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Integrative Literature Review


The primary goal of this literature review is to integrate concepts from four different content domains within the larger field of psychology. The four content domains should be chosen from previous coursework in this program. In this paper, students will review the findings in the individual empirical articles, organize the research in a meaningful way, evaluate the reliability, validity, and generalizability of the research findings, and present an integrated synthesis of the research that sheds new light on the topics within and across the four domains.

The result of a successful integrative literature review may be a significant contribution to a particular body of knowledge and, consequently, to research and practice. Therefore, before writing this literature review, substantive new research must be conducted via the Internet and within the Ashford University Library for each of the four chosen domains. A minimum of six sources must be included for each of th

The Pros and Cons of Addiction

 Addictions come in many forms and almost always involve a complex three-way interaction between the person, the object of the addiction (e.g., drugs, gambling, chocolate), and the societal context of the addiction. This complex interaction raises a controversial social question: Is addiction always a bad thing? Although there is often a significant amount of social stigma attached to addictions, and popular media often focuses on the treatment and prevention of addiction, there may also be associated positive qualities of addictive substances and behaviors. 

 Initial post will be written on a specific substance that has addictive potential (e.g., alcohol, cocaine, ibogaine, marijuana, ayahuasca, MDMA) of your choice. 


For this discussion, you must explain both the positive and negative potential of addiction to your chosen substance or behavior. Therefore, you must choose a substance or behavior that presents both positive and negative p



The goal of this assignment is to conduct a community mental health needs and resources assessment that also familiarizes you with the overall mental health needs in your community. Having assessed the most pressing local mental health needs, you will focus on one of the major identified issues involving a specific, marginalized population and evaluate what services are offered and by what organizations. 

Your paper must be 10-12 pages (not including title page, abstract, or reference page; however, these are required as well). You must use current APA style (write in third person) and integrate references to at least 10 recent and relevant sources. Ideally, include both June & Black and Scott & Wolfe in a meaningful way. You may use scholarly journal articles, but your most important sources will be (local and state) government reports, census data, hospital records research, news reports, information from CDC and DHHS, and professional organiz

Outline of Movements in Art

this week you will examine the five movements listed below.

In your paper, outline the following information for each of the five movements:

  • Include the name and time period of the movement.
  • Describe the movement, including unique key characteristics.
  • Identify two works of art that incorporate the significant characteristics of the time period. 
    • Include the following basic identifying information for each: artist name, title of work, year completed, medium (materials from which the artwork is made), size, and current location

  • Renaissance
  • Baroque
  • Romanticism
  • Impressionism
  • Modernism


  • Name of Movement (time period) 
    • Description of movement
    • Artwork significant to the movement 
      • Artist, title of work of art, year com

Art Journal Week 3

Contemplate the work of art, and discuss your interpretation of the art based on the characteristics of the corresponding movement in your art journal entry. Pay close attention to style, media (materials), methods, subjects, and any other details that make this work significant, using appropriate art terminology and taking care to correctly cite information that you use from the textbook or any other source. Be sure to include your personal reaction to the work of art and an image of the work. Include an image of the work of art you have chosen in your journal.  one full page

Cite your sources 


Traditional versus Strengths-Based Approach

Write a three-page, APA-formatted paper contrasting the differences between a traditional approach and a strengths-based approach to working with clients.As part of the paper, you will need to identify sources that support your main points. Please provide two outside references, in addition to any references from your readings, for these sources in a reference page in correct APA format at the end of the paper.

Assignment: Abstract and Cover Letter

Many grant applications require an abstract and a cover letter. The cover letter is your first opportunity to form a first impression with your potential funder and show that you understand their philanthropic mission (Grantspace.gov, n.d.). While the cover letter is ideally brief and succinct, it is not an executive summary. There are specific strategies used to write the cover letter. Using the template below, you will draft a cover letter. 

Another important document that is a part of the grant process is the abstract. This narrowly focused document provides the grant reviewer with a summary of your proposal contents. Abstracts are generally constrained to a specific word count. Please use the template below to draft your abstract. 

In preparation for this Assignment:

  • Review the Gitlin & Lyons textbook pp. 8283 for      information on abstracts. 
  • Review the cover letter template in the Module 5  &

Introduction to Cross-Cultural Psychology Paper

Choose one of the case studies provided in the electronic readings for Week One. **African culture v.s American culture***

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you analyze cross-cultural psychology. As a part of your analysis, do the following:

  • Provide an overview of the case study.
  • Use the case study to provide a definition and an example of cultural and cross-cultural psychology.
  • Analyze the relationship between cultural psychology and cross-cultural psychology.
  • Discuss the methodology associated with cross-cultural psychology research.
  • Discuss how the case study helps you better understand how ethnicity, race, and worldviews are separate yet related concepts.
  • Discuss how enculturation may play a role in the case study you have chosen.

Incorporate a minimum of three credible, peer-reviewed references.


Can this be done by 12pm tomorrow?

To Prepare

Consider the potential of influence you might have on a client. Think about the cautions that you must take as a Human and Social Services professionals when creating client goals.

By Day 3

Post your response to the following: Given your potential for influence, how can you as a professional maintain the balance between guiding the client toward appropriate goals and objectives for the situation, while ensuring that one is not deciding the goals FOR the client? How can this relationship be used or misused to facilitate social change?

Use sources from the literature to support your position.

BOOK: Summers, N. (2016). Fundamentals of case management practice: Skills for the human services (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. 

CHAPTER 25: Developing Goals and Objectives at the Provider Agency

Can this be done by tomorrow 12pm?

A clients social history can be a valuable tool when working with clients and setting goals. Completing a social history form or documenting it in another way, can serve as a broader view of where the client was when he or she came in and current issues. To create a social history document, it should be a collaborative process with the client, in order to make recommendations for actions to resolve the issue. For this Assignment, you will create a brief social history and in Week 9 a service plan on a colleague that was assigned to you last week. For this assignment you work in pairs using the scenario in the resources about a Syrian teen, George, from the interactive community.

To Prepare

Schedule a call or Skype session with your colleague. Then, use the outline in Chapter 16 of your Summers textbook. Take turns over the phone or Skype with your colleague playing the human and social services worker and the interviewee, George. Click on George in the Community Center