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Archive for the ‘Psychology’
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Explain how a mothers diagnosis with bipolar disorder could impact the family structure. How might this diagnosis impede the mothers ability to nurture her family efficiently? Describe another mental health issue that could impede the efficiency of a family members role.  

for anyone

 Why do you think school achievement of low-income students often fall below that of the middle- and upper-income students? 2 paragraph please


 In your response, propose ways to bridge the gap or engage your classmates in a discussion on the finer points of their proposals.

Emily post


Students from low-income families are in danger of being marginalized by instructors and peers, which affects their academic performance. Children from households with less resources, for example, may dress and speak differently or be less experienced with literature and after school clubs (Woolfolk, p. 226). The instructor may expect them to not be as skilled as their peers. These expectations then are institutionalized, with insufficient and restricted learning resources for these kids. Lowered standards and less quality education can lead students to have a negative view of self. This can make lo

Movements Reflected in Art Work

Embed the image that you chose into your initial discussion board post. Then, identify the movement associated with the art work. Using appropriate art terminology, discuss at least four characteristics of the work of art that are significant to the movement. Elaborate on each of the characteristics of the art work that you chose to discuss, fully explaining why they connect the work to the movement.

200 words. Cite your sources.


The Virgin of the Rocks

Leonardo Da Vinci



describe the time period, media (materials), methods, and subjects significant to that movement. Explain what religious, social, philosophical, or political factors may have led to the emergence of this movement and the major characteristics you described above.

must be at least 200 words.

Cite your sources

Problem Resolution

  Problem Resolution II 

  • Consider the following questions for the resolution you have selected:
    • Is the resolution realistic?
    • What are the consequences of the resolution, and who would be impacted?
    • What would be the challenges and barriers to implementing the resolution?

    • you are to focus on one potential resolution to your problem, for the application.  You are to go in-depth into what this resolution is and how it can be implemented--along with the potential drawbacks to the resolution.  Again, make sure that your ideas have a basis in the research literature.  You will need to support your resolution with citations.

Negotiation Exercise


Negotiation Exercise

This course has major project assignments due in Week 3 and Week 5. It will take more than a week's effort to adequately complete them. Plan time to start the research and work on those assignments earlier than the week in which they are due.

For this assignment, you need to assume the role of either the buyer or the seller of an automobile. You will need to ask a friend, a spouse, or an associate to play the other role. Make sure you provide the details of the scenario and the vehicle to the person playing the other role and give the person sufficient time to review and prepare for the negotiation. Basic details of the vehicle are below. Participants on both sides may create other details as necessary to make the situation as lifelike as possible. Participants should presume that the negotiation is taking place in their town or local area.

Discussion Question

 Conflict typically appears when a group is in transition. State several forms of conflict you can expect in the types of groups you will lead. Discuss what problem group members might present in the group setting. How will you attend to these problem group members? What are your own reactions to conflict? How will this influence your ability to help members recognize and work through conflicts? 

psychology discussion responses

1.  Psychology is defined as the scientific study of behavior. (the psychology majors handbook). Though I feel most TV shows and or movies have some form of a psychological based plot, because its so broad. However I want to focus on a TV show called "The Good Doctor". This is a series about a doctor who is on the Autism spectrum. Autism refers to a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication... Autism is a spectrum disorder each person with autism has a distinct set of strengths and challenges. (what is autism). this show was my top pick because, taking a look more into psychology as stated in the text topics of psychology study includes relationships, the brain and the chemicals that influence it, visual and auditory perception, human development, the causes of normative and atypical behavior, and much more. In the show they focus on the main character who has autism but is so sma

week 3 discussion Psy


As we study human development, our focus turns to change and stability. Do peoples personalities ever really change? Or are we destined to make similar choices throughout our lives?

  1. Read  by Alix Spiegel (2016). This article explores the question through the dramatic example of a man in prison for a heinous crime.
  2. Pick one positioneither stability or changeand provide a rationale for your choice. You can also learn more about personality on page 3.12 in Chapter 3 of our webtext.

To receive full credit, remember to write 2 posts in the discussion: one original and a response to another student. Your original post should be at least 7 sentences, and your reply should be at least 4 sentences.


Essay 1500 Words from Psychology Unit

It values 40% of my unit. So it must be done with much consideration. in the attached files you will have the task and also you have to follow how the essay has to be presented. Every detail for the essay in the attached files. Also, the marking criteria of the essay have been given please have a look.

plagiarism free work, please. reference should be in that format how it has asked.