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Archive for the ‘Reading’
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2 Page Paper

Signature Strengths Paper. APA formatted paper, 2-3 pages, answering these questions: Were you aware of your strengths prior to the assessment? State examples of how you have used your strengths in school, on the job, and with relationships.  Do you feel Strengths Finder provided an accurate assessment of your strengths? 

no I wasnt aware of my strengths my 5 strength are 






Come Up With TWO Questions With Explanations.

 Come up with TWO questions with explanations. 

1-2 pages, double-spaced, Time New Roman 12

You are expected to come up with two questions that you think are most relevant to understanding assigned reading in relation to the issue of sacrifice and demonstrate that you have read the readings.

For each question, you are also required to provide an explanation.

Please read. The attached file is the assigned reading. 



The Chi-squared test has been used earlier to test a hypothesis about a population variance. It is also a hypothesis testing procedure for when one or more variables in the research are categorical (nominal). During this week, we are covering the following two such Chi-squared tests:  Chi-squared Goodness of Fit Test Chi-squared Test for Independency 1.Describe an example of a research question where a Chi-squared test has been used. Mention the two hypotheses of the problem and display a numerical demonstration of your example. In particular, interpret the test P value in the context of your research example. 2.Describe why the Chi-squared tests of the types mentioned above are always right-tailed hypothesis testing problems.

Fine Arts Paper ( Only Choose 1 Option)

 Please choose either OPTION 1 or OPTION 2 of the following writing assignments:

Writing Assignment OPTION 1:

Choose TWO visual artists that were BORN after January 1, 1900, from your book and answer the six questions below for each artist.



  • INELIGIBLE artists include Filmmakers (including animators), performance artists, actors, graphic designers, craft artists, and architects. Artist works should be in visual media such as painting, sculpture, mixed media, installation, drawing
  • Ineligible websites: Wikipedia.org, artsy.net, artcyclopedia.com... (or any other "general" art site or any site that is a "sale site").
  • Artists that work as a team count as a single artist.
  • For each artist: Num

Religion Journal


Journal Instructions:

For each of the eight journal entries, write an essay/discussion of at least 250 words (the best entries are usually longer) based on your interpretation of a religion studied. This journal post is not a discussion of the whole religion in general; it is an opportunity to follow your interest or concern on any SPECIFIC subject that pertains to a particular religion. You have freedom to choose your topic, as long as you do it thoughtfully, using precise details, terms, examples from the text. Remember that, in religious studies, "God is in the details." Do not just generalize but show that you read the specific details of the lesson chapter.

If you are at a loss for a topic, here is a suggested format for your journal entry: In three separate paragraphs, discuss (1) what you find most essential to define that religion; (2) what you find most intriguing about that r

Religion CCIS 12

 Have you ever felt as though others were responding to you on the basis of a stereotype? Have you ever experienced or witnessed the stereotyping of Jews (or members of other religions)? How serious is the problem? Please explain your answers. 

Reflective Seminar I

Pick a movie below and answer the following questions. In your initial post, answer the following questions about the characters in the film you chose. (A brief paragraph per question.) See Rubric attached

1.  Describe the specific assumptions or beliefs the characters have in the beginning of the film. Why do they hold these assumptions/beliefs?

2.  What do they learn about other people or about the world that challenges their long held beliefs? Describe an incident (or series of incidents) that causes a revelation to the character(s).

3.  How do the goals or desires of the characters change by the end of the film?

4.  In your view, describe the learning/reflective concept from the course readings that best represents the development of a major character.

5.  In the film, with which character did you most identify (in terms of how his/her attitude or assumptions changed)?


AAC Devices

Develop 3 study Multiple Choice questions for each YouTube video (for Primary Progressive Aphasia and 3 study questions for Severe Motor Impairment.

*** View these Videos on AAC Primary Progressive Aphasia at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUAOqKuPIyU and  


Severe Motor Impairment at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UqesCXO1PA. 

Summary The Article And Answer The Questions

Soccer manufacturing, reading by Peter Lund-Thomsen Focus on the Global value chain, what was it saying, what is it, where is it coming from?

Why is South Africa become more marginalized? Or is it true? How do we tell the marginalization?


Write a reaction paper that synthesizes what you have read from the reading assignments. In the paper address all of the following questions:

  • What is the significance of the Neolithic Revolution?
  • Why did bands of people make the transition from hunter/gathers/wanderer to settled life?
  • What were some of the advantages and disadvantages of both lifestyles?
  • Compare and contrast the transformation in different regions of the world.
  • In what ways did the transformation influence social structure?
  • What are modern day consequences of this transformation?

Additional requirements for the paper:

  • DO NOT JUST ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. The questions are there to give you direction when writing your essay.
  • Please keep the word count (including title, paper, and bibliography) to a maximum of 800 words.
  • Remember to include references