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Archive for the ‘Psychology’
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Due Week 3

This assignment must be typed, double-spaced, in APA style and must be written at graduate level English. The content, conciseness and clarity of your answers will be considered in the evaluation of your work.

You must integrate the material presented in the text and cite your work according to APA format.

Your response to each question should 1 page per question.

Total assignment should be 4 pages plus a title and reference page.

1.  What are the basic structures/functions of a neuron?  How do neurons communicate?

2.  What are the major structures of the brain?  What is the function of each major structure?

3. Discuss the major techniques of brain research. Be sure to include any pros and cons associated with each.

4. Discuss the major brain structures invol

The Impact Of Forensic Psychology Professionals And Diversity Training On Police Organizations

The assignment (12 pages):

  • Evaluate the impact of diversity training by forensic psychology professionalss pecifically, respond to the difference it can make and evaluate its value.
  • Analyze how the provision of diversity training impacts the police department as a whole. Be specific and provide examples.
  • Support your responses with references to the Learning Resources and the research literature.

Learning Resources


  • Course Text: Psychology and Policing
    • Chapter 3, "Recruitment, Selection and Training"

  • Book Excerpt: Rostow, C. D., & Davis, R. D. (2004). Defining the fitness-for-duty evaluation. In C. D. Rostow & R. D. Dav

Forensic Psychology Professionals And Police Administration

a brief description of two roles that a forensic psychology professional may have when working with police administrators. Then, analyze the impact of each role on police administration, and each level of the police organization. Support your analysis with references to the Learning Resources.

Learning Resources


  • Course Text: Psychology and Policing
    • Chapter 3, "Recruitment, Selection and Training"

  • Book Excerpt: Rostow, C. D., & Davis, R. D. (2004). Defining the fitness-for-duty evaluation. In C. D. Rostow & R. D. Davis (Eds.), Handbook for psychological fitness-for-duty evaluations in law enforcement (pp. 6571). Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press.

  • Article: Coderoni, G. R. (2002). The relationship between multicultural training for police and effective law enforcement. FBI Law Enforcemen

Stress Management Workshop Presentation

For this assignment, review this weeks Learning Resources. Then search the Internet to educate yourself on the concepts behind developing a professional Microsoft PowerPoint presentation. Also, refer to the Walden Writing Center with regard to APA formatting for PowerPoint presentations (). Finally, review a variety of online stress management presentations to determine what types of activities you would like to include and the best way to present those activities to your chosen population.   

The Assignment (1625 slides)

  • Create a PowerPoint presentation of the stress management techniques you developed in Week 5 for the population you selected in Week 3. In 1625 slides, your PowerPoint presentation should:
    • Describe the relationship between stress and health
    • Explain the influence stress might have on the health of your chosen population
    • Describe the stress management techniques you select


( 4)  

Suppose you are the judge responsible for sentencing Jason Miller, a 20 year-old man convicted of robbing a convenience store. At trial, the prosecution showed that Jason was the getaway driver for his older brother and another man (both of whom had lengthy criminal histories). Jason was not armed and did not have any interaction with anyone inside the store. The other two men brandished firearms and struck the clerk, causing severe head trauma. Jasons attorney presented evidence at his sentencing hearing that Jason had only been arrested once before for stealing a cell phone from another student in high school; Jason had successfully completed diversion for that offense. His attorney also presented evidence that Jason had maintained a job for two years after high school graduation as a construction worker. In your jurisdiction, you have the option of sentencing Jason to prison (for 1-25 years) or to probation (for up to five years). How would you determine an

Psychology Questions


1. What do you find interesting and instructive about the supervision of your site? Describe some of the experiences you have had with the supervision (do not use any names of people from the site).

2. In what ways have you interacted with other counselors on staff at your site (do not use any names of people from the site)? Explain. Name at least two clinical strategies you have learned from your peers/supervisor. How have they helped you in your practice?

3. Many times, the types and acuity of disorders often impact the counselors level of exhaustion. How might the client population you see affect your stress level? Explain.

Each questions must be answer with 150-200 words each and have a cite in each of the answer


  Summarize what you learned from these two items in a 2-3 page paper, APA format for full credit please. 

Read the material from ASCA (highlighted below) and watch the Webinar  (highlighted below) to summarize why it is important to know how a counselor should be spending their time.

Include: 1-the importance of centering, 2-doing your best and letting go, 3-and concrete strategies for addressing the stress of professional school counseling. 


Use the information below to help you formulate your response. 

This document most specifically will help: . This one is a search of ASCA: 

This article may help with this too: 


Psychology Assignment Due Today

Sorry for the short notice, but I have a 2-3 page psychology assignment due today. Pretty simple instructions. If you can not have it done by the end of the day, please do not place a bid. Thanks!


Read the article. 

Research has shown that early attachment experiences can have far reaching effects on development. The work of Bowlby and Ainsworth have illustrated the importance of early bonding with caregivers to the healthy development of the child.

In this paper,

  • Describe the four types of attachment identified by Bowlby.
  • Describe the four types of attachment identified by Ainsworth.
  • Describe how attachment experiences affect the psychosocial development of children and adolescents.

The Early Attachment and Development paper

  • Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA s

Efective Performance In A Diverse Marketplace


Effective Performance in a Diverse Marketplace

Leaders who participate in international business engagements learn about their strengths and weaknesses and develop critical leadership skills that allow them to understand and appreciate other cultures. Within international business settings, leaders learn from others by sharing ideas and different perspectives necessary to innovatively solve problems and competitively conduct business in the global arena. Understanding diversity enhances a leader's conflict resolution, listening, interpersonal, decision-making, and problem-solving skills. Globalization has allowed organizations to capitalize on their diverse workforces to seek alternate ways to remain competitive. Organizations that embrace diversity may gain competitive advantages over organizations that do not.

For this week's assignment, consider how understanding diversity in global settings leads to effect

Discussion Question


Managing Diversity in Work Cultures

In order to compete successfully in world markets, international leaders must be able to understand and manage diversity.  That is, they must obtain better knowledge of historical, cultural, and religious forces that motivate and drive people in foreign cultures.  In Japan, for example, business relations typically operate within the context of Wa, which means group harmony and social cohesion.  In China, business is measured via guanxi, or personal relations.  In South Korea, the inhwa concept is employed, which is based on the principles of hierarchical relationships (Alston, 1989).  These diverse cultures require international leaders to have a solid grasp of the measures by which business dealings are fostered.  Please review and provide