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Archive for the ‘any’
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Any topic

To avoid another controversial election like the one in  2000 and 2016, should the United States do away with the Electoral College? Would providing a more direct influence for citizens to improve the process of presidential elections? Or does the system work fine? Explain.

If you want to do away with the Electoral College, what system do you want in its place? What effect do you think that system have on our elections - how would the results be different? What would the effects be for small versus big states? Explain why. If you do not want to do away with it, explain why you think it is still the best system.

To receive full credit, your answer to the question must be meaningful and at least 200 words and you must post two meaningful responses to your fellow students' posts.. Be sure to answer all the questions fully and back up your answers with the material in the book and articles you may have read.  Feel free to post more than once and re

econmic questions

You will type answers to questions in Word as much as possible. If an answer requires graphs or
equations you will handwrite those two parts of an answer. Be careful to graph things clearly and in
detail. Handwritten equations should be clearly and carefully written
A. Using the IS-MP-FE and AD-A-LRAS model, GRAPH an economy operating at a point
where output is at its full employment level (Y=YFE), the real rate of interest is at its natural rate
(r=rN) and is at the desired rate of inflation (Hint: This is a point of GE, general equilibrium)
B. Starting from a position of GE, suppose the economy is hit by excessive optimism. In other
words, people expect higher future income and firms expect higher future marginal product of
capital. However, the central bank recognizes that there was no change in the level of full
employment output or in their target for inflation. What would the central bank do to keep
these variables operating at these desired l

econmic questions

You will type answers to questions in Word as much as possible. If an answer requires graphs or
equations you will handwrite those two parts of an answer. Be careful to graph things clearly and in
detail. Handwritten equations should be clearly and carefully written
A. Using the IS-MP-FE and AD-A-LRAS model, GRAPH an economy operating at a point
where output is at its full employment level (Y=YFE), the real rate of interest is at its natural rate
(r=rN) and is at the desired rate of inflation (Hint: This is a point of GE, general equilibrium)
B. Starting from a position of GE, suppose the economy is hit by excessive optimism. In other
words, people expect higher future income and firms expect higher future marginal product of
capital. However, the central bank recognizes that there was no change in the level of full
employment output or in their target for inflation. What would the central bank do to keep
these variables operating at these desired l

computer science

Create a Forms project that mimics a point of sale terminal with a cart and checkout. The project must be unique and have a usable functionality (showing a picture of your cat does not provide a usable functionality).
Please detail any features in your submission email that would not be obvious to a normal user.
Graphical Design (look and feel) 10 pts.
Database Use 10 pts.
Checkout Function 10pts.
Items stored in database (and quantity removed when sold) 10pts.
Ability to add items 10pts.
Sales stored in database 10pts.
Auto ID for sales and items 10pts.
Submitted on time and Correctly. 30 pts

computer science

Color Fun Project
For this project please create a forms based  application that allows the user to use track bars to change the color value in a picture box. The app should include 4 trackl bars that represent Red, Green, Blue and Alpha. Each track bar should have a corresponding label that tells the function of the track bar and also a label that tells the scroll bars current location value. A picture box should be used to represent the color associated with the track bar locations.

Labels 10 points
Working Sliders Red,Green,Blue, Alpha 40 points (10 points each )
Color changing view 20 points
Video demonstration 10 points (show each color at max)
On Time 20 points

For this project I do not need the actual code. Please email me a link to a video of your working application. You can use capture space lite to record or store the video of your running application.
