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Company Analysis and Proposal for change

Company : GE
1.    You need to do research on your chosen company its mission and strategy, how it operates, its history and how it has changed over time, and its experience with change. (No more than 1 page)
o    Describe the organizations vision, mission and strategy.
o    Who are its major competitors?
o    What were the big changes in the organization over its history?
o    What are the biggest challenges it is dealing with now?
o    Who are the key players outside the organization, e.g. suppliers, partners, customers, regulators, etc. who are relevant to the organizations biggest challenge?
o    What has been the experience of the organization with change? Have they been quick to react and successful, or were they slower than their competition?  Did they miss any opportunities?  Do research on your organization and cite the sources that you use.<


You will find a job for which you are qualified (and you will submit the job posting as part of your assignment). This job can be local or not; it can even be a change of job posted from within your current organization. The key is to find a job that you are qualified to perform but need to apply for.

Once you have identified the potential job (and captured the posting), you will create a resume using the guidelines found in Chapter 15. Think about which elements are most critical for job you are trying to get.

In addition, you will write a cover letter to accompany your resume. Be careful to develop the letter appropriately, addressing the appropriate person (which may require a little investigation on your part), including the best information to sell yourself, and of course, writing it well. As you create both your resume and your cover letter, think about the look of the document, as well.


1) Job posting for an appropriate job. (included wi

leader paper

Your individual term project consists of an analysis of a written, published biography of a leader. The leaders biography should be someone you are interested in and/or someone you want to learn more about. You may select the leader from the realm of business, but you can select the leader from any field (politics, sports, history, entertainment, etc.) any industry, any time period. The book you choose can be either an autobiography written by the person on his/her life, or it may be a biography written by someone else. You have the first week of the term to select and get my approval for your chosen leader. Submit, in hard copy) the name of the subject and the book you selected during the second class session.

You will write a 12-15 page (double-spaced) paper outlining your chosen leader. This is NOT  a book report of this leader but an assessment of the key factors and characteristics that defined this person as a leader, e.g., what path did this person follow, what is h

Analyze an entrepreneurial case

Analyze an entrepreneurial case and write a report to entrepreneur with SWOT analysis as well as BMC analysis.
*Analysis Report by Word (Cover + Report 5p + Reference).
A format and a font in paper are such as A4, Times New Roman/Century
(or relevant) at 10 points, a single space, by MS-Word, etc.

- The analytical report is composed of (1) Problem Identification, (2)
Analysis and Evaluation, and (3) Recommendation within 5 pages + a cover page as well as a
reference in A4 as the same format as this syllabus.