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Archive for the ‘Psychology’
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Discussion – Multiple Raters


There are many instances in which multiple raters use a single psychometric measure to evaluate one individual, such as in job performance appraisals. You may have heard of 360-reviews, which allow multiple people who work with an employee (typically peers, subordinates, and supervisors) to provide feedback on performance. It is hoped that with multiple sources of input, a more fair and complete version of an employees performance can be gained.

There are considerations that need to be addressed, however, when implementing a multiple-rater assessment. A strategy must be devised to combine the multiple evaluations. The scores may be averaged, evaluated using a rating scale, or one rater or one pair of raters may be selected as the best and those scores used. It is also necessary to examine the reliability of an assessment. Intra-class correlation and kappa are two statistics often used to measure inter-rater reliability. These tools tell you the degree to whic

For Nicho

  1. Provide a real-life example of informational social influences impacting a person's decision or behavior.  Provide a real-life example of normative social influences impacting a person's decision or behavior.  Can the influence of conformity, compliance, or obedience be decreased?   How would this impact the situations you identified?
  2. In what ways can social influence have a positive impact on behavior? In what ways can social influence have a negative impact on behavior? Provide examples to support your response.

for research paper set up 

Refer to "Research Proposals" and follow the instructions for completing this assignment.
While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

PSY-5110 Week 8 – Assignment: Signature Assignment



For your Signature Assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation suitable to use for a lecture in an introductory statistics class. You should include the following in your presentation:

  • A description of why a knowledge of statistics is important in careers in psychology as well as in everyday life.
  • A description of the difference between descriptive and inferential statistics.
  • A description of the inferential tests discussed during this class. You should discuss the types of data that are appropriate for each test (i.e., nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio). You should create a specific research example that would yield data appropriate for each of the tests that you mention. You should describe each of the variables involved in your research question and how that variable will be measured.
  • A discussion of any ethical concerns that need to be considered for each of the resear

PSY6802 Week 8 Signature Assignment: Customize A Solution For An Educational Issue


Begin this assignment by interviewing (by phone, email, or in person) a current K-12 teacher to obtain their thoughts on a specific education situation of interest to you that is adversely affecting students and/or teachers. Be sure to address assessment in your conversation. After your conversation, conduct outside research to demonstrate how pervasive the situation is by citing reports, articles, or case studies that identify the existence of this problem. 

Prepare a written report of the situation or issue to detail how it is affecting students learning experiences. Touch on diversity issues as well to indicate how various students are affected. Recommend strategies for teachers to assess and address these issues in the classroom to create meaningful learning experiences for all. Provide examples of your intended strategies to support your findings. 

Interview information is to be included with your research and

Mixed Methods And Single-Subject Research Design


In Week 5, you selected a case study for your Final Project research investigation. In Part 1 of the Final Project Worksheet, you identified the client, mental health disorder, and counseling intervention that will be the focus of your research. This week, you will complete Part 2 of the Final Project Worksheet. The goal of this Assignment is to conduct a review of the professional counseling literature and identify current, peer-reviewed articles to support your Final Project.

To Prepare

  • Review the media program, Final Project Worksheet Part 2, and consider your next steps for your Part 2 Final Project assignment.
  • Review the Final Project Worksheet you used for your Part 1 Assignment, and use Part 2 of this worksheet to complete this Final Project assignment.
  • Incorporate any feedback you received on Part 1

Fundamentals Of Psychology: Understanding The Approaches To Psychology



Based upon this weeks readings, identify and discuss the various types of specialties in the field of psychology. Then identify at least 2 types of work settings where such individuals are employed. Lastly, discuss how they benefit the working environment in these particular settings.

Your discussion post should be at least 300 words and include minimally (2) citations. One citation will include the assigned readings. The second citation will need to be from a peer-reviewed academic source. Websites will not count as a second source.

Fundamentals Of Psychology:The Science Behind Psychology



We often hear the phrase The Science behind Psychology. For those individuals whom you meet who are new to the field of Psychology, detail how science is integrated in Psychology.

Your discussion post should be at least 300 words and include minimally (2) citations. One citation will include the assigned readings. The second citation will need to be from a peer-reviewed academic source. Websites will not count as a second source.



The intent of social psychology research has been and still is to explain how circumstances are more a power determinant of individual behavior than our own intuitions lead us to believe. Research on obedience and compliance is focused less on explaining why obedience can be a good thingwhich it canand more on explaining why people obey/comply with demands when they would likely prefer not to or when the demands compel them to do bad things (e.g., the classic Milgram and Stanford Prison studies).

Many are familiar with the experience of being tasked by someone in authority (e.g., a teacher, work supervisor, athletic coach) to do something of questionable value and which may be counterproductive. The demand itself appears to be arbitrary and may serve only to establish the authority of the person making it.

For this Discussion, you will share social conformity situations that you have experienced and apply social psychology theory to explain your a

Research Design

Analyze: Different Research Designs

Evaluation Title: Research Design

For this first assignment, you will analyze different types of research. To begin, please read and view the following materials:

  • Rice University. (2017). . in, Psychology. OpenStax. [Electronic version]
  • University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing. (2010). . In Introduction to Psychology. [Electronic version]

Select one research design from column A and column B.

Column A = Experimental Design or Correlational Design. Column B = Case Study, Naturlistic Observation, Survey, or Longitudinal/Cross-Sectional Design

  1. Describe the design.
  2. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the design.
  3. Give an example of a study completed using this design.

This informat


This assignment must be typed, double-spaced, in APA style, and must be written at graduate level English.

A minimum of 10, current, evidence-based references, must be used and cited according to APA format. 

Please choose either I or II for the final paper.

I. A behavioral problem: The behavioral problem paper should include: its official definition (DSM-5), its signs and symptoms, developmental/physiological/psychological/sociological factors underlying its causation, and treatment approaches, both traditional and, if available, alternative.

II. An educational problem: The educational problem paper would address an issue related to problems in visual or auditory analysis/comprehension or a problem in speech or