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Statistics Assignment

Assignment: Interpreting Frequencies and SPSS Installation

Collecting data from a large number of participants can be a very daunting task. How do researchers make sense of all of that information and summarize it to be more meaningful? One way is by creating frequency distributions, or by visually organizing the number of times each score in a data set occurs. Researchers present the frequency distribution in a table as a way to organize large amounts of data. You will also see frequency distributions displayed graphically, using histograms, bar graphs, or frequency polygons.

This Application will allow you to practice organizing a data set by calculating and describing the frequency, relative frequency, and percent of the number of snacks 30 people eat in a week.

You will also be asked to document that you have installed and tested the SPSS software that you will begin using in Week 2. Be sure to watch this weeks instructional videos in



The discussion board this week draws upon the advanced work you've done in preparing for week 9. Public opinion polls are very common. The media makes regular use of this concept. We've all seen, and read the results.

  • Do we understand what the results mean?
  • Does it make a difference in what we do?
  • How we react?

The discussion question is: 

Quinnipiac University reported the results of a recent poll (February 20) for the pending 2020 Michigan Senatorial election race. Assume this for those most likely to vote. Here are the following results:

Peters (D)45%James (R)39%

Assume all of this was with a 4% margin of error. What does this mean to you? Why is the comment of those most likely to vote important?

Need A Case Study


See Problem 3-17 on page 101 of the textbook. Kenneth Brown is facing three alternatives with two possible outcomesa favorable or an unfavorable marketfor those alternatives. In no less than three pages, describe and justify the decision-making steps Brown may perform in his case. What decision would you make?

Be sure to provide research to support your ideas. Use APA style, and cite and reference your sources to avoid plagiarism.

Descriptive Statistics

Visit one of the following newspapers websites: , , , or . Select an article that uses statistical data related to a current event. The chosen article must have a publication date during this quarter.

The article should use one of the following categories of descriptive statistics: 

  • Measures of Frequency - Counting Rules, Percent, Frequency, Frequency Distributions
  • Measures of Central Tendency - Mean, Median, Mode
  • Measures of Dispersion or Variation - Range, Variance, Standard Deviation
  • Measures of Position - Percentile, Quartiles
  • Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:
  1. Write a summary of the article.
  2. Explain how the article uses descriptive statistics. 
  3. Explain how the article applies to the real world.
  4. Analyze the reasons why the article chose to use the various types of data shared in the article.
  5. Format your paper according to

Week 6 – Assignment 2: Conduct Descriptive Statistical Analysis


This assignment assesses your ability to conduct a descriptive analysis and present the results in tabular format. Review your APA resource for guidance on displaying your data in tables.

As the administrator of a healthcare organization working to improve the bottom-line for the organization you serve, your board has requested that you present a cost summary of the group of people receiving healthcare services in your facility.

To meet your boards request, provide a cost summary, using the stroke data (Stroke Clean), for key study demographics for the following study variables:

  1. age category
  2. gender
  3. physical activity status obesity
  4. diabetes
  5. blood pressure
  6. atrial fibrillation
  7. smoking status
  8. cholesterol
  9. history of angina
  10. history of myocardial infarction

Length: 2-5 pages, not including title and reference

Week6_Evaluate Choices For Statistical Tests


As the administrator of a research-focused healthcare organization, you are part of a research team that provides statistical consultation to providers and staffs conducting quantitative research in your organization. In preparation to conduct statistical analyses for several study hypotheses, a team of researchers approached you for guidance on the appropriate statistical test for the four different hypotheses before them. Based on these hypotheses (four scenarios below) what statistical test will you recommend and why?

Scenario 1:

For hypothesis 1, the researchers are interested in assessing the relationship between an outcome variable (continuous) and an explanatory variable (categorical) where the explanatory variable is binary. What statistical test will you recommend for them and why?

Scenario 2:

For hypothesis 2, the researchers are interested in assessing the relationship between an outcome variable (conti

Statistic Final Paper 2 Page Rough Draft

  ** Your paper has to be under 20% to be accepted. Try to use less direct quotes and more paraphrasing.

Rough Draft assignment: 

For this assignment, take a moment to review the Final Paper instructions and requirements in Week 6. You will see that the Final Paper is a discussion about the use of several statistical techniques used in research studies. While it shares similarities to papers in other classes, you will find that its focus is different. For example, like most assignments, your Final Paper will leverage research studies. However, instead of your analysis focusing on the content of the research study, you will be asked to focus on the statistical tools used in the study and examine how those tools contributed toward the findings in the study. (In other words, the topic of the study itself is irrelevant.)

For this Draft Final Paper of two to three double spaced pages, you will locate three st

Week 4

Purpose of Assignment 

The purpose of the assignment is to develop students' abilities in using data sets to apply the concepts of sampling distributions and confidence intervals to make management decisions. 

Assignment Steps 

Resources: Microsoft Excel, ,

Review the Payment Time Case Study and Data Set. 

Develop a 700-word report including the following calculations and using the information to determine whether the new billing system has reduced the mean bill payment time:

  • Assuming the standard deviation of the payment times for all payments is 4.2 days, construct a 95% confidence interval estimate to determine whether the new billing system was effective. State the interpretation of 95% confidence interval and state whether or not the billing system was effective.
  • Using the 95% confidence interval, can

Test Hypothesis, Protocol & Summary

Context:Your organization is evaluating the quality of its call center operations. One of the most important metrics in a call center is Time in Queue (TiQ), which is the time a customer has to wait before he/she is serviced by a Customer Service Representative (CSR). If a customer has to wait for too long, he/she is more likely to get discouraged and hang up. Furthermore, customers who have to wait too long in the queue typically report a negative overall experience with the call. Youve conducted an exhaustive literature review and found that the average TiQ in your industry is 2.5 minutes (150 seconds). 

Another important metric is Service Time (ST), also known as Handle Time, which is the time a CSR spends servicing the customer. CSRs with more experience and deeper knowledge tend to resolve customer calls faster. Companies can improve average ST by providing more training to their CSRs or even by channeling

Statistics One


Determine the skew (if there is any) and explain in words why there is skew for this particular sample. Be sure it is specific to your own study and not just a generic description of what skew means. You can do so graphically, algebraically, or just by eyeballing your data set. 

Example of a good answer: In my study, the mean is significantly greater than the median, which leads me to believe that the data is skewed to the right. This is further confirmed by 2 outliers Johnny owns 95 pairs of pants and Suzy owns 126. Everyone else in my study owns less than or equal to 30 pairs of pants.

Example of l of pants are not in this part of the project, youre missing the point. And your grade will also be missing the point(s). You MUST show all calculations. 

PART 6: 

 CONCLUSION! This must be a full page in length, NOT including title and/or any other headers or the citations. If youre not sure if youve w