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550 Words Minimum, Apa Format, Discussion Question


Post by Day 3 an explanation of why the Marbury v. Madison case is a landmark decision, supporting your explanation with references to the literature. Then, briefly describe the Supreme Court case you reviewed and apply the significance of the Marbury v. Madison decision to the rulings of the case you selected. Be specific.

Note: Put the name of the Supreme Court case you reviewed in the first line of your post. You will be asked to respond to a colleague who selected a different Supreme Court case than you did.

Support your response using the Learning Resources and other scholarly resources

550 Words Minimum, Apa Format, Discussion Question

 As you have noted throughout your master's program, psychological knowledge stems mainly from research. Knowledge of the world, in addition to coming from direct experience and observation, comes from many sources, including journals, textbooks, experts, and various media resources (television, newspapers, and the Internet). An important question regarding these resources is, Are they all credible? How do you distinguish fact from fiction in evaluating research information, regardless of its source? This Discussion addresses the importance of critical thinking in evaluating information obtained through various sources, including psychological research. Critical thinking is an invaluable skill in life as well as for completing your Capstone Project. 

 For this Discussion, you will examine resources on critical thinking and the Capstone Project Required Content Overview to explain the importance of critical thinking and how you will apply this ski

Worksheet Need Help!


I need this worksheet done. It is due tomorrow no later than 11:59 pm. I have the worksheet attached below (PLEASE INSERT INFORMATION ON THE WORKSHEET THAT IS ATTATCHED) the information to complete the worksheet has to come from our class book. I have copied the chapter 1 from the book and attached it below also, so the worksheet can be completed. Please use the book information attached however; if you don't see the information in the chapter that is copied, you can use another source. Thank You so Much!!!Please let me know if there are any questions!

Psychology Week 3

Case Analysis Collaborating with Outside Providers 

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the Preview the document and Case 9: Bulimia Nervosa in Gorenstein and Comer (2014)(attached). Please also read the Waller, Gray, Hinrichsen, Mounford, Lawson, and Patient (2014) Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Bulimia Nervosa and Atypical Bulimic Nervosa: Effectiveness in Clinical Settings,Halmi (2013) Perplexities of Treatment Resistance in Eating Disorders, and DeJesse and Zelman (2013) Promoting Optimal Collaboration Between Mental Health Providers and Nutritionists in the Treatment of Eating Disorders articles.

Assess the evidence-based practices implemented in this case study. In your paper, please include the following.

  • Explain the connection between each theoretical orientation used by Dr. Heston and the treatment intervention pla

Social Psychology Reflection Paper 4page

reflection paper, you have to look up the ppt to know what I have learned from this ppt and then write the reflection paper, because you may need to use some conceptual staffs from the ppt. 

APA, 4 pages



Research Theory

  • A demonstration of how the study:      
    • Will advance the scientific knowledge base.
    • Is grounded in your field.
    • Addresses something that is not known, something that is new or  different from prior research, something that extends prior research,  or something that fills a gap in the existing literature.
  • An analysis of any theoretical implications that the proposed study may have for understanding phenomena.
  • A description of the practical implications that may result from the research.

Theory is often used to support a qualitative investigation into a  human phenomenon. The Program of Research for your School lists theories  commonly associated with your specialization. Consider your research  topic. What theory from your specialization supports an investigation  and/or your rese



complete the following:

  • Describe the background of your study.
  • Demonstrate how answering your research question will provide new knowledge for your field.
  • Discuss the implications and contributions of your study to your specialization.

Be sure to include in-text citations from the academic literature on your chosen topic.


Concepts in this unit cover personal factors, environmental characteristics (technological change, globalization, emerging employment relationships), individual challenges, and group or team satisfaction.


Assume you are the CEO of a bicycle manufacturing company that has been acquired in a hostile takeover by a competing firm. You have been retained as the CEO of the acquired company to ensure the transition goes smoothly. Your challenges are to reduce the cost of manufacturing, cut staff, and integrate the parent-company's employees into your division. From an organizational behavior perspective, outline and explain your decision-making actions regarding the areas listed below: 

employee relationships and integration,

technological changes,

globalization, and

retention of employee talent.

Your essay must be at least two pages in length and be double-spaced. Include an introduction, and use at least one

300 W6 Peer Reviews

Respond to 2 students with one or more of the following  by 11:59 p.m., Sunday, CT:

  1. A link that brings in new information or helps the student youre responding to
  2. A substantial question (not, what do you think?)
  3. A  politely worded critique that shows either a flaw in your classmates logic, misunderstanding of the data, or a failure to fully answer the questions
  4. A politely worded reply to any of the above. 

Psych 4

Discussion Prompt 1

Milestones: Navigating Late Childhood to Adolescence

From the movie, Lila, Eight to Thirteen in this week's materials, identify 23 developmental milestones Lila reaches, and assess whether or not you think she successfully navigates her way through them as she prepares for adolescence. Support your assertions with evidence from your text and this week's materials. 

Discussion Prompt 2

What's the problem with today's kids?

Sarah and Marco are having a conversation about the issue of childhood obesity and the high rate of overweight children in in the United States.

"The food in our society is unhealthy," Sarah stated. "There are too many addictive chemicals that lead to American kids becoming overweight."

"Nah," Marco replied. "I think overweight kids should just eat less and exercise more. It's the parent's fault, if you ask me. The parents are buying and feedi