policing. Technology, cybercrime, biometrics,  DNA,  body-worn  cameras,  and many other changes have occurred over the past two decades.  Choose an area of policing that has changed in the past decade.  Discuss the merits and detriments of your chosen issue. 

Mod 1 – Literature


Write a 2-page elements of fiction essay on one of the short stories, or the poem, from the assigned readings for Module 01. Explain the following in your paper:

  1. Key historical events which influenced the piece: Expand on how the key historical events influenced the plot and theme.
  2. Setting: Why is the setting important to the story? (The setting is where the story takes place).
  3. Theme: What is the major theme or idea of the story? Here are some examples of themes you might find in literature: loss of innocence, love, loss, grief, man vs. nature, man vs. technology, death, old-age, coming of age, alienation, overcoming the odds, a heros quest, etc.

Note: The theme of a work of fiction is different from the plotthe plot tells you the sequence of events or what happened. The theme tells you the main lesson or message of the narrative. It is the main point that the author wan