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Unit 9 Discussion


It  is essential to be aware of potential ethical problems that may arise  in practice. Without such awareness, a human service professional can  stumble inadvertently into a problematic situation from which it can be  difficult to extricate yourself. Your discussion will focus on  developing and enhancing your awareness in this area.

Create  a scenario where a human service professional, who works in a small  community, is experiencing an ethical dilemma and then please respond to  the following:

  • Describe your scenario and identify each of the problematic decisions made by the practitioner involved.
  • Use  one of the decision-making models (e.g., Multiperspectival Model  Decision-Making Model Process) in Letourneaus (2016) article to resolve  the dilemma.
  • Create a plan of action for how to manage the situation from this point on.
  • Research  similar disciplinar

Kim Woods W3


  This paper is a detailed and specific forum for you to consider the ethical, legal, applied, and philosophical issues relevant to counseling. 

 Though these papers are your opinion they must be informed opinion.  

Thus, you must reference and discuss specific ethical code(s), cases, articles, etc 

 Each paper must be at least 5 pages long (maximum of 8 pages per paper). 

 What you state in these papers reflect your opinion.

  You are graded on how you interpret and think about the ethics of counseling as per the specific topic of the week.


Why would HIPAA never work well in a school Counseling setting compare to a therapeutic private practice?


 3 methodologies 


Grounded Theory 

 Generic Qualitative Inquiry 

The assignment should be formatted as follows:

  • Section 1: Describe the process of data analysis for the first qualitative methodology that was selected (12 paragraphs).
  • Section 2: Describe the process of data analysis for the second qualitative methodology that was selected (12 paragraphs).
  • Section 3: Describe the process of data analysis for the third qualitative methodology that was selected (12 paragraphs).
  • Section 4: APA formatted reference page. (The content of your  assignment should be supported with appropriate academic sources and  include both citations and references in APA format.)

Discussion 2: Considerations In Designing A Qualitative Study


Using what you have learned about your topic from your literature search, you are working towards formulating a research purpose and question. Note that in the Learning Resources for this week, the language of qualitative research is incorporated into how the research purpose and question is formulated. Here are some basic dos and donts.


Quantitative (Donts)

Qualitative (Dos)



Examine differences, effects, or impact
















Broad,   open-ended questions

Discussion 1: Conceptualizing A Qualitative Research Question


Good research is driven by the synthesis of ones passion or interest with a topic that has been under-studied in the professional literature. Out of that synthesis emerges a gapan area in need of further study that is consistent with your intereststhat defines the research problem. Clarifying the research problem takes time, effort, and thought. 

Once you have developed your research problem, the research purpose and research question become self-evident.

What also becomes evident is your position with respect to the topic, the question, and what you hope to find. Qualitative research recognizes that the research space is shaped by both the participants and the researcher.

the identities of both researcher and participants have the potential to impact the research process. Identities come into play via our perceptions, not only of others, but of the ways in which we expect others will perceive us. Our own biases shape

Week 7


This assignment provides you with an opportunity to analyze a real-world,    peer-reviewed psychology journal article. You should find an article containing    research that examines motivation, emotion, and social psychology. 

Begin by visiting the CSU Online Library to locate and choose a journal    article in which motivation and emotion are viewed under the lens of social    psychology. The article must be peer-reviewed and should be no older than 7    years.


Once you have chosen your article, you will write an article critique that    addresses the following elements.

  • Explain the research methodology that was used in the study.
  • Discuss social factors that influence people or groups to conform to the         actions of others.
  • Indicate

Discussion Question 2


International Negotiation as Global Leadership Skill

Analyzing international negotiation can provide important insights for being effective global leaders. Multi-cultural negotiating skills are increasingly necessary to effectively manage multinational network organizations. Multi-cultural skills are increasingly necessary for effectively leading domestic organizations as well.

For the first paragraph of your posting, discuss how international negotiation might help international leaders acquire the knowledge and skill necessary in todays global business environment.

For the second paragraph of your posting, select any one of the following bullet points and address all elements of your chosen bullet point. Select a different bullet point section than what your classmates have

Project: Cultural Differences


Project: Cultural Differences

This course has major project assignments that will be due in weeks 3 and 5. It will take more than a weeks effort to adequately complete them. Plan time to start the research and other work for those assignments earlier than the week in which they are due.   

The course project is based on a case study: System Modification for Japan. Click to download the case study. You will be submitting a portion of the course project in weeks 1, 3, and 5 during the course. As noted above, the week 3 and 5 submissions are considered major projects.

This week, read the Background section of the case study. Also review the first two discussion questions at the end of the case study document. Do not skip ahead to future sections of the

Cognitive Perspective/Nature Vs. Nurture

Briefly describe the Cognitive perspective and why it interests you the most. Then, explain how nature and nurture each contribute to behavior according to the psychological perspective you chose. Finally, evaluate how the interplay between biology and environment can impact behavior.

use the following link for the nature vs. nuture:


This may possibly be 2 pages long in all. 

The Self In The Social World

This assignment allows you to explore the effects of social influences on personal development.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you examine the concept of the self. Address the following:

  • Identify who was in the radius of significant others that shaped your development through your toddler, child, and adolescent years.
  • Identify verbal messages you recall that suggested situational or dispositional attributions about you.
  • Describe how you developed your current attitudes toward authority, competitors, subordinates, the opposite sex, or another generation.
  • Explore the effects your social world has had on your developing professional identity.

Cite at least 2 scholarly references.