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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Respond to two colleagues:

Evaluate an identified limitation your colleague may encounter when relying on intuition or personal experience in making decisions about an intervention plan.

Colleague 1
RE: Discussion 2 - Week 1
I understand the comparison of the two situations. However, I feel as though in my line of work the options are different than in a medical professionals line of work. I work as a case worker for CPS. I work with families after their children have been removed from the home. A lot of what I do for these families are based on their needs, resources available, and court orders. While I do utilized strength based practice in the way I interact with these families and I often look back on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs when dealing with the children. I would not say that I generally use any social work theories. I am not super versed on social work theories if I am being honest. Most of what I do is based on my experience, knowing the resou
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  • February 12th, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Qualitative Article Review

Dennis, C. L., & Vigod, S. (2013). The relationship between postpartum depression, domestic violence, childhood violence, and substance use: Epidemiologic study of a large community sample. Violence against Women, 19(4), 503-517. DOI: 10.1177/1077801213487057


After reading the entire article, do you think the title adequately describes the study? Does the title catch your attention? Please explain.

Based on the contents delivered by the article, I can say that the title of the article, The relationship between postpartum depression, domestic violence, childhood violence, and substance use: Epidemiologic study of a large community sample, adequately describes the study in question. One aspect of the title that specifically stands out is its descriptive formatting. The subject of the article is sufficiently hinted to reveal the primary focus of the study. The descriptive title succinctly announces the studys topic
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  • January 23rd, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Respond to two colleague's post by raising questions about the value of the evidence based on the quantitative or qualitative data analysis described by the classmate. Please use the resources to support your post.

Colleague 1
In the case study entitled, Social Work Research: Measuring Group Success, a group of eight female sexual abuse and/or incest survivors were participants in a treatment group over the course of 12 weeks (Plummer, Makris, & Brocksen, 2014). The women were given a pretest and posttest administration of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS) (Plummer, Makris, & Brocksen, 2014) and were exposed to therapeutic treatment over the course of the study. The descriptive statistics that may be used to analyze data are the pretest summed scores of all participants that show symptoms they are experiencing, such as: depression 210, anxiety 138, and stress 190; and the posttest summed scores of: depression 45, anxiety 45, and stress 61. Rather tha
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  • January 17th, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Respond to two colleague's post by suggesting two alternative methods for measuring their phenomenon. Explain why your suggestions have value. Please use the resources to support your answer

Colleague  1
Identify the phenomenon you would measure and explain how you conceptualize this phenomenon.

The impact of older adults receiving intervention for their suffering from the ills of ageism.

I conceptualized this phenomenon by choosing the variables I would measure.

1.The two variables are, (the impact of receiving intervention or not receiving intervention) & 2. Their (suffering or not suffering from the ills of ageism).

The older adults who receive social work intervention for ageism, will be more productive in society then those older adults who dont receive intervention.

Provide at least 3 questions you would use to measure this phenomenon and explain how these questions operationalize the phenomenon.
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  • January 9th, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Respond by Day 5 to two colleague's post by suggesting an alternative sampling structure for their research question as well as an alternate way of selecting the sample. Please use the Learning Resources to support your answer.

Colleague 1 -
            In Week 4, the research question, How does the impact of kinship care on grandparents affect grandchildren in their care? may be structured using probability or nonprobability sampling structures. In a probability sampling structure, a proportionate stratified random sampling of 25 percent of 1000 children in a particular school district and 1000 seniors (250 children and 250 seniors) may suffice (Yegidis, Weinbach, & Myers, 2018). Strengths of a probability structure and a proportionate stratified random sampling are such that there is a likelihood any number of children and grandparents partaking in kinship care would be selected and the ratio of grandchildren to grandpar