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Archive for the ‘Mathematics’
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Apply: Signature Assignment: Statistical Report



This assignment is intended to help you learn how to apply statistical methods when analyzing operational data, evaluating the performance of current marketing strategies, and recommending actionable business decisions. This is an opportunity to build critical-thinking and problem-solving skills within the context of data analysis and interpretation. Youll gain a first-hand understanding of how data analytics supports decision-making and adds value to an organization.

Scenario: Pastas R Us, Inc. is a fast-casual restaurant chain specializing in noodle-based dishes, soups, and salads. Since its inception, the business development team has favored opening new restaurants in areas (within a 3-mile radius) that satisfy the following demographic conditions:

  • Median age between 25 45 years old
  • Household median income above national average
  • At least 15% college educa

Statistics Normal Distribution

In this module, you explore the normal distribution. A standard normal distribution has a mean of zero and standard deviation of one. The z-score statistic converts a non-standard normal distribution into a standard normal distribution allowing us to use Table A-2 in your textbook and report associated probabilities.

This discussion combines means, standard deviation, z-score, and probability. You are encouraged to complete the textbook reading and start the MyStatLab Homework before starting this discussion.


The following table reports simulated annual flying squadron costs (in millions of dollars) at the following locations:

Data of annual flying squardon costs in millions of dollars by location.

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ANCOVA Analysis

A recent study of student anxiety suggested that test anxiety interfered with the effects of studying skills on student test performance. Students were classified as high or low in test anxiety based on responses to an anxiety inventory, then classified as high or low in study skills based on responses to a study skill scale. An overall measure of test performance was obtained by averaging the number of scores of three tests the students completed over the course of a semester. Enter the following data into SPSS and use anANCOVA to analyze the results.

Test Anxiety



Studying Skills



































1. State the indep

Create Metric With Excel Data

Create a high standard metric showing the below. Show all pivot table fields and metrics/charts used in separate tabs if needed. .

How many total for each Creator ?

For each Creator how many have DEFAULT DOCUMENT TITLE in Title field out of the total they have done.

For each Creator how many have blank/null  in Comments (b2Comments) field out of the total they have done

Translate the Creator id"field into a real name. Creator ID and corresponding name can be found in second tab.  Maybe write a query that will pull the name from the second tab(creator name), just incase i add new Creator ID. So the metric should show Creator name instead of ID.

In the future , I will want to do the same thing multiple times by just copy and paste details into the excel sheet with headings remaining the same.  Therefore, I am looking for a repeatable way to do this so all i have to do is paste new data and i can spit out or refres

Math Assignment.


Refer to Major Assignment 3 attachments (Major Assignment 3, Major Assignment 3 Details, and Country List).

Research the country using The World Factbook found on the Central Intelligence Agency website at  , other resources such as the U.S. Department of State website at  , and the GCU Library.

Include three or more scholarly resources, including the textbook and The World Factbook. 

Use the Country List to help you complete Major Assignment 3.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guides and Templates, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the for assistance.



An Orginal Reseach Paper( Linear Programming)

I am looking to publish a paper in this journal: Journal of Taibah University for Science The link of the journal is: https://www.tandfonline.com/tusc20  

please let me know if you can help in writing an article on any topic in Operations research area such as (linear programming, Transportation problem, or assignment Problem,...) just 6- 8 pages _ single space.

My target is to publish a paper in the above journal. So I need an original article research to be accepted.

Please if you are a specialist in this field and you are sure that you can help? please contact me and send me a brief or an abstract about the specific topic that you are planning to write? with your offer.




Discussion Forum #3

The discussion forum this week continues to focus on the probability concepts. It makes use of the advanced reading for week 5. Many of us have experienced a concept where complete fairness and equality could be a function of where certain events take place.

Your Discussion Question is:

The scales of the legal system are said to be balanced. If this is so, why do defense and prosecuting attorneys push for a change in venue from time to time? Could there be a dependent relationship?



The Discussion Question is:

Hamilton County judges try thousands of cases per year. In an overwhelming majority of the cases disposed, the verdict stands as rendered. However, some cases are appealed, some of the cases are reversed. The Enquirer conducted a study of cases handled by Hamilton County judges over a three- year period. Shown in the below links are the results for 182,908 cases handled (disposed) by 38 judges in Common Pleas Court, Domestic Relations Court, and Municipal Court. Two of the judges (Dinkelacker and Hogan) did not serve in the same court for the entire three-year period.

The purpose of the newspaper's study was to evaluate the performance of the judges. Appeals are often the result of mistakes made by judges, and the newspaper wanted to know which judges were doing a good job and which were making too many mistakes. You are called in to assist in the data analysis. Use your k

How to play blackjack


get to know the game online blackjack real money nz online if you already know the basics of Blackjack and are ready to play online or on your phone, this Guide will help you step by step to play Blackjack properly. If you do not yet know exactly how to play, read this article on Blackjack rules to learn the rules of the game and how to play it. And if you are already playing online, you will find many valuable tips below.

Get started 

If you are reading this article, you are able to browse the Internet and then you are also able to play the world's most popular card game online: Blackjack

Choose a prestigious online Casino

If you want to learn how to play Blackjack online, the first step is to find a good and reputable Internet casino. A renowned internet casino has been on the market for many years and has earned a good reputation, providing excelle

Discussion 2: Optimizing Sampling And Data Collection


The data that you collect from your norm group is called normative data. It allows you to see what the results of your test instrument should be, so that you have a standardized score against which to compare others. In other words, it allows you to equate scores across different tests of the same construct and lets you compare individuals to each other. Now that you have considered sampling the population of interest for your proposed test instrument, you explore how you might optimally define your sample and collect your data if you had unlimited resources. Though it may not always be possible for practical reasons to do this in real life, this exercise nevertheless provides you with a valuable thought experiment.

As you complete this experiment, keep in mind that even with optimal sample definition and data collection, test norms are not absolute. They can change with time or with a different norm group.

With these thoughts in mind:<