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Archive for the ‘answer questions’
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Deontological Ethis

Read pages 150-151, Deontological Ethics, 1. Introduction.  And based on that reading, answer:
DO you think Al is an honest person?  Why?
What are deontological theories of ethics?
Answer Question 2 on page 151.

Read pages 152-154.  Answer:
Question # 1 and #4 on page 154 
Watch video on YouTube:
Beginner's Guide to Kant's Moral Philosophy
duration 8:19 minutes (copy and paste the title)
                      In 10 sentences describe the content of that video. Number your sentences.

Read pages 155-156. Based on the reading from these pages, answer:
Please go to lecture #1, Unit 1 and copy the definition of Foundational value. Then, define and explain the Good Will. 
What makes a difference in choices made by Larry, Cur

ethical theories

Read in Chapter 6 pages 112-113.  Based on that chapter, answer the following questions:
What is Hedonism?(see also page 16 and 17)
How the statement:  pleasure and happiness are not the same is explained.  Based on the reading on page 113, what is the difference between pleasure and happiness?
Find on the internet 3 different definitions of Happiness.  Copy them and comment briefly on them.

Read page 114 115. 
List higher and lower-quality pleasures according to J.S. Mill.
Answer question # 1 on page 116.
Explain Mills observation: It is better to be human dissatisfied that a pig satisfied.

On page 121 read a passage * Promises, justice and rights, then answer question 5 on page 123.
Answer question 7 on page 123.
Read Case 5 page 132:
a) Write a summary of Case 5 (what it is about and what is main point)
b)  Answer question # 5 on page 133. (Before you answer this question, write the definition of Act Ut

ethical theories

Read in Chapter 6 pages 112-113.  Based on that chapter, answer the following questions:
What is Hedonism?(see also page 16 and 17)
How the statement:  pleasure and happiness are not the same is explained.  Based on the reading on page 113, what is the difference between pleasure and happiness?
Find on the internet 3 different definitions of Happiness.  Copy them and comment briefly on them.

Read page 114 115. 
List higher and lower-quality pleasures according to J.S. Mill.
Answer question # 1 on page 116.
Explain Mills observation: It is better to be human dissatisfied that a pig satisfied.

On page 121 read a passage * Promises, justice and rights, then answer question 5 on page 123.
Answer question 7 on page 123.
Read Case 5 page 132:
a) Write a summary of Case 5 (what it is about and what is main point)
b)  Answer question # 5 on page 133. (Before you answer this question, write the definition of Act Ut

Moral psychology and egoism

Read Chapter 5 Moral Psychology and Egoism pages 87-106.  Answer the following questions:
    Milgrams experiment (pages 87-88).  What was Milgrams experiment? What was tested in this experiment?  How was it done?
On page 103 there is a link to a video about this experiment.  Please watch it.  To make it easier: go to Pages on Canvas. The first part of video for question 2 Obeying or Resisting Authority is showing how this experiment was conducted.

    Watch the video posted in PAGES:
Obeying or Resisting Authority: A Psychological Retrospective

    Describe the Stanford Prison Experiment.

    What these two experiments from video in question 2 show us about peoples moral behavior?  Write min 1 paragraph.


Plato, The Republic, trans. Desmond Lee: 130-156, 240-248
Armstrong. 372-387

Once again, please base your answers on the actual reading assignment and do
not draw on summaries such as Spark Notes, Cliff Notes, Wikipedia, or similar

Please answer the five questions below. For each answer you should write a
paragraph of 4-8 sentences. (You can write more if you wish.)

1 How is the quality of self-discipline different from wisdom and courage in a

2 What is justice in the city-state, according to Socrates (speaking for
Plato)? Do you agree with his concept of justice? Why or why not?

3 What is justice in the individual? Do you agree with Plato?s idea of what a
just person is? Why or why not? What are some things a just person would not
do? Why not?

4 Do you believe that there is an exact parallel between a just person and a
just state or society? Why or why not?<


--Plato, Apology (in Plato: Five Dialogues, 2nd ed., trans. G. M. A. Grube,
revised by John M. Cooper, 21-44)
--Armstrong, 223-225 (on early Greek philosophy); 295-302 (on the Sophists);
305-312 (on Socrates)Karen Armstrong, The Great Transformation: The Beginning of Our Religious Traditions. New
York: Anchor Books, 2007. (ISBN 978-0-385-72124-0)

In the questions below, I give the page numbers that you should focus on to
answer each question in the book, Plato: Five Dialogues. That little paperback
was required for the course, but if for some reason you do not have it, you can
also find The Apology on line. A classic translation by Benjamin Jowett is
available at the Internet Classics Archive. If you use that or any other
translation, you will need to locate the relevant pages for each question on
your own. That should not be too hard if you read the dialogue carefully.

One caution: please base your answers on t


Reading Assignment:
--The Bible: Amos, Chapters 2-9; and Isaiah, Chapters 1, 2 and 11
--Armstrong, pp. 101-119

In reading Amos and Isaiah, ask yourselves:
Exactly what are the sins and who are the sinners they denounce (or that God
denounces through them)?
What is the punishment God will wreak upon them if they do not reform?
What must the Hebrews do to avoid such punishment?
What is the long-term goal of history, the glorious hope that God holds out
even if He has to punish the Hebrews in the short term?
What is the purpose of the punishment?

Writing Assignment: Eight Questions
The Book of Amos
1) Chapter 2, verses 4-9: What are some of the crimes or transgressions of the
kingdoms of Judah and Israel that God denounces here (through Amos?s
2) Chapter 5, verses 7-12: What crimes are being denounced here? Who is
committing them?
3) Chapter 5, verses 14-15: What is God commanding the Hebrews to do if they
want t