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Archive for the ‘Psychology’
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Week 4 Milestone: The Religious Approach    to Social Issues

As you have    read, all religious traditions share three basic characteristics from which    we may analyze the religion and compare it to other religions. For your    Final Project, you will focus on a single pillar of analysis from which you    will engage in a deeper study of a religious tradition. 

For this worksheet    activity, you will consider a contemporary social issue from the perspective    of your selected religious tradition within the context of your selected    pillar of analysis. Some suggested social issues for you to consider are    listed here. However, feel free to select a social issue that is of interest    to you even if it is not shown in the list. 




Local Organization is:  Counseling and Resource Center of Dearborn


As your required text suggests, research is not only for those in academia. It is often a crucial consideration in leadership positions throughout organizations.

In this discussion, consider the organization you currently work for, or desire to work for, and imagine you are a leader in this organization. Consider scenarios that could potentially arise where utilizing research could be beneficial. Examples might be excessive tardiness, reduced production, low morale, and significant loss of customer base. You may use any example with the exception of those listed above.

For your initial post,


  • Qualitative and Quantitative Research Design
    For this discussion, compare and contrast the characteristics of quantitative and qualitative research, addressing the philosophical assumptions of both. Based on your review of the assigned readings, identify and describe what you believe to be meaningful about the qualitative research design and methodology.
    • Define and describe the context in which qualitative research is applicable.
    • Discuss the reasons for choosing a qualitative methodology.

    • List some subjects in which qualitative analysis is the methodology of choice.
  • http://media.capella.edu/CourseMedia/HS8106/mixedmethodAnimation/HS8106_wrapper.asp

  • 400 words


  • Creswell, J. W., & Poth, C. N. (2018). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches (4th ed.). Thousand O

Week 2 Assignment I/O


Assignment Description:  In a document NO MORE THAN TWO PAGES LONG (not counting cover page and reference list), students must describe a real-world problem that addresses the weekly topic, and discuss a solution based on evidence.

Watch this video on Job Analysis:   https://goo.gl/h6L1oW

Read this article on Performance Reviews:  


(Note: This article is NOT a research article. You may cite it if you like, but it would not count as one of your required "research"

Intervention/Treatment Plan PTSD Veterans

Due Sunday January 12, 2020   by 6pm Central Time


Intervention/Treatment Plan Veterans Resilience Project

According to the Council on Social Work Education, Competency 4: Engage in Practice-informed Research and Research-informed Practice:

Social workers understand quantitative and qualitative research methods and their respective roles in advancing a science of social work and in evaluating their practice. Social workers know the principles of logic, scientific inquiry, and culturally informed and ethical approaches to building knowledge. Social workers understand that evidence that informs practice derives from multi-disciplinary sources and multiple ways of knowing. They also understand the processes for translating research findings into effective practice.

Critically evaluate evidence based and best practice treatment interventions.

Compose clinical intervention plans that are grounded

What Is Critical Thinking?

The Assignment (1-page):  The Reading  to use for both paragraphs is under the following paragraph. 

Write a short paragraph that would be considered an opinion. Write a second paragraph that would be considered a fact. Explain the differences between the two paragraphs. Explain how a reader would know if one statement is opinion and the other factual. Provide support in the research literature for the factual statement.    

                                       Study Notes What Is Critical Thinking? 



Case Study

For this assignment, you will examine a particular case within a  special population, and then develop a broad understanding of the role  of the forensic psychologist in a correctional setting.

First, you must choose a unique case study or special population as a whole. Some examples are listed below:

  • Selecting a case from the headlines such as a recent high profile  criminal case that has a clear intersection with mental health.

  • Making up a case example based on your interests, prior case examples you have read, or a mixture of all of the above.

  • Selecting a population as a whole that we may or may not have touched on in class including, but not limited to:

    • sex offenders
    • violent offenders
    • military offenders
    • women offenders
    • juvenile offenders
    • offenders with substance use issues
    • offenders with life

Assignment: Change Management Plan


Organizational acquisitions are often arranged and negotiated by advisors who focus solely on financial aspects of the union. Advisors work hard to ensure that the price being paid for the acquired company is consistent with its worth. Typically, advisors pay very little attention to whether the two companies are actually compatible, which is why many acquisitions ultimately fail. For this Assignment, you will develop a Change Management Plan to successfully manage Hamilton Snacks acquisition of Arlos Granola, two companies that are successful in their own right but are also different in many ways.

To Prepare:

  • Review the Change Management Case Study (attached), located in this weeks Learning Resources.
  • Review this weeks Learning Resources on leadership and change management. Consider how you would apply change management models to manage the acquisition described in the case study. In addition, think about how a positiv

Aggression Power Point

The general aggression model is the most widely accepted model of aggression. In order to understand the general aggression model, it is very important to understand the components of the model; the factors (e.g., person, situation, social encounters) that serve as component parts of the whole model.

For this task, you will reflect on what you have learned about the various social psychological theories of aggression this week.

Select three components of the General Aggression Model (e.g., components part of person factors, situation factors, or social encounters), then create a PowerPoint presentation where your goal is to teach how each explains aggression.

1. Use the three components to prepare slides that discuss what you believe best explains why people become aggressive.

2. Prepare slides that discuss at least three assumptions that these components would make about the definition of aggression. Present an argument about whether you find that these

Need Help. No Plagiarism.


In an essay (500-750 words), citing two to four scholarly sources, answer the following prompts:

  1. Explain why family systems analysis is important in the mental health field.
  2. To assist various family systems, explain why it is essential for mental health workers to identify the various populations in the mental health field.
  3. Explain why it is important for mental health workers to know the needs of contemporary families.